Results for: Beege Welborn

Big tech lays off workers who need coffee bars and yoga rooms, hires H1 visa types…need-coffee-bars-and-yoga-rooms-hires-h1-visa-types-n551266
– Another sort of talking out-of-one-side-of-the-mouth while doing something entirely different example today. We’ve been keeping abreast of the lay-offs in the tech sector here as part of our watching the Biden economy teeter and totter precipitously, and there has been quite an adjustment in those overall numbers since last...
Can we finally say Hillary Clinton is a war-mongering, rapacious, mendacious, no-talent, conniving hack?…gering-rapacious-mendacious-no-talent-conniving-hack-n551086
– If there is one thing the Durham report should do – of course I know it won’t, but I’m eternally optimistic – it should put the final nail in the coffin of the “Legend of Hillary Clinton’s Martyrdom.” She is neither a martyr, an honest broker, a perpetual victim of...
DEI programs officially OUT at FL universities
– You can probably hear the cracks forming in hardened leftist bastions throughout institutions of higher learning from here. WATCH — @realchrisrufo celebrates Governor DeSantis’ ELIMINATION of DEI. “This legislation will immediately abolish all of those programs. DONE.” — DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) May 15, 2023...
When even pre-school kids' cartoon beavers have mastectomy scars…re-school-kids-cartoon-beavers-have-mastectomy-scars-n550844
– The subject of this outrage actually aired 2 years ago, on May 28, 2021. I’m assuming it was a Memorial Day weekend tie-in, because here in Pensacola, not only it it a sacred weekend for us being a hard-core military town as well as proud home of The Wall South,...
[Cue: exploding heads] Fed Res Board Governor says save the banks, quit sweatin' the climate change…says-save-the-banks-quit-sweatin-the-climate-change-n550455
– Let’s just get the obligatory guilt trip out of the way before we even get going, shall we? Ritual cleansing, as it were. HOW DARE WE?! AP Photo/Jason DeCrow Okay. Now that’s over, let’s get to the good stuff. Contrary to the absolute dolt running the Treasury Department...
SanFran BART has #sadz, "Why nobody ride our trains?"
– We’ve been cataloguing the woes, trials and self-inflicted tribulations of San Francisco pretty routinely here. John had a great piece just Wednesday on their very real Doom Loop and I’ve done several myself, mostly concerning the state of their commercial real estate collapse, but there’s, sadly, a lot of material...
HOT time in the city - Black Chicagoans got something to say about migrants…black-chicagoans-got-something-to-say-about-migrants-n550140
– Let’s just clear the air right from the beginning and settle the matter – by the definition laid down by the Democratic Party and their Progressive masters, the people you will read about and see in the following posts are racists, pure and simple. I don’t care what you’ve heard...
New EPA climate rulz drive a stake thru the heart of natural gas & coal power plants…take-thru-the-heart-of-natural-gas-coal-power-plants-n550063
– Why do we even have a Constitution? Has anyone asked a Democrat that lately? The general mode of operation with them in power has been to have a great, transformative idea no one in the country but them wants, sidestep every legal and constitutional avenue for implementing –...
Chicago "peace keeper" cop substitutes looking too much like Chicagoans so far…substitutes-looking-too-much-like-chicagoans-so-far-n554336
– Brandon Johnson, teachers’ union tool, anti-law enforcement advocate and left wing lifer extraordinaire, took the mayoral reins of the City of Chicago on the 24th of May. His inaugural address left some of his new constituents smoking mad. …Though it was a patently absurd to depict a...
Thank Green weenies as your economy ticket to Europe becomes a luxury purchase…r-economy-ticket-to-europe-becomes-a-luxury-purchase-n554333
– About a month ago, with the possibility of having to nurse Ebola (who is in Germany) after a pretty invasive sinus surgery coming up this summer, I started looking for tickets. I was resigned to the fact that there was no way I was to ever going to beat my...
Looks like the Spanish are fixin' to shuffle off their Socialist coil…panish-are-fixin-to-shuffle-off-their-socialist-coil-n554322
– It wasn’t just Spanish boaters feeling blindsided and rudely attacked this past week. Like the yachts sailing through the Straights of Gibraltar who ran into orcas with attitudes schooled in the arts of maritime destruction by a she-whale named White Gladis, the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) –...
On serving your country: Sacrifice and loss
– The first time I ever set eyes on John Perry, he was about an hour old and his proud dad was pointing out his squished red face to me through the maternity ward’s glass window. Even being born he’d managed to cause excitement. A really sharp delivery nurse noticed...
San Fran progs went to war over "family" - how'd that go?
– Once upon a time, in a formerly gorgeous city known as San Francisco, in the formerly bucolic state of golden dreams know as California, there existed a race of humans – almost a tribe – now recognized by archeologists and anthropologists as “The Normal People.” As evolution sometimes...
Female NYT op-ed writer perfectly cool boxing a trans in "her weight class"…er-perfectly-cool-boxing-a-trans-in-her-weight-class-n553678
– Because, you know – all that stuff about faux-women being inherently stronger by virtue of physiology is only so much bigotry, you TRANSPHOBE BIGOTY TYPES. You couldn’t write a better summation of the Woke Era if you tried. It’s beautiful. Absolutely perfect in every way. Thank you, @espiers....
Walkin' in Memph...and DUCK!!
– Back in September, I used a horrific murder in Memphis, TN, as the starting point for a look at a what had become of a city I’d truly loved being stationed in. In the pre-dawn dark this morning, runners in Memphis are completing the morning jog Eliza Fletcher began...
Biden vetoes house resolution rolling back D.C. "crime reforms"
– Back at the beginning of March, Joe Biden signaled he was willing to sign the Senate version of the roll-back of the absolutely insane D.C. crime “reform” bill. I support D.C. Statehood and home-rule – but I don’t support some of the changes D.C. Council put forward over the Mayor’s...
Dem debt ceiling dramatic readings going about how you think they would…amatic-readings-going-about-how-you-think-they-would-n553446
– Boy, oh, boy. Revisionist history for Democrats – their “Today is Year One” version of remembering the past – is a constantly evolving effort on so many fronts. From the media to elected officials themselves, they are one, big, coordinated blob, moving inexorably together toward whatever the stated goal...
Europe is whack: When Orcas attack
– Here in the United States, there’s nothing more recognizable than a killer whale, even for kids who’ve never had a chance to visit SeaWorld or – the ultimate – see a pod in the wild. “Shamu” as the SeaWorld mascot is known, along with innumerable TV documentaries, has made orcas...
Suddenly it's not so TOOL OF PUTIN-ish to notice some Ukrainians getting very rich…utin-ish-to-notice-some-ukrainians-getting-very-rich-n553041
– Well, knock ME over with a feather! It wasn’t that long ago that one of Tucker Carlson’s biggest failings – I mean hammer him unmercifully complaints – was that he was a TOOL OF PUTIN for having the temerity to question where billions upon billions upon billions of U.S....
Remember when I said German Greens were either gonna chill out or go for broke?…n-greens-were-either-gonna-chill-out-or-go-for-broke-n552924
– Last week I pointed out that the #mathz on shutting down their nuclear reactors was fixin’ to really bite the ruling Greens in the tookus even as they were reeling from losses in April’s regional elections. Their seat at the pinnacle of Germany’s government was suddenly looking very precarious, and...
D-D-D-D-DANG! A lot of Strange Magic going on with voter rolls and registrations lately...…c-going-on-with-voter-rolls-and-registrations-lately-n552871
– There are times when the stars align your way and you are grateful for the minor miracle. “Oh,” I’ve said myself many a time, “Thank you, Lord, for saving my a$$ yet again. I am your humble and groveling servant until my next screw up.” These instances are few and...
Burgeoning burger battle: Agriculture really bugs Lurch and the Left…er-battle-agriculture-really-bugs-lurch-and-the-left-n552720
– The globalist cabal desperate to remake the world to their specifications is throwing a hissy fit at the moment, worthy of any 2 year old in the aisle at WalMart. As citizens around the world start to rouse themselves from near economic ruin and the erosion of every standard...
What happens when Target hires a transgender Satanist to design their Pride merchandise?…ansgender-satanist-to-design-their-pride-merchandise-n552570
– Well, everybody gets mad. Not that they weren’t kinda pissed off at Target already… No woman needs to tuck anything. We have vaginas & we are the only ones who do. Oh and we don’t need our kids seeing this sh&% when we walk down the aisle at...
If it weren't for bad moves, Disney'd have no moves at all
– I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s come over Disney. I realize it’s been decades in the making, but they always hid their latent Machiavellian tendencies behind a veneer of creepy family friendliness as guardians of the wholesome and right. For example, ever make the mistake of wearing something...
Democracy is dying in darkness
– What a sad day this has been. Just so sad and dark, with all its overtones of malicious prosecutions and malevolent machinations – the stuff of sweeping government conspiracy novels with the Smoking Man from the X-Files thrown in. You could prop a figure like Poland’s General Wojciech Jaruzelski...
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