When even pre-school kids' cartoon beavers have mastectomy scars

Paul Sakuma

The subject of this outrage actually aired 2 years ago, on May 28, 2021. I’m assuming it was a Memorial Day weekend tie-in, because here in Pensacola, not only it it a sacred weekend for us being a hard-core military town as well as proud home of The Wall South, but, somehow, we are also the site of the largest weekend Pride event in the country on Pensacola Beach. Has been for decades, even before such things became commonplace, but always a very adults-only series of parties and events.


However the end of May came to be associated with Pride celebrations aside, somehow, someone decided that the Nickelodeon pre-school kids’ cartoon “Blue’s Clues” should do a Pride Parade segment.

Yay! Look at all the cute cartoon animal families representing – I guess – the LGB alphabet folks, thoughtfully complete with candy colored drag queens.

Just what every 4 year old needs to be singing at the dinner table for a week, right (Actually, with 4 year olds, you can wind up hearing it for the next year, so argh.)?

I must have missed this as I have no grandchildren yet and truly do not remember hearing much squawking online about it from anyone.

It would seem that what a few people noticed at the time and angrily spoke out about must have fallen by the wayside, because today was the first I heard about it.

And it’s pretty sick.

They drew one of the beavers on the float…HOW?!

Screencap YouTube Blue’s Clues Pride Parade


Screencap YouTube Blue’s Clues Pride Parade

It’s not a glitch in the matrix. Those mastectomy scars on a cartoon beaver in a pre-school children’s program were meant to be there.

At the time, transgender activists were over the moon.

I guess most of us were all asleep. The only “news” story I can find digging back is a paywalled Daily Wire – the rest are outraged Catholic/Christian journal/publication posts, a couple of Reddit entries and some ancient Tweets.

That’s it.

Snopes is the first entry on a search, and they were kind enough to jump in affirming those brown beaver cartoon chest smudges were, indeed, drawn specifically to be mastectomy scars, and it was HEARTWARMING, you haters.

Screencap Snopes

…This is a genuine screenshot from the Blue’s Clues pride parade and a spokesperson for Nick confirmed to us that these markings are indeed scars from top surgery.

Aw, isn’t that special!

“Top surgery.” and “removing breast tissue” are such benign descriptions for surgically lopping your chest off. Although that is more appropriate language for pre-schoolers to learn about mutilating their bodies at whim, no? Doesn’t sound so scary or permanent or make them rethink something maybe they shouldn’t be thinking about AT ALL.

But is IS permanent and scary and hurts, and you can’t ever go back to feeling whole with that gone. And you will always wonder what “whole” would have felt like, and that is an agony in itself.


It’s forever.

And these people are sliding it into tiny children’s every day lives just this easily. So easily, it took two years and all of us on the warpath with their brazen assault on our kids NOW to realize what they’ve already had in the works and for how long.

How many kids noticed one beaver was different? Probably not many. How many woke parents knew to point it out?

There might have been a few, because Blue’s Clues helpfully provides a “Key Moments” viewing guide with the YouTube link that points out highlights for discussion. The trans beaver family was one of those items: “Families Marching Four by Four.”

Screencap YouTube Pride Parade Blue’s Clues

Holy smokes. It’s so sick, it defies description.

This is, again, a 2019 Nickelodeon/Paramount woke reboot of a beloved kids’ show (that ended in 2006), so don’t turn that channel on is what I would advise as far as a strategy.

As far as tax dollar-funded propaganda, kudos again to the Oklahoma governor for cutting PBS off the government teat, as it were. Feeding this poison to kids – PBS can damn well try to do it on their own dime.

…“OETA, to us, is an outdated system. You know, the big, big question is why are we spending taxpayer dollars to prop up or compete with the private sector and run television stations? And then when you go through all of the programming that’s happening and the indoctrination and over-sexualization of our children, it’s just really problematic, and it doesn’t line up with Oklahoma values,” Stitt told Fox News.

In addition to Lil Miss Hot Mess, one of the founders of Drag Queen Story Time, reading The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish,” the governor’s office mentioned a PBS Newshour segment that featured parents who supported children having access to experimental medical sex changes, as well as abundant “Pride Month” programming, and a special about a town of Christians and drag queens who “step into the spotlight to dismantle stereotypes.”

“When you think about educating kids, let’s teach them to read and their numbers and counting and letters and those kind of things,” Stitt continued. “I mean, some of the programming that we’re seeing… it just doesn’t need to be on public television.”

Stitt objects to the use of tax dollars funding someone’s agenda.


The woman (?) behind the “Pride Parade” abomination is named Lindz Amer and she runs something called “Queer Kid Stuff” – children are her specialty. Heartwarming. She was hugely proud of her “Pride Parade” Blue’s Clues…

…and has been busy writing “How to Raise Queer Children” books and mutilating her own body in the intervening two years.

Well, okay, wait – she got the carving knife out after deciding she was “trans” vice the lesbian-kinda cis/she/her she’d previously claimed to be. Guess it didn’t work out – changed her mind or something.

She seems so stable. Just who I’d take parenting advice from, never mind who I want writing the programming for my impressionable child.

Holy smokes. That’s all I can keep saying about this and still keep my day job.

The people are SO demented, but SO empowered and their truly evil, twisted ideology has seemingly permeated every wee nook and cranny of society, that nothing is innocent anymore.


Where are parents? How pathetic are some parents?

Why aren’t they guardians instead of enablers? Step up for crying out loud!

Parents have to police every last thing anymore. Every. Last. Thing.

How sad is that?

Trans on Twitter were saying it was a Right Wing “Illuminati” search, blowing up cartoon beaver chests to look for smudges. I had a bad case of, “You poisonous morons – Nickelodeon and the vid’s consultant SAID THAT’S WHAT THEY ARE. Gaslight somewhere else” and happily dropped chapter and verse screenshots on them. [Cue: sad trombone]

We are not the lunatics here.

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