If there is one thing the Durham report should do – of course I know it won’t, but I’m eternally optimistic – it should put the final nail in the coffin of the “Legend of Hillary Clinton’s Martyrdom.” She is neither a martyr, an honest broker, a perpetual victim of systemic misogyny or Russian dirty tricks. Nothing was stolen from her.
Oh, HAY-YULL, no.
Just the opposite.
The Queen of Campaign Collusion was up to her chipmunk cheeks in the filthiest, most underhanded, most sinister attempt to derail another campaign and the resulting presidency in modern history. St. Hillary of The Loss and her Nazguls of the Nation’s Nether Regions colluded to engineer and maintain an “investigation” built on fabulisms bought and paid for by her campaign.
https://t.co/925MdtpmbB pic.twitter.com/R28mCyV9sE
— tree hugging s*ster 🎃 (@WelbornBeege) May 15, 2023
Those fictions were spun in any direction necessary by the dark forces operating at her behest and in full concert with those who were (and still are) entrenched in Shelob’s lairs at Langley and the 7th floor. The noxious, poisonous, treasonous vapors reach all the way to a blue carpet in an oval office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and a divinely creased pair of trousers.

The collateral damage of ruined Trump associates, with a miraculous, nascent presidency grievously wounded from its inauguration, and the halo of sanctity it provided Clinton were all manipulated and calculated outcomes.
If “the power of Christ compels” a demon, imagine what the full weight of the United States government concentrated on a single, wrongly and purposefully targeted, unsuspecting citizen does. Or a new president as he takes office in spite of their best efforts to deny him such ascendency.
Throwback to @maddow and @HillaryClinton denying the 2016 election results, lying about Russian collusion and asking our enemy, China to help attack Trump… pic.twitter.com/6fImG0J3wZ
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 15, 2023
Remember some of Hillary’s personal election high low points?
Other people do, too. Like I said, she’s in it up to her chipmunk cheeks…
…along with the entire cast of scummy characters from Obama to CIA headquarters to the FBI hierarchy and Department of Justice – tarmac meeting about “grandchildren” in Arizona ring a bell?
The author of this debunked 2016 Hillary Clinton lie is currently sitting inside of the White House as President Biden’s National Security Advisor. https://t.co/wwesyOvJSZ
— Lee Zeldin (@leezeldin) May 15, 2023
Yeah. We all fell off the cabbage truck yesterday.
Hillary Clinton knew her campaign completely fabricated the Russia hoax to distract from her illegal private server, but she still said this:
"He knows he's an illegitimate president…I know that he knows that this wasn't on the level…History will probably sort it all out." pic.twitter.com/88h9NEGolU
— T (@Rifleman4WVU) May 16, 2023
Let’s stop indulging the vicious old lady now, shall we? Can’t we stop tapdancing around her ambition and ruthlessness, and pretending they’re “accomplishments”?
Her only accomplishments ever have been getting to that next step on the political ladder, for which she has always been willing to use any means – or anyone – necessary. Achieving the next tickee on your personal status climbing schedule doesn’t mean you actually did something worthy of note en route. It just means you got there. What she’s done when she’s secured a position has been either hardly worth mentioning (her senate terms) or utterly devastating. Witness her bloodbath tenure as Secretary of State.
There’s that one unforgettable, unforgiveable example that will always bring me to tears and I will forever despise Clinton for it.
Sean Smith's mom: "I see those bloody fingerprints on the wall in #Benghazi and nobody will tell me if those are his fingerprints."
— Paula Bolyard (@pbolyard) September 19, 2013
That’s before you get to the performance art of her righteous deflection bluster when the buck looks like it’s stopping on her desk…
…or when she is indulged in her own repeatedly, uniquely sanctioned brand of malfeasance…
…and the unending protestations of the dog eating her homework when every last soul in the room knows she’s been the dog all along.
…The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency publicly declared Trump to be guilty of treason, an offense punishable by death. The former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the country’s premier law enforcement agency, intimated that the president had illegally obstructed justice.
In the end, none of it was true. After a nearly two-year-long investigation that issued 2,800 subpoenas, interviewed 500 witnesses, and used nearly 300 wiretaps and pen registers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that there was no evidence of collusion by Trump or his associates.
But that doesn’t mean 2016 was free of Russian collusion. To the contrary, there is clear evidence that a 2016 presidential campaign willfully and deliberately colluded with Russians in a bid to interfere with American elections.
It wasn’t Trump’s campaign that colluded with shady Russia oligarchs and sketchy Russian sources to subvert American democracy: it was Hillary Clinton’s.
Of course it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign. And she knew every last step down to a gnat’s ass about what was going on. She was the dog the whole time..

She is a loathsome mistress of subterfuge and machination, mendacity and rapaciousness, wrapped in an instinct for self-preservation driven by a cold blooded, basilisk-like focus on the hunt.
And that hunt is for power.
There’s not one drop of altruistic blood in those icy veins, and what charity or kindness may rarely surface is calculated and purely depends on to what end the effort is made.
What’s truly revolting is that St. Hillary of the Loss won’t ever do the walk of St. Hillary the Perp or the Bankrupt, the Ruined or Disgraced. God knows, in a fair world, an equitable world, she would.
She’d face at least one of the walks her actions have foisted on so many others, so many who never deserved what she and her cronies made sure they had coming..
I’ll stand for howls of derision every time she opens her yap, for starters.
No more genuflecting to the false icon.
I won’t allow it in my hearing. I’m better than that.
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