Results for: Beege Welborn

UAW Filing 'Unfair Labor' Practices Charges Against Non-Union Car Makers…labor-practices-charges-against-non-union-car-makers-n598366
– I thought things had been a little quiet on the western front. When last (month) we saw United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain, he was hot off pretty robust victories over strikes against the D-3 manufacturers (GM, Stellantis, and Ford), and sharpening the proverbial knives while wielding the...
Drink Deeply of Al Gore's Bitter Tears
– They taste like, well…crap. But VICTORY!! in the romantic sense. I’m guessing from the tone of his tweet, the big, old to-do in the desert in Dubai didn’t go so well for the rotund carbon-credits grifter. COP28 is now on the verge of complete failure. The world desperately needs...
Will the Sierra Club Apologize If the Lights Go Out in Baltimore?…rra-club-apologize-if-the-lights-go-out-in-baltimore-n598252
– Frankly, there’s little that would be scarier that comes to mind, Baltimore being what it is in broad daylight. But a dark Baltimore not weather induced, but blacked out purely by a climate cult settlement? Ho, boy. That would raise some hackles. Or at least you’d think it...
Some Are Talking, Some Are Getting Tough on 'Immigration' in Europe…king-some-are-getting-tough-on-immigration-in-europe-n598183
– The cost of “immigration,” as the Europeans have dubbed it, particularly the overly generous, open-border policies aggressively advocated for by the Merkel-era German government, is finally hitting home in ways neither those same governments nor the citizens who fund them can ignore. The conflagration that recently erupted in Ireland...
'Avoid Disappointment and Future Regret': Chris Sununu Has a Bad Case of Blinken Eyes…e-regret-chris-sununu-has-a-bad-case-of-blinken-eyes-n601761
– There’s a pretty inadvertently hilarious commercial on the telly that pops up during the cheaper newscasts and off-peak times. It’s for another of those “collectible” coins that’s been washed in whatever karat gold finish, and is “legal tender” from some island chain in the Pacific. What cracks me up about...
Spain to Germany: Hold My Cold, Dark Cervesa
– What the heck IS it with Progressive/Socialists, especially European ones? They’re not content with their own papercuts, they want everyone to have one, and a shared lemon to squeeze on them. Life is nothing to a socialist, if not self inflicted pain. Take Germany for example…after example…after example....
'Sorry! We're Full!'
– Well, gosh darn it. The mayors of the Sanctuary Cities have just turned off the cheap fluorescent “Open” signs they got at Sam’s Club and have flipped them over. NO ROOM AT THE INN The mayors of three of the biggest cities in the country say their areas are...
THWACK!...Miami Teachers Union's...KAPOW!...Gonna Need a Defibrillator...ZLORP!…achers-unions-kapow-gonna-need-a-defibrillator-zlorp-n601610
– AKA: WHEN DESANTIS ATTACKS United Teachers of Dade (UTD) (Sounds like birth control or something, doesn’t it?), representing some 30 odd thousand Miami area school employees and the largest teachers’ union in Florida, is having a bit of a survival crisis. Now, a good portion of it is self-induced,...
Wind Farm Gets Blown Off the Prairie
– Right before Christmas, a federal judge put the bow on a present twelve years in the making for the Osage Nation of Oklahoma. The Osage Nation won a massive ruling in Tulsa federal court on Wednesday that requires Enel to dismantle a 150-megawatt wind project it built in Osage...
Call a Woke Waahmbulance: DEI Programs Under the Knife at Tech Companies…lance-dei-programs-under-the-knife-at-tech-companies-n601486
– John had a post out earlier today on the waning enthusiasm for the palace guard and storm troopers of diversity, equity and inclusion crowd – college administrations and woke corporations. Where colleges are gingerly attempting to pullback the wholesale hiring that’s long been a sacred cow of incorporating DEI into...
CA: Might Have to Use Take-Out at the Hut If You Ever Want to See Your Pizza…ke-out-at-the-hut-if-you-ever-want-to-see-your-pizza-n601357
– Ah, the law of unintended consequences, also known as “The Clueless, Pandering Democrats Bone Working Stiffs and Business Owners Yet Again Maxim” is fixin’ to strike another educational blow that will be ignored. The overwhelming number of lemmings good citizens in California, who elected a legislature and re-elected...
CNN: Okay, So, CO Supreme Court Justices Weren't Actually Threatened But They're Still in Danger From You People…hreatened-but-theyre-still-in-danger-from-you-people-n601313
– This is behavior modification in action, even as it’s a bit of a crawl-down from inflammatory rhetoric blaming a segment of the population for something that it turns out never happened. BUT DON’T YOU FORGET IT COULD CNN tries to work both ends against the middle here,...
While I Might Have Told You I Loved You Guys at Christmas...
– …and I really meant it – believe me, making you watch this doesn’t change a thing. If anything, I respect you even more for being good sports. The Colorado governor mugs and bounces like a Teletubby in a demented, Latinx-inspired Pee-wee’s Playhouse for Pols holiday video....
Reading the Bones: EVidently, It's Time to Re-EValuate EV REVolutionary EVangelism…its-time-to-re-evaluate-ev-revolutionary-evangelism-n601166
– Nobody, especially Americans, likes being told what to do. Likes being told they HAVE to do something because of “something something Science™” that is exponentially above and beyond the acceptable reach of government intrusions, disrupting and detrimental to the very fabric of our standard of living by an order of...
If Rumors About Who's Running the Show Are True, It'll Be a Very Houthi Christmas UPDATE…ng-the-show-are-true-itll-be-a-very-houthi-christmas-n600718
– It’s taking no time at all for the Biden administration Red Sea plan to fall apart. In point of fact, it started to crumble almost as soon as our lumbering, blundering SecDef Lloyd Austin announced the inspirational program. The new multi-national taskforce with the thrillingly inspirational name...
In the Face of a Horrific Shooting Rampage, Heartbroken Prague Mayor Speaks Pragmatic Truth…page-heartbroken-prague-mayor-speaks-pragmatic-truth-n600681
– This afternoon a university in beautiful, magical Prague descended into unfathomable hell on earth. Prayers for beautiful Prague and its people. This one hurts bad. — Learn Latin (@latinedisce) December 21, 2023 A deranged lunatic – a domestic terrorist by any measure – murdered his...
Red Sea Go-Around Causing Container Rates to Soar
– I’ve had a couple posts already in the past week about the cargo situation in the Red Sea. The latest was on Monday and included news of the US gathering in the area with allies to possibly take a shot at these Houthis. CHART OF THE DAY: Currently, 5 out...
A Four Minute Tour of the World in One Video From OUR Border
– This is…golly. So many adjectives spring to mind – amazing, gobsmacking, horrifying, terribly sad, infuriating, frightening…they all work and dozens more like them. This shouldn’t be happening. AZ: “I am happy to come to America…” Give this a watch from start to finish—From people here alone to work,...
NYT Puts Its Spin on What Harvard's Finding...Since They've Been Forced to Look…at-harvards-finding-since-theyve-been-forced-to-look-n600519
– Gracious goodness. The beat goes on and I will bet they were hoping by now the drumhead had split. Yesterday, John covered CNN’s awakening to Harvard President Claudine Gay’s transgressions against scholarship and integrity (with a bonus Chronicle of Higher Education report). Then, yesterday afternoon, the Grey Lady...
Oh, nothing - just the second largest bank failure in U.S. history today…the-second-largest-bank-failure-in-u-s-history-today-n536171
– “What, me worry?” 'Contained' 2.0? Treasury Sec Yellen Says Banking System Is "Resilient" — zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 10, 2023 Think of the Kevin Bacon gif from Animal House – you know, where the panicked crowd is rushing past him after the parade, as he tries...
– I Schiff you not. The Charlemagne of Climate Change also lowered your energy bills. BIDEN: "I took the most aggressive action ever — in all of history in any country — to take on the climate crisis by lowering your home energy bills." — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March...
USDA soy boys swap soy milk for part of real moo juice allowance in WIC program…for-part-of-real-moo-juice-allowance-in-wic-program-n536042
– I believe these Social Justice Warrior Progressive types are truly trying to strip all the joys of childhood out of being a kid. One of those is a big, cold glass of milk. The WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) supplemental food program has helped do that for decades for lower-income...
Trust the Science™: White people driving cars are poisoning POC in LA…ce-white-people-driving-cars-are-poisoning-poc-in-la-n535934
– I’M SERIOUS AS A HEARTATTACK It’s Science™, people – I have the study right here – from the University of Southern California, no less. You thought David’s post about a flag painted in the road was outrageous? Read and weep the study abstract, racist motorists. Local...
Did Biden kill the oil boom for good?
– By that I mean, once we shuffle off his immoral coils – God willing – can we get the boom times back? From everything I’m reading and hearing, man. It doesn’t look good for the home team. Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end...
Cue upper crust panic: More kids are skipping college
– It seemed only an anomaly – a dip in college attendance – which was easily attributable, thanks to the pandemic. But what was once a burp has become a trend and a worrying one at that for institutions of higher learning (Well, their cash flow, to be more precise.)....
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