Some Are Talking, Some Are Getting Tough on 'Immigration' in Europe

(Rainer Jensen/dpa via AP)

The cost of “immigration,” as the Europeans have dubbed it, particularly the overly generous, open-border policies aggressively advocated for by the Merkel-era German government, is finally hitting home in ways neither those same governments nor the citizens who fund them can ignore.


The conflagration that recently erupted in Ireland had been simmering for some time over that government’s open door – and open wallet – immigration policies. Already an autocratically minded regime and wasting no time taking advantage of the civil unrest to enact further repressive and restrictive measures against their own citizens, the Irish government is bending a smidge on the immigration question.

While they’re not answering the #IrelandIsFull anti-immigration campaigners’ complaints, and stemming the incoming tide of foreign bodies hitting the Emerald Isles, they are going to take a look at what they been forking over to the arrivals when they get here.

Considering how generous the purse has been, it’s a start. They’ve supposedly just realized Irish handouts are far more benevolent to newcomers than their European Union counterparts.

It literally doesn’t pay to be in the vanguard of certain things – paying twice as much as the next guy is one of those.

The plans could see the weekly welfare amount for new arrivals from Ukraine lowered to €38.80 per week, from the €220 per week which is currently given by the State.

The measures, being tabled by Minister for Integration, Roderic O’Gorman, would also see state-provided accommodation for Ukrainian refugees arriving in Ireland cut to 90 days.

It follows growing concern over Ireland’s status as an outlier when it comes to the amount of welfare being paid to those from Ukraine compared to a host of other European nations. A parliamentary question from Independent TD Marc MacSharry in October noted the gulf in the scale of welfare provided in Ireland.

Asking Taoiseach Leo Varadkae if he was aware if Ireland was a “complete outlier in the EU and neighbouring countries with the provision of €220 a week for those fleeing Ukraine,” Deputy MacSharry contrasted the rate with other EU nations – as he pointed out that those seeking international protection received a payment of €38.80 per week from the State.

Deputy MacSharry pointed to figures from the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation, stating, that according to the figures, Ireland provides “more than twice that provided by the next highest country, Finland, at €107, and almost 28 times more than the €7.90 per week provided in Belgium.”


Well, if you heard that you’d be eligible for almost $900 a month plus “accommodation” – a free roof over your head – in Ireland versus $34 mth and NO housing in Belgium? Well…no brainer where you’re heading.

…Figures released by think tank OECD in the same month showed that Ireland had taken in a higher proportion of Ukrainian refugees than other European nations – including Britain, France, Italy and Germany. Out of 36 EU member states, Ireland ranked seventh in terms of refugee intake, the statistics revealed – showing that Ireland had 17 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants.

Ireland, on proportion, took in five times more Ukrainians than the UK, which had a rate of 36 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants.

…Other EU States and the UK, meanwhile, paid between €7.90 and €131.45 per week, with most countries limiting payments where accommodation and supports were provided.

The article notes that in Bulgaria, you get a ONE TIME €180 payment and every other benefit is based on the amount of the recipient’s voluntary work. The Bulgarians expect immigrants to earn their keep.

That makes it an easy choice of destination for most wanna-be state welfare types – Éirinn go Brách!

The Germans are finally coming around as well, with that government again being forced into action thanks to citizens having had enough of what unfettered immigration is doing to the country. There are the irrefutable crime statistics, whatever excuses for cultural differences advocates might make for the proportions of perpetrators (although I never would have expected to see “Portuguese immigrants”…).


The other bone of contention in Germany is the sheer cost of maintaining the immigrants in the country, exacerbated by their economy in a recession, and their supreme court crushing a plan that would have kept an extra €60B in the budget.

Germans will no longer stand for their parents freezing to death…

As Germany vows to continue spending heavily on its liberal migration policy — more than €36 billion in 2023 alone — an increasing number of the country’s senior citizens are reported to be at a growing risk of poverty.

Federal government data published under a request from several Alternative for Germany (AfD) lawmakers revealed that 28.1 percent of the German elderly are at risk of poverty, a figure that is higher than the EU average of 27.4 percent and far greater than its Western European neighbors of France (19.1 percent), Belgium (17.4 percent), and Luxembourg (9.3 percent).

This is 8.3 percentage points higher than before former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her ultra-liberal policy of mass immigration came to power in 2005. The risk of poverty for German senior citizens thus rose by 40 percent under “Mutti” Merkel.

…because the foreign wards of the state are eating assets alive. In a majority of cases, these are becoming self-perpetuating immigrant enclaves of 2d and 3d generation welfare recipients.


Germany’s welfare system is being dragged down by the country’s growing immigrant population, with data from the country’s Federal Employment Agency showing that over six out of 10 welfare recipients deemed able to work are migrants.

The country’s welfare system, once referred to as Hartz IV, but now relabeled as citizen’s money (“Bürgergeld”), is now flowing to the country’s migrants, even though they make up a small share of Germany’s overall population. In fact, in some German states, they take in over 70 percent of all welfare money at a time when services and benefits are being cut for Germans across the country.

Overall, 62.6 percent of all welfare recipients are migrants, and within the 15 to 25 age group, this number goes up to 71.3 percent, according to German news outlet NIUS.

Perhaps most troubling, most of these welfare recipients with a migration background were actually born in the country. That means they may be German citizens speaking German, but they are still unable or unwilling to work.

The data will further poke holes in arguments that migrants are needed to prop up Germany’s pension system and fill the country’s workplaces. Instead, migrants are choosing simply not to work and collect welfare in huge numbers.

Even members of former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government are talking tough, as if this was all news to them.


Dude – who let these people through the door to begin with? They haven’t changed a lick – they always hated everything about Western culture except the handouts, and you’re acting like you never heard of “Islam” before.

Olaf Scholz’s government – teetering on the edge of being thrown out for good if it doesn’t implode from the volatility of its own fragile coalition first – is finally responding to the crisis by enforcing security at what is known in polite society as “the border.” Only in Germany would they be shocked at what has happened.

Illegal migration to Germany drops dramatically since introduction of border controls

…Federal government statistics showed that there were around 4,353 “unauthorised entries” into the country over its land borders in November compared with 18,384 in the previous month.

There was a significant decline in entries from Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, where Germany has tightened controls, as well as from Austria.

According to the same figures, some 900 migrants were found along the Germany-Austria border in November, of which 493 were turned back. Nearly 7,000 migrants were found in the region in October.


I’ll be damned, huh? What a concept.

Turns out neighboring countries are also playing along with the “border security,” and everyone benefits – a lot less bodies through the gates.

Again… *sigh*


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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025