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race card
Bass Allies: Recall Efforts Are Racist and Oligarchical, You Know
Ed Morrissey
4:00 PM | March 14, 2025
Why Daniel Penny Matters: We Are Voting to Be Colorblind Again
Beege Welborn
2:00 PM | November 05, 2024
'That's It?': The Most Stunning Reveal of the Harris Interview
Ed Morrissey
9:40 AM | August 30, 2024
Lemon: Musk Dumped Me Because I Don't Look Like Him, IYKWIM
Ed Morrissey
2:00 PM | March 18, 2024
Jasmine Crockett Is Becoming the Leader of the Democratic Party
New German Chancellor Dumping Campaign Promises Isn't Sitting Well With Voters LAGNIAPPE
So Much for that Columbia Mask Ban (Update)
FBI Forms Task Force on Domestic Terror Targeting Tesla; Dems Mainly Silent
Newly elected black conservative rips House Democrats over crying wolf on racism
Karen Townsend
12:01 PM | February 03, 2023
HuffPo: Sure looks like Black Lives Matter was a racket, eh?
Ed Morrissey
10:36 AM | April 11, 2022
Joy Reid explains: Youngkin relied on "willfully ignorant white people" to win, you know
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | November 03, 2021
CNN: Let's face it, Harris' border performance has been "cringeworthy"
Ed Morrissey
8:21 AM | June 14, 2021
Ghislaine Maxwell appeal: Grand jury was too white to indict
Ed Morrissey
7:44 AM | January 29, 2021
The View to AOC: The race card was "a bit much," you know; Update: Rep. Clay calls AOC response "juvenile ... unbelievable"
Ed Morrissey
3:21 PM | July 11, 2019
Pelosi: Time for the "icon" to hit the bricks; Update: Conyers' attorney: What's the difference between him and Franken? Update: Clyburn demands resignation
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | November 30, 2017
United we sue: Lawyer tells media, "Could have happened to any one of us"
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | April 13, 2017
Trump: My opponents play the race card when they're losing
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | February 28, 2017
Indicted Dem: DoJ would have stopped Orlando shooting if they hadn't been trying to railroad me
Ed Morrissey
2:31 PM | July 12, 2016
Why is the GOP so bad at playing the race card?
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | November 30, 2015
Durbin: These Republicans are putting Loretta Lynch at the 'back of the bus,' if you know what I mean
Guy Benson
5:21 PM | March 18, 2015
Durbin: Republican opposition to Loretta Lynch betrays the Selma anniversary, or something
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | February 24, 2015
House Dem: These ignorant Ben Carson supporters certainly do remind me of a lynch mob
Guy Benson
4:01 PM | December 12, 2014
Behold: Mary Landrieu in full meltdown
Guy Benson
5:21 PM | December 03, 2014
Forget a Michael Brown Law. How about a Jim Parker Law?
Jazz Shaw
1:01 PM | November 29, 2014
Obama: Hey Georgia, do me a solid and elect Michelle Nunn
Guy Benson
8:41 PM | October 23, 2014
On the history of "Take Back Our Country"
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | May 27, 2014
Scarborough: Rockefeller "owes Ron Johnson an apology"
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | May 23, 2014
Crist: I left the GOP over its racism, or something
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | May 07, 2014
MSNBC panelist: I wish we'd finally man up and have a conversation about race
Guy Benson
10:01 AM | May 02, 2014
Video: Illinois Democrat dismisses GOP colleague as "half" a black person
Guy Benson
11:21 AM | April 10, 2014
Sorry, Obamaphiles, opposition to this president isn't "unprecedented"
Guy Benson
5:11 PM | December 10, 2013
Duncan: Sorry if anyone was offended by my playing the race card on Common Core opposition
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | November 19, 2013
Oprah: Many Americans hate Obama because he's black
Bruce McQuain
1:21 PM | November 15, 2013