Results for: Beege Welborn

Does the Brown hit the fan if UPS walks?
– Friday saw a bit of a tremor run through the package delivery system we all take for granted. The question turned from “What can Brown do for you?” to “What are they going to do for themselves?” The answer was: vote to authorize a strike. And they did so...
Maine lobstermen stirring the pots win bigly in federal court
– Back in 2021, the National Marine Fisheries Service, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), issued an opinion in pursuit of preserving the endangered right whale. As these edicts go, this “opinion” has basically force of law when it comes to imposing conservation-based measures, rules and restrictions....
MD gov: Book banning "castrates" kids, ignores bill he signed allowing literally just that…ignores-bill-he-signed-allowing-literally-just-that-n558953
– Oh, Democrats. If it weren’t for hypocrisy, evil, and mendacity, they’d have nothing. The new governor of Maryland (as of January this year) is a phenomenally talented fellow named Wes Moore. He’s got what reads initially as a terrific background story, with a host of accomplishments since his mother...
Does Biden hate women or is he just a sleezy snek?
– That is one of the great imponderables of living in the current age with this dementia addled, geriatric grifter still tottering around the White House grounds in his specialty tip-toe shoes. With all the evidence accumulating, I tend to lean on the side of the little girl in the...
Fox fires senior producer for guerilla chyron during Trump speech…ior-producer-for-guerilla-chyron-during-trump-speech-n558505
– I sort of stumbled across this raging controversy last night, and have to admit I was clueless. What in the wide, wide world of sports was Chadwick Moore talking about? That 27-second chyron was the most entertaining thing Fox News had put on air since April 21, 2023....
Waah: Local paper moans San Fran streets are getting mean for the "unhoused"…s-san-fran-streets-are-getting-mean-for-the-unhoused-n558449
– Holy SMOKES, I’ve read this thing five times and still can’t believe it. This morning, the San Francisco Standard published a piece that encapsulates every aspect of the City by the Bay’s life in perpetual denial. For a major American city going down in spectacular Sodom and Gomorrah flames,...
Dateline: New Jersey - Green grift makes strange bedfellows
– I guess the money’s just too good. There’s simply no other explanation for it. I’m not going to crack on Ørsted, the wind turbine manufacturer and contractor for Gov Phil Murphy’s massive boondoggle off his southeastern coastline. I’ve covered it several times, since whales started washing ashore last winter,...
Proposed land "conservation" rule reeks of a big, ol' fed land "grab"…nd-conservation-rule-reeks-of-a-big-ol-fed-land-grab-n558257
– In the time honored Democratic tradition of “Depends what your definition of ‘is’ is,” the Bureau of Land management is proposing to restructure what the definition of “use” is. The BLM’s proposed rule for “Conservation and Landscape Health,” released for public comment on April 3d, would like to define “conservation”...
Someone might yuan to keep an eye on China's economy
– Chairman Xi might play the malevolent doppelganger of a much loved children’s cartoon character in memes, but in real life, he’s becoming the guy who yuans to keep control so badly, he seems willing to let it all crash down around him. In an interesting metric, millionaires have...
Jerry Nadler says federal law should mandate masking two-year-olds…ays-federal-law-should-mandate-masking-two-year-olds-n558090
– Don’t you know? They have to get childhood vaccines, right? So same-same forced masking them if something is going around the next Fauci is worried about, and it’s child abuse to suggest otherwise. When we have a pandemic, like the Covid-19 pandemic that we had, two-year-olds should have...
Michigan's Governor Gretchen Maleficent starting new PAC
– Honestly, she is one of the most naturally frightening and menacing people in public office today. Every time I seen Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer I have two questions: 1) Where’d you park the broom? 2) Did the rest of the coven come with you for a girls’ weekend?...
Pond scum publicly angers algae advocate slinging speciesist seaweed slur…gers-algae-advocate-slinging-speciesist-seaweed-slur-n557923
– This is our world. This is the world woke has given us. One little commonplace, generic, everyday descriptive word you never think about twice pops out during a conversation and suddenly? THIS is where we are NOW. I can’t believe he used the “S” word! He...
Zimbabwe and Namibia are taking control of their rare earth minerals…ibia-are-taking-control-of-their-rare-earth-minerals-n557817
– This is big in this renewables day and age, and I don’t believe I saw a peep about it until this tweet from my friend Jusper a minute ago. This is the Africa we all want. From Li to Chromium, to Phosphate, to our oil, Cocoa, Coffee, etc.We will create...
How are the usual suspects reacting to a former president being indicted?…spects-reacting-to-a-former-president-being-indicted-n557769
– Rather than sit glued to the feeds – the entire thing is too ghastly for words… BREAKING: Donald Trump pleads "not guilty" in classified documents case. "Mr. Trump sat stone faced… wearing a blue suit and a red tie," reports @KenDilanianNBC. — MSNBC (@MSNBC) June...
Looka here, sun - don't you know solar don't work when it's hot?
– For a continent filled with elite, effete snobs, who enjoy nothing so much as looking down their long, equine noses at the rustic colonials in homespun still slogging through life across the pond, it does my heart no little bit of smug good to see the Europeans flail about in...
Will tourists come back to the big cities for the summer?
– The headline from an article on San Francisco hotels going under caught my eye just now. Hotel Owners Start to Write Off San Francisco as Business Nosedives City’s lodging business has been squeezed by crime and other quality-of-life issues YEESH that’s gruesome. …San Francisco’s once thriving hotel market...
You GO, girls! Half a British ladies fishing team walks off after trans allowed to join…s-fishing-team-walks-off-after-trans-allowed-to-join-n557477
– MORE of THIS, please! "Three members of the six-strong squad stepped down after Becky Lee Birtwhistle Hodges, who was born male, was chosen for the Home Nations shore fishing championship." — Jonathan Jones 🦆 (@nmrqip) June 11, 2023 ISN’T “SHE” LOVELY? ISN’T “SHE” WON-DER-FUL?...
'Tis to laugh: Starry-eyed optimists think U.S. will notice British wind energy DISASTER…s-think-u-s-will-notice-british-wind-energy-disaster-n557334
– Like a faint cry in the wilderness, the sound of lived experience carries over the vast Atlantic Ocean. The whispering, moaning, warning voice of a sibyl…and no one is listening. Last year, the Biden administration set an ambitious new goal for the USA: to deploy 30 gigawatts (GW) of...
Tripping over feet: UPS and Teamsters dance not going so well UPDATE:FRIDAY
– When last we saw United Parcel Service and the Teamsters, they had settled in at the table, shirtsleeves rolled up, for some good, old fashioned, bare-knuckled negotiating. Yeah, sure – there was the Teamster tough talk from their pugnacious new president, Sean O’ Brien. But UPS was making hopeful...
Mon dieu, the riots! It's carbeque time in Paris again
– Paris is rapidly developing into a warzone as violent protests continue to blossom over the police shooting of 17 year old teenager on Tuesday 6:15pm: Paris suburb imposes overnight curfew until Monday A Paris suburb of 54,000 people has been put on curfew through the weekend, in response to rioting...
Speaking of racial harmony, WI state senator says, "F*%# the suburbs"
– Oh, yeah, she did. She seems like a lovely person. Not only did she say it, she hath spoken those best wishes to her fellow citizens on the floor of the statehouse in an official capacity during a debate about crime. Wisconsin State Senator LaTonya Johnson says “fuck the...
Traumatized DeSantis Venezuelans: Martha's Vineyard ROCKS!
– The heartless stunt-monster known as Ron DeSantis, who cruelly rips illegal migrants from their…well, not their homes, but whatever…comfortable government provided shelters is responsible for yet more ruined lives. Remember those Venezuelans the Florida governor dispatched, post-haste, to well known sanctuary island Martha’s Vineyard back in September? The ones...
New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board: Hey! We investigated the payroll and sex room thing…d-hey-we-investigated-the-payroll-and-sex-room-thing-n561297
– Oh, NOLA – never change. GAWD, I love that place. In a city legendary for raising graft and corruption to a high art form, New Orleans is lucky enough to have its own independent news organization, Verite News, besides some really hard working mainstream outlets. Dang lucky thing, too,...
Who let the dogs out? CBS goes after Hunter Biden and Garland
– WOOF. It was surprising enough they’d even mention it on air, but we naturally thought, “Oh, here we go – they’ll be doing their best to gloss over the whole mess” as O’Donnell’s intro uses lots of “he felts” and then… “…the stunning claim he was blocked from...
Worm turnings: EU "nature law" THIS CLOSE to not passing
– There seems to have been a general revolt in the European Union parliament committee that was tasked with sheparding the EU’s groundbreaking (read: onerous, draconian, and restrictive) “nature law” through it’s last step before being voted on by the general assembly in Brussels. The committee rejected it. After...
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