Results for: Beege Welborn
Wind Spinning Out of Control
Not a good few days run for the wizards of wind as far as news goes.
…lemme wipe this wind green grin off my face before I continue…
Hard on the heels of the EV sales collapse major automakers are dealing with, compounded by the UAW strike, the...
Do tell: German math on "no nukes" not adding up
There’s not much good to be said about the end of nuclear power in Germany. And the further were get from the reactors going dark, the dimmer the idea and the rationale for it looks.
Take what “electric” means to the average German today, for the most basic effect....
Obvious much? While Comer's presser on, DoJ and media pull a Santos out of their hat…sser-on-doj-and-media-pull-a-santos-out-of-their-hat-n549877…sser-on-doj-and-media-pull-a-santos-out-of-their-hat-n549877
As the old saying goes, “timing is everything” and boy, oh, boy, if the Department of Justice and mainstream media didn’t have their watches set and synchronized today.
Rep James Comer had set the stage earlier this week, when he asked the DoJ to hold off on any possible...
Massaging the shooter narrative
I was actually looking for some different information last night when I came across this article, but after scanning it quickly for what I WAS looking for, I had to save it for a chance to Fisk it later on.
The link goes to a New Orleans TV station...
DHS memo details EXACTLY where/what enforcement & Border Patrol starts releases…where-what-enforcement-border-patrol-starts-releases-n549490…where-what-enforcement-border-patrol-starts-releases-n549490
Are we SURE Mayorkas isn’t working for the other side? Because with every lie oozing out of his mouth in a Congressional interrogation that he’s on top of securing the border, his hands are under the table busy making Toobin gestures to lawmakers and hard-pressed members of the Border Patrol....
"Bigger = better" isn't working out for wind
Back in February, I had a post on the troubles the wind industry was having with excessive warranty claims. Companies who pioneers in wind turbines, like Siemens and Vestas, had noted huge losses in their quarterly profit reports because of equipment failures under warranty. Coupled with declining orders, their answer...
Newsom let CA default on $18.6B in fed unemployment loans
For a man who likes to play an unctuous super genius in commercials when he’s pinging on more accomplished governors for unsophisticated, lo-information audiences (no doubt on the state’s dime)…
…as California’s GOVERNOR, Gavin Newsom in the flesh is a walking disaster zone.
Has California...
A snapshot of what is wrong with Chicago
Okay, ONE of the things wrong with Chicago.
Day before yesterday, 12-16 Cook County Sheriff and Chicago Police Department cars booked on down to the Godfrey Hotel at Huron and LaSalle. Caused quite a ruckus…
Most of the Sheriffs at LaSalle/Huron have cleared out. They were surrounding this crimson...
Hold my Bud Light: Anthropologie debuts dancing dude in red dress…light-anthropologie-debuts-dancing-dude-in-red-dress-n548460…light-anthropologie-debuts-dancing-dude-in-red-dress-n548460
Well…my goodness. Never did I think I would see so many corporations trying to out-woke each other (including the U.S. Navy) by following one daffy fake woman and her beercan portraiture off a cultural and sometimes financial cliff.
It’s almost as if the woke trans advertising disease, while...
Ignore that smoke coming from the flaming ruins of West Coast banks…ke-coming-from-the-flaming-ruins-of-west-coast-banks-n548436…ke-coming-from-the-flaming-ruins-of-west-coast-banks-n548436
You learn a lot on Twitter about banking, and it’s fascinating. Simple stuff to start, like if Jim Cramer says “This is the GREATEST [fill in the blank]!!!” I now know to giggle and run the other way as fast as I can.
If I had any money, that...
EU ensures Dutch farmers booted FOREVER from farming
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 4, 2023
With something this draconian, this beyond all comprehension, I guess “Wow” is about all you can say, huh?
Holy smokes.
But it’s for real.
The European Commission on Tuesday said it had approved...
CBS accidentally commits journalism with honest "tsunami of renewable waste" report…nalism-with-honest-tsunami-of-renewable-waste-report-n547985…nalism-with-honest-tsunami-of-renewable-waste-report-n547985
True confession time. We have known each other now for what, like, eight months? I feel I can come clean about certain aspects of my life, and one of them is watching a network evening news broadcast. We always have, and probably always will.
There. That filthy secret is...
Potential for comedy GOLD: Kamala fixin' to talk AI
Holy smokes, this has the makings of a Comedy Central special the likes of which we’ve never seen. Thanks to a heads up from my little brother Mr. Bingley, I learned that our loopy mistress of word salad, Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris (again, we’re SO proud),...
Physicians? Y'all better heal your ownselves
Stumbled across a serious – meant literally and figuratively – piece of racist dogma claptrap today. I’ve tried to read it four times, and my eyes glaze over, but WHERE it was published keeps me at it. Seriously – The New England Journal of Medicine.
As academic medicine begins...
TNR: SCOTUS is LAWLESS - help us track these dangerous fascists
In the annals of pretty awful and incendiary ideas, I think this may rank right up there with giving people room to destroy. For the reportedly savvy (but tiny) readership The New Republic boasts about in its glossy media kit, this should be a bridge too far, but then again,...
Ireland about to execute free speech as in "kill it off permanently"…to-execute-free-speech-as-in-kill-it-off-permanently-n547513…to-execute-free-speech-as-in-kill-it-off-permanently-n547513
For a country that has spent a good portion of its existence with a boot on its throat, you’d think the Irish would be a bit more particular about the concept of “freedom”: which constituted the same, what measures impede or crush it, and thereby do everything in their power...
Confirmed: In case of bear attack, POTATUS chooses the angry grizzly over you…ar-attack-potatus-chooses-the-angry-grizzly-over-you-n547469…ar-attack-potatus-chooses-the-angry-grizzly-over-you-n547469
When Ryan Zincke rode into office as Interior Secretary in 2017, one of the first things he did when he slid out of the saddle was revoking an Obama administration rule banning the use of lead ammunition and tackle for hunting on federal lands.
New U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan...
15 yrs, $BILLIONS, not a mile of track & running out of money - what am I?…s-not-a-mile-of-track-running-out-of-money-what-am-i-n552059…s-not-a-mile-of-track-running-out-of-money-what-am-i-n552059
If you answered “California’s high speed rail line to nowhere” you win an evening with Nancy Pelosi!!
AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
Okay. That was blatantly false. She’d never agree to that and I shouldn’t have teased you with even the possibility – get your hopes up and all.
But you...
BOOM BOOM isn't NY lights going OUT - it's AFTERBURNERS on Florida firing UP…ghts-going-out-its-afterburners-on-florida-firing-up-n552003…ghts-going-out-its-afterburners-on-florida-firing-up-n552003
Feeling pret-tee smug right now about my home state, yes sirree, Bob.
And not for the first time, either. But in the middle of some pretty wretched economic numbers and an absolutely abysmal administration doing it’s best to sink the country in a morass of fiscal distress and racial...
#Sadz: Not all moonlight and unicorn farts anymore in the EU's Green dreamland…and-unicorn-farts-anymore-in-the-eus-green-dreamland-n551926…and-unicorn-farts-anymore-in-the-eus-green-dreamland-n551926
To borrow a phrase from The 5th Dimension’s hit Aquarius, when you “let the sun shine in,” sometimes it warms the cat on the windowsill, charges the solar panels on the roof, and helps the potted palms grow. Other times, its illumination of things you’d rather keep tucked away turns...
Just so we're clear - New York has "No Plan B" for the power plants they're shutting down…no-plan-b-for-the-power-plants-theyre-shutting-down-n551843…no-plan-b-for-the-power-plants-theyre-shutting-down-n551843
This sounds fun.
Two weeks ago, the New York State legislature and the state’s looney tunes chief executive, Governor Kathy Hochul, got together to hammer out a final budget deal for the year. With everything else that goes on during those sorts of negotiations, they still found time to...
Biden's nuclear non-binary baggage burgler busted again
Big doings this time, and so far we’re not hearing it has anything to do with lifting ladies’ bags from an airport carousel, but news is still coming out.
Sam Brinton, former Biden deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy and...
"Near catastrophic car chase" of #DumbPrinceAndHisStupidWife might be craptastically exaggerated…andhisstupidwife-might-be-craptastically-exaggerated-n551651…andhisstupidwife-might-be-craptastically-exaggerated-n551651
Alright, alright – I’ll admit it.
The very second I heard this yesterday – without hearing “who” – I knew exactly who was involved and my eyeballs involuntarily rolled so far back in my head, I had to scoop them back to the front with two serrated grapefruit spoons....
Chicago expensive already? "Windy City" is the noise of empty wallets rustling…dy-windy-city-is-the-noise-of-empty-wallets-rustling-n551549…dy-windy-city-is-the-noise-of-empty-wallets-rustling-n551549
If folks who had the means hadn’t left Chi-Town yet, get ready for the tax base to bleed my friends.
Gooderer and harderer doesn’t begin to cover the good times they’ve voted in for themselves.
The new Chicago mayor, long-time teachers’ union hack Brandon Johnson, had already raised...
My inaugural "Dear Beege" advice column: Bathing suits and beer
Honestly, no one asked me, but I’m telling you anyway.
Sports Illustrated used to be something in its heyday. A weekly mailbox arrival that Hubs meticulously dug through and I occasionally perused because the feature writing was that good. In fact, it was in SI almost 33 years ago...