Are we SURE Mayorkas isn’t working for the other side? Because with every lie oozing out of his mouth in a Congressional interrogation that he’s on top of securing the border, his hands are under the table busy making Toobin gestures to lawmakers and hard-pressed members of the Border Patrol.
Take last night, for instance. Is this what an earnest guardian of our national sovereignty in the face of an unprecedented invasion does?
Federal authorities have previously worked through trusted partners to get migrants who evaded apprehension when crossing the US-Mexico border to turn themselves in for processing, but the growing # of migrants in recent days has prompted additional action.
— Priscilla Alvarez (@priscialva) May 9, 2023
Talk about convenience in scheduling your illegal border crossing – holy SMOKES. Mayorkas toadies at the Department of Homeland Security just laid it out for every border jumper on their way north where not to step a toe in the water, as well as how not to get snatched up for those who’ve successfully crept over.
From a strategic standpoint, it is puzzling that DHS would announce this publicly via a press release which essentially gives these evaders/gotaways a heads up that they are coming. Already hearing from frustrated Border Patrol agents saying the operation will now be worthless.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 9, 2023
Unbelievable. Par for the course for this unmitigated scoundrel.
It is literally a detailed schedule of events – the when, where, and who to avoid. Provided by Sec. Mayorkas and his thoughtful illegal enablers…

…right down to specific times and places.

The number of “KNOWN gotaways” – IOW illegals who slipped through Border Patrol or Texas law enforcement’s hands – just last week is mind blowing. And now, NOW our own “Homeland SECURITY” is facilitating that very thing with a how-to freaking guide?
Border Patrol’s reporting that there were 18,600+ known gotaways at the border last week is a concerning number.
That means a population size equivalent to an approx full capacity AT&T Center (San Antonio Spurs) was able to sneak into the U.S. without capture in a *single week*.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 8, 2023
Needless to say, the Border Patrol Union is lit af.
Nothing like publicly announcing that dangerous people will be arrested, while warning them ahead of time exactly where to run and hide to avoid arrest.
This entire operation is a sad joke – another pandering PR stunt.
Serious law enforcement leaders don’t behave this way.
— Border Patrol Union – NBPC (@BPUnion) May 9, 2023
Melugin’s been watching the ever-increasing flow of illegals headed for our country just explode this week, thanks to Biden and Mayorkas. The visuals have been absolutely stunning and are fixing to get worse. This was his report from Brownsville yesterday. All these people gathered just in the time he was parked and doing some catch-up work. The human flood is unending.
Nonstop flow of illegal crossings here in Brownsville. Working on scripts in my car and look at the window and see another large group gathering for processing after crossing over. Border Patrol buses have been coming and going constantly. It’s going to be a very busy week.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 8, 2023
I don’t believe you can tell the difference between Juarez, Mexico…
Juarez popping off.
A stone's throw from El
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 8, 2023
…and El Paso anymore.
She’s afraid because she and others have pre existing health conditions, she says she can die from the diseases and viruses coming from the illegal crossers. 3 days ago there was Chicken Pox outbreak in the camp, some cases of people infected with tuberculosis as well. She can’t…
— real Anthony Aguero (@AgueroForTexas) May 8, 2023
You used to be able to.
During my time in the camp, many Venezuelans said they were processed/released after illegally crossing the border, not using the CBP One app.
I heard a lot of coughing and sneezing. @RepTonyGonzales said it reminds him of an Afghanistan refugee camp ––>
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) May 6, 2023
I would never, ever wish this kind of misery on anyone, especially fellow Americans, but, and this is a big “but.” What I would wish – literally pray for every single fricking time – is that just for once, these people crying out for help, so surprised by the turn-around in their fortunes, wallowing in this man-made, human calamity unfolding around and enveloping them, would allow the experience to teach them not to make the same damn mistake ever, EVER again.
Texas might be red, but El Paso County, at the very heart of this horror, voted 2-1 for Joe Biden.
66.6% of the people with poop on their front doorstep voted for this. You got your Biden guys – you got him good and hard.

And now they’re “surprised” at what’s in the streets and coming over their back fences? They shouldn’t be.
And, as of this morning, look what Border Patrol has to do. They are overwhelmed. Wave “good-bye” El Paso et al.
NEW: Per multiple CBP sources, last night, CBP & Border Patrol leadership made decision to authorize all Border Patrol sectors to begin “safe” street releases of migrants to communities across border *if* NGO shelters and CBP facilities do not have the capacity to hold them.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 9, 2023
No aspect of this engineered catastrophe was a secret plan and some of these now overrun border towns voted for it anyway.
What really pisses me off is how they’ve screwed the rest of us for decades to come, if not permanently.
And yet, with everything happening, how many of them would vote for the ice-cream-eating dementia patient again tomorrow?
Makes me sick to even think of it. Makes me sick.
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