Feeling pret-tee smug right now about my home state, yes sirree, Bob.
And not for the first time, either. But in the middle of some pretty wretched economic numbers and an absolutely abysmal administration doing it’s best to sink the country in a morass of fiscal distress and racial division, all the while doing their damnedest to deride and destroy everything Americans once held dear, Florida is like an oasis of calm, sanity, courage, and FREEDOM.
It’s sure looking as if we Floridians aren’t the only ones who think so, either.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced that Florida has the lowest unemployment rate among the top 10 largest states in the nation at 2.6 percent, as Floridians see continued economic stability spurred on in part by the thriving tourism industry. Between January and March of 2023, Florida saw a record 37.9 million visitors, the largest volume of visitors ever recorded in a single quarter. In April 2023, Florida’s unemployment rate was 2.6 percent for the fourth consecutive month, which is 0.8 percentage points lower than the national rate of 3.4 percent. Florida’s statewide unemployment rate has remained lower than the national rate for 30 consecutive months since November 2020.
Yowsahs. Poor Democrats. They bleat piteously amongst themselves, convincing each other things are going a certain way – their way – and, as they live in a liberal/lefty echo chamber, it all sounds good until someone ruins it…
Don't you ever get tired of continuously achieving new levels of self-embarrassment? 😂
👇 https://t.co/uUvEqh9Tmv pic.twitter.com/CaJcIDqEzU
— Nathalia Medina (@Nathrzdm) May 19, 2023
…and then someone else comes in and ruins it some more.
Sure, buddy – that mouse got serious fangs. He’ll sure show Florida, won’t he?
{CUE: sad trombone]
How business is going in Florida-
7% increase in total nonfarm employees since Jan 2020.How it’s going in NY and NYC:
1.3% decrease and 0.6% decrease in total nonfarm employees since Jan 2020, respectively.Net domestic migration 2021-2022-
Florida: +318,855
NY: -299,557 https://t.co/y5Xs65Wufd— Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) May 19, 2023
The Equality Florida LGB alphabet soup advocacy group guys had whipped themselves into such a lather, they’d even called for a boycott on their own state because we’re so filled with haters and hate slates.
BREAKING: @GovRonDeSantis just signed 4 more Slate of Hate bills, threatening drag artists and Pride festivals, taking rights from parents of trans kids, making our classrooms less safe, and attacking trans people’s rights.
We will never stop fighting this cruel agenda. pic.twitter.com/U2GgIomKhx
— Equality Florida (@equalityfl) May 17, 2023
How’s that boycott going, dudes, gerbils, and non-binaries? As I’ve posted before, we’re expecting about 200K LGBwhatever+ types in for our annual Memorial Weekend Pride thingee here in Pensacola. This boycott certainly hasn’t affected them, the governor and legislature’s recent work hasn’t either, and, apparently, the past three months worth of tourist numbers do not reflect any impact from your fit of pique, period. #fail
Say. *rubbing chin*
Just for Schlitz and giggles. Have you ever wondered what these Lefty group types make for spinning their wheels constantly? I mean, they don’t produce much other than gaseous emissions and noise with heartburn in between. But they’re always raising money and grifting grants, so…are they sleeping in a VW bus on the beach FOR THE CAUSE or what?
Holy crap – guess not!

I swear, the whole DEI/ESG/BLM/alphabet soup/etc scams are a GOLDMINE. Who knew? Over a quarter million bucks a piece? In a non-income tax state, even?
Schweet gig if you can get it – even better if you’re not really very good at what you do.
Lost in this record number is that for the entire quarter, joe was still restricting foreign tourism. That's traditionally a huge part of Florida's visitors.. https://t.co/KArJPObMle
— Frog Capital (@FrogNews) May 19, 2023
In a truly encouraging sign, it’s starting to look as if not everyone who is moving here is clinging to the blue philosophies that drove them out of states like New York or California.
I've been a Floridian for quite some time. Although I lament the loss of our laid back atmosphere, I'm very pleased with the last 5 years or so. We've come a long way in almost every positive category. And we are truly Free. Nothing more important.
— philoebedoe (@philoebedoe1) May 19, 2023
What these new Florida residents left – unlike what the blue influx has done to places like Austin – must have really red-pilled a good proportion of the them.
NEW: Florida Republicans have expanded their lead over state Democrats to more than 470,000https://t.co/IrrvVJ6dQv
— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) May 19, 2023
The GOP registered voter pick-up numbers are stunning.
Through April 2023, Florida Republicans have extended their lead over registered Democrats by over 116,000, data shows.
In November, Republicans led Democrats by a little over 350,000.
Less than six months later, that lead now stands at 472,780 – and continues to grow by tens of thousands per month.
Both parties are losing voters, though.
Since late 2022, Republicans lost around 18,000 voters. However, their expanding lead over Democrats can be attributed to Democrats losing voters at a much more rapid pace.
Over the same time period, Florida Democrats lost a massive 134,583 voters – more than 600% faster than Republicans.
All this, no income tax, and no one can take our gas stoves either.
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