Results for: Beege Welborn

Who knew? U.S. military says spy balloon was "spying"
– This is some BREAKING NEWS if ever there was any and I sure am glad we pay these guys the big bucks to do our thinking for us. We might have screwed up and gone with what our lying eyes told us. Chinese spy balloon carried antennas, other intel materials:...
South Africa is in a power hurt locker
– I had no idea things were so desperate, and that’s after knowing what miserable shape the country is in. Car crashes, opportunistic criminals, rotting food, decomposing bodies, bankrupt businesses, and water shortages. Welcome to life under South Africa’s power blackouts. Last week the grim extent of the outages...
People aren't buying the phony baloney any more
– Oh, for the halcyon days of, like, two years ago. When the mere mention of cow farts, with their deadly, targeted destruction of all we hold precious on Earth, was enough to move the perpetually guilt-ridden off their moo juice and meatloaf. Desperate to assuage their culpable consciences for their...
McCarthy to U.S. Chamber: Of course you realize, this means war
– Oh, my, gosh. I am enjoying Kevin McCarthy’s short rule as Speaker so much more than I ever thought I would! He has been the best, most delightful surprise so far and I am praying he keeps this up. This latest stand of his is a perfect example. To...
When trans-activists stomp into a capitol building, aren't they kinda insurrectiony, too?…capitol-building-arent-they-kinda-insurrectiony-too-n528865
– Trans and alphabet activists are in a mighty cranky mood in Oklahoma these past few weeks. The legislature there has teed up some bills that have the usual suspects Big Mad. Trans people have a right to live free from discrimination — and we won't settle for less. #OKleg
'Return to work' means less diversity and other reasons not to go back to the office…rsity-and-other-reasons-not-to-go-back-to-the-office-n528694
– The shift back to working in an office vice working from home seems to be picking up steam. As more and more companies/CEOs are reevaluating the benefits of keeping the current status quo in relation to their bottom line and productivity or eye it critically in light of competitive edge,...
When diesel runs the dreamy windmills of your mind
– Ho-lee-smokes. I know I’ve been hard on both wind power schemes and my ancestral Scottish homeland for their renewable energy authoritarian fever dreams, but DAY-YUM. Never in my wildest imaginings did I think they’d keep assisting me in my quest to expose and crush their mendacious, malicious incompetence completely....
Wind winding down?
– Sometimes it’s funny how coming across an article will make you smile because of a memory triggered by some aspect of it. That happened yesterday, and again today, when I came across these pieces on the chaos in the wind turbine manufacturing sector. My Daddy, after being summarily...
Safety Merck-iness: In some lucky folks, COVID drug produces NEW virus mutations?…lucky-folks-covid-drug-produces-new-virus-mutations-n528124
– I don’t think this is quite the result – nor the publicity – Merck was looking for. Merck’s Covid pill is giving rise to new mutations of the virus, some of which are already spreading, a new study says — Bloomberg (@business) February 1, 2023...
Does importing gas and diesel made from Russian oil make New Yorkers "tools of Putin"?…ade-from-russian-oil-make-new-yorkers-tools-of-putin-n528007
– There’s an admittedly awkward question that could use answering. The Biden administration and its European Union partners have leveled heavy sanctions against the Russian oil industry in an attempt to cripple financing of the Ukrainian invasion. It remains to be seen if their joint efforts have shown the results they...
Nothing to see here: DoE just wants to "regulate" gas stoves
– It’s as if these Biden admin bros simply can’t take “no” for an answer — or they take each time they get pushed back as invitation to a tag-team mortal death match. In this particular case, the first shot across the bow was the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s announcement...
Too cool for school: How's 'bout a small thermonuclear reactor to power campus?…s-bout-a-small-thermonuclear-reactor-to-power-campus-n527858
– They’re going to WHUT?! Now THIS is thinking outside the box! Today I learned that the University of Illinois is planning to build a microreactor to deliver electricity & *district heating* to the Urbana Champaign campus. I believe this would be the first nuclear district heating in...
McCarthy v Biden: Rockem sockem debt bout debut
– Take your corners, gentlemen! The National Debt Ceiling Smack Talking Series is about to begin! Biden and McCarthy clash ahead of White House debt ceiling meeting As President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy prepare to meet Wednesday afternoon to discuss the looming U.S. debt ceiling deadline,...
Prog hypocrisy: When a venue is so problematic you have to check it out yourself…is-so-problematic-you-have-to-check-it-out-yourself-n527592
– This seems to be one of those days where the liberals are busy unmasking themselves or being exposed, as the case may be. Like Steph Curry in California, this faux pas concerns a progressive mayoral candidate and a social club called the Union League. The Union League was founded...
Steph Curry all about "equality" until it gets too close to his backyard…out-equality-until-it-gets-too-close-to-his-backyard-n527499
– I am not a basketball fan. I never have been, and, quite frankly, the current crop of blowhard anti-American racist multi-bazillionaires like Lebron James make it easy to stay that way. All the posturing and lecturing and finger-pointing from those oppressed folks drawing down hundreds of millions for playing a...
Biden: White people love watching lynchings, even now
– I can’t even with this guy. We need a president who will unite our country and bring out our best — not one who stokes division and brings out our worst. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 13, 2020 Not that guy. Biden doesn’t even know who...
Vikings are RACIST: Life in the British police state
– You know, we constantly rail here about the outsize voices the victimhood lobbies have in our society – the BLM/race grievance group, LGBTQ alphabet crowd, pro-trans child mutilation cult, the Environmental Green fascists, government progressive, ad nauseum. It seems every perceived slight or injury is magnified for ultimate weaponization. Or...
DEI in action: Latest Russian window death is a woman
– All things being equal in Vlad’s eyes, we have to announce our first female winner in the relatively new Russian sport of Sky Scraper Window Diving. A top defence official in Russia has been found dead after plunging from a high window in a tower block, in the...
You knew it was coming: East Palestine train wreck is Trump's fault…as-coming-east-palestine-train-wreck-is-trumps-fault-n531060
– Worthless Transportation Secretary “Pothole” Pete Buttigieg is nothing if he is not the most elusive, grossly incompetent, cartoonish, inert figure in the Biden administration. WHEN and IF he moves to address an issue, he does so at the speed of tar pitch on a slight incline. He held true to...
U.S. Chargé d’Affaires in Kabul* wins poster girl contest for everything wrong in Biden-world…ter-girl-contest-for-everything-wrong-in-biden-world-n530992
– Dear God. This has to absolutely be one of the most horrific, shameless, brain-dead, appalling things I’ve ever seen an administration official do in my pretty long life, and that is saying a LOT. This Karen Decker, this CREATURE, who is the chargé d’ affairs at our Afghanistan* mission...
Trans-fan, Green tiny tyrant, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigning…nt-scottish-first-minister-nicola-sturgeon-resigning-n530847
– Looks like the run of Scotland’s “Wee Nippy” diminutive dictator is coming to an end. #UPDATE Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon is expected to announce her resignation at a news conference at 11:00 am (1100 GMT) Wednesday, after coming under pressure over a stalled push towards independence and over...
Why is everyone so nasty about that nice Italian lady?
– Giorgia Meloni, the relatively new prime minister of Italy, sure has the press in a lather…still. They’d worked themselves into a frenzy at the thought of her possibly getting elected… Italian Voters Appear Ready to Turn a Page for Europe With the hard-right candidate Giorgia Meloni ahead before Sunday’s...
EV fEVer fervor will EVentually EVolve into destroying EVerything we love…eventually-evolve-into-destroying-everything-we-love-n530640
– Nothing about this madness, this headlong rush into the EV/renewable abyss is adding up. Without our consent, we are being permanently decoupled from reliable sources of electricity before having even brought online enough renewables – and reliable is a postulate yet to be proven – to cover the power demands...
China's pushing the envelope all over the world
– As if balloons and UFOs on this side of the planet weren’t enough, China’s been busy poking people’s peace in the Pacific as well, specifically in the Philippines. With all the uber-nationalistic, anti-American rhetoric and actions that came out of the administration of former PI president Rodrigo Duterte, the...
D'oh! Killnet DDoS attack hits NATO earthquake relief flights
– One day you’re a hero, the next you’re a dog. The shadowy group of (unfortunately) super talented, politically motivated pro-Kremlin hackers known as Killnet found out that’s how life rolls. Late yesterday afternoon I got a message from our son Ebola in Germany – smack in the middle of...
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