Trans-fan, Green tiny tyrant, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigning

(AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

Looks like the run of Scotland’s “Wee Nippy” diminutive dictator is coming to an end.


A tumultuous eight years after being swept into power as the head of the Scottish National Party (SNP), working for the failed Scottish independence referendum, and trying to force a second one…

…She is a politician that has dominated and driven Scotland’s politics for the past two decades as the nation’s longest-ever serving first minister and its most successful too at the ballot box.

She has ensured SNP dominance in Holyrood and Westminster elections during her tenure and been a leading force for Scottish independence, both as Alex Salmond’s deputy during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum and then as first minister, trying – and failing – to drive through a second vote.

Under Ms Sturgeon the SNP almost wiped-out Labour in the Westminster elections, with her party winning 45 of the 59 House of Commons seats in 2019, reducing Labour – who have never won a general election without dominating in Scotland – to just one MP.

She has not only dominated Scottish politics but helped define the politics of Westminster too, as a thorn in the side of the Conservative government and opponent-in-chief to former PM Boris Johnson, and as a block to winning power for a Labour one.

…she is stepping down. She’ll have a replacement named who will hold office until the next general election.


There’s plenty of shock at the move, but I’m having a hard time finding many tears. She’s been far too polarizing, especially in the past year.

Bye bye Nicola Sturgeon, don’t let the door hit you in the backside on the way out

…Many had been expecting it but in the end it still came as a shock. She is not even going to stick around until the next general election but instead will go as soon as a replacement can be found.

It looks as though there will be two coronations this year, although at least King Charles has only to contend with two troublesome family members thousands of miles away in California.

The next Nat leader takes over a party that is more divided than ever by the hot topic issue of gender reform and the core, quasi-religious belief in how best to break up the United Kingdom.

It has been an open secret for several years now that Sturgeon was giving serious thought to her post-Holyrood career, with her preference understood to be something suitably woke on the global stage.

SUITABLY WOKE” has been her downfall with the everyday Scots who have supported her and the SNP, and made them rulers of a virtual one-party state. Sturgeon seriously misjudged the latitude she had for change when she received the reins of power and a fatal dose of the Davos influence-za.


Her insistence on legislating and advocating for trans-gender “rights” ran afoul of decent people everywhere on a number of occasions. One was when fellow SNP MPs were photographed all chirpy in a trans rights protest crowd, with a DECAPITATE ALL TERFS placard raised directly behind them.

ALL TERFS? Well, how inclusive! Of course, Sturgeon was shocked and appalled.

Nicola Sturgeon has condemned a placard spotted at a trans rights rally in Glasgow which called for some feminists to be decapitated.

The First Minister was quizzed about the banner amid a growing row over the UK Government’s decision to block Holyrood legislation affecting trans people.

Hundreds of supporters of the Gender Recognition Reform (GRR) Bill – including several SNP MPs and MSPs – gathered in central Glasgow on Saturday to protest against the move by Tory Scottish Secretary Alister Jack.

In the background was a sign saying “decapitate TERFS” – referring to trans-exclusionary radical feminists – provoking criticism from Harry Potter author JK Rowling among others.

She wasn’t too appalled to push for a drop in the age of “gender recognition” to a tender 16, though.

….The Scottish parliament voted for the gender recognition reform bill after a heated debate in December. Its passage was a victory for Sturgeon, who said it was her responsibility “to make life a little bit easier for stigmatised minorities in our country”.

The legislation reduces the age at which people can obtain a gender recognition certificate to 16, removes the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria — the feeling of discomfort or distress some trans people feel when their bodies do not align with their gender — and shortens the period in which someone has to live in their gender before getting a certificate to three months.


The SNP pushed it through the Scottish Parliament contrary to what seems to be overwhelming public opposition – half the country agreed with the British government blocking the measure.

…Polling indicates that while the SNP remains Scotland’s most popular party, Scottish public opinion is opposed to some of its reforms to laws about transgender people, particularly a provision reducing the minimum age for certifying gender change to 16.

An Ipsos poll conducted at the end of January found that 50 per cent of respondents, including 31 per cent of SNP voters, supported Westminster’s decision to block the gender recognition bill, with just 33 per cent disagreeing.

That such a significant portion of SNP voters sided with the government in London was “striking”, said Emily Gray, Scotland managing director at Ipsos. “These findings suggest this is a divisive issue for those who support the SNP.”

Sturgeon’s trans arrogance has also cost her dearly thanks to a policy that insisted on prisoners being held in facilities that were for the sex they identified as, not their birth gender. It worked out terrifically for one DOUBLE RAPIST IN A WOMEN’S PRISON.

Go figure.

…Last month, justice secretary Keith Brown announced that violent trans inmates will be barred from female jails in Scotland until the conclusion of a review into all transgender prisoners.

The move followed concern over Isla Bryson, who first appeared in court facing rape charges as Adam Graham.

Another trans inmate, Tiffany Scott — who as Andrew Burns stalked a 13-year-old girl — had also reportedly applied to transfer to a female prison.

The review was due to be completed by the Scottish Prison Service last Friday. The First Minister confirmed on Thursday that Mr Brown has now received the report.

…Protesters held signs reading “no males in women’s jails” and “if you have a willy you stay in Barlinnie.”


All this on top of the absolute disaster her woke Green energy policies have wrought on the Scottish homeowner and their household budget (I covered them here and here). Scotland’s schools were once the envy of many, but student performance is abysmal now. The National Health Service is about to implode and there are some hinky party finances being investigated that she is connected to.

Scotland is a mess.

Yet, as we’ve seen time and time again, these people all manage to fail up.

Nicola Sturgeon is using her push for gender reform to score a “big” job with the United Nations when she steps down as SNP leader, an international affairs expert has claimed. The First Minister has found herself with her back against the wall since the turn of the year due to her government’s controversial Gender Recognition Reform Bill.

The U.N.

Well. There’s some comfort in the thought that at least we know where they all are.

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