Vikings are RACIST: Life in the British police state

(AP Photo/Jill Lawless)

You know, we constantly rail here about the outsize voices the victimhood lobbies have in our society – the BLM/race grievance group, LGBTQ alphabet crowd, pro-trans child mutilation cult, the Environmental Green fascists, government progressive, ad nauseum. It seems every perceived slight or injury is magnified for ultimate weaponization. Or just as precipitously dropped when found to be either a lie, inconvenient facts are exposed later diluting or disproving the outrage, or something juicier entirely comes along to exploit. It’s how the game is played at every level, from grassroots to national media and liberals in office.


Our side is getting better at countering the propaganda. We’re learning to be more adroit in responding, and more effective at the counter-punch, light years better at disseminating facts and truths in real-time than we’ve been previously. Information is knowledge and power, and we are finally learning that wielding both is essential to preserving those precious AMERICAN concepts that make us unique among the peoples of the world.

Opinion is sacred. We have a God-given right to both disagree with any given position and verbalize the same. We don’t have to justify anything. We have an inherent right to believe. It’s American to its very toes to do so. Hurt feelings used to be a right of passage, something encountered that helped to mold a stronger, better personality. One who both could shed the sting and refrain from causing such hurt themselves, as best they could. After all, we are human.

Acknowledging there are humans who are more sinner than saint is also part and parcel of society at large.

Progressives, on the other hand, have been in an ongoing battle to take those hurt feelings to a punitive level. There is that pesky First Amendment standing in their way, but it hasn’t stopped the constant assaults or the pre-emptive illegal actions. Cold comfort to conservatives canceled or temporarily incarcerated, only to be turned loose when, at some stage, the system affirms a 1st Amendment violation. You still have lawyers’ fees and the fallout from something that should never have happened, and wouldn’t to the opposite party.


But you do have it, hard as they are trying to take it away.

Chuck Schumer is fond of the “No amendment is absolute” mantra – he trots it out for every SCOTUS decision or expressed opinion he’s disagreeing with at the moment.

The newer group of socialists in Congress simply want to block your inherent rights like they do Twitter followers if whatever is said gets their panties in a wad. In fact, they want government power to do it.

So far, we are still here. Shaky – ask any comedian or unwilling participant in a woke company DEI session – but here.

Not so in England, and don’t think for two seconds our Leftists aren’t watching closely how it’s going. The creeping, truly fascist police state the British have become is chilling. Every niche victim identity is now covered under the Malicious Communication Act of 2003 and authorities are wielding it under any excuse possible.

You can receive a summons for annoying someone, and annoyance is in the eye of the beholder.

Say you walked past a soccer stadium, festooned with rainbow flags when it’s World Cup time. Let’s say you were so annoyed yourself, that you took a moment to express your displeasure in a short 10-second video with a shot of the flags.

Yeah. Don’t do that.


Very good chance you’ll get a letter from a police inspector. He’ll demand your presence for a sit-down to explain your homophobic harassment of the alphabet community, including your lack of appropriate reverence for the over-the-top public decorating done to appease the community’s constant neediness.

As you are not J.K. Rowling, the cost of a lawyer could be a non-starter, and don’t they count on it.

Find asylum “in any sane country”? I wish them luck in finding one at the moment.

Tucker Carlson has kept up with a British pro-life activist who was arrested in December for praying near an abortion clinic. SILENTLY praying. Like, mouth closed, standing there, all in her head.

…Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the Director of the UK March for Life, was standing near the BPAS Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham in an area ADF UK called a “censorship zone,” when police approached her after an onlooker complained she might be praying outside the abortion facility the report said. Birmingham’s authorities established a buffer zone around abortion clinics, which makes it illegal for an individual to engage in any act or attempted act of approval or disapproval as it relates to abortion and includes “verbal or written means” like “prayer or counseling.”

…Vaughan-Spruce has stood near the abortion facility while it was closed three times and said she “might” have been praying, according to ADF UK. Police showed her photos of herself standing outside the facility and asked if she was praying, which she said she could not answer since she spent some time praying, but got distracted other times.


Arrested for a thought crime against the abortion cult.

The charges have since been dropped against her, but others have been arrested for the same offense. As well as threatening letters sent out and police intimidation for tweets and Facebook posts that don’t toe the approved line.

This is just about where we are with policing in the States now. Look familiar?

I’ll leave you with this other recent gem, courtesy of a local British police department’s attempts to pacify BLM types, as food for thought:

Turns out VIKINGS


I’ll never get over losing the Teddy Roosevelt statue in front of the Museum of Natural History.


Good luck finding that sane country to move to.

Lemme know whacha find.

We’re hanging on by our fingernails.

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