Prog hypocrisy: When a venue is so problematic you have to check it out yourself

(AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

This seems to be one of those days where the liberals are busy unmasking themselves or being exposed, as the case may be. Like Steph Curry in California, this faux pas concerns a progressive mayoral candidate and a social club called the Union League.


The Union League was founded in 1862 by “Olde Philadelphians” (read: well-to-do citizens) as a private social club to support Abraham Lincoln’s policies. Members felt that Philadelphia was too closely tied to Southern policies and the South’s economy.

…At the time of Union League’s founding, Philadelphia was still a divided city with many economic, social, and cultural ties to the South. Indeed, before 1860 Philadelphia, with its proximity to the slaveholding South, had developed into what Pennsylvania political leader Alexander K. McClure (1828-1909) called “the great emporium of Southern commerce.” Although Philadelphia had been the home of the earliest American anti-slavery society, the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, its record as a haven of abolitionist feeling was never significantly high. In the election of 1860, it gave Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln only a token majority of 2,039 votes out of over 76,000 cast. When civil war broke out in 1861, pro-Union Philadelphians were incensed that Philadelphians “who were almost in league with the Southern traitors were walking with heads high among our people.”

The League moved into its current building in 1865 and somehow managed, through the momentous changes in society during the century and a half that followed, to adapt and thrive. While still retaining wisps of its Republican roots, it became a landmark in the city, both literally and figuratively.


…These changes set the stage in the 1990s for the most dramatic recruitment campaign the league had sustained. While many historic urban clubs of the Northeast, unable to offer activities that would attract clientele to a downtown location, closed their doors between 1990 and 2010, the league aggressively marketed itself as a downtown event and hotel location. It transformed its overnight accommodations into the Inn at the Union League, revamped its dining facilities, established a Heritage Center to house its archives and mount exhibits, and acquired its own parking garage. The league’s Youth Work Foundation, which began as an initiative of league president Millard D. Brown (1882-1957) in 1946 to promote “good citizenship” among Philadelphia’s youth, was by 2016 partnering with fifty-two Philadelphia organizations to recognize more than 250 high-schoolers at an annual “Good Citizen Day” at the league. In 2012, the Platinum Clubs of America ranked the league as the country’s number-one city club. The league’s prosperity is a marker of how a private institution can play a public role in the life of the city, and serve simultaneously a social and a civic goal without subtracting from either.

Fast forward to January 24th. The organization had caused something of a commotion with who they’d nominated for their Union League Medal of Honor, which had first been bestowed upon Abraham Lincoln. There were protests and speeches outside on the street and hall steps. Later that evening, the League presented their medal to this guy.


Along with the NAACP, city council members, and black clergy members all attempting to outdo each other by hyperventilating about RACIST Ron DeSantis…

…Critics who describe Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as a racist protested Tuesday outside the Union League, which is awarding him a medal once presented to President Abraham Lincoln.

Rev. Alvyn Waller of Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church said the Philadelphia branch of the NAACP and others feel compelled to address the Union League’s decision to go ahead with the event, which was postponed after outcry when it was announced last fall.

“This specific award, the Abraham Lincoln award, being given to Ron DeSantis, in a city that is 44% African American, is just a smack in our face,” Waller said. “Ron DeSantis, in more than a few ways, has shown not just his political ideology and his right leaning, but that he is a racist that denies the humanity of black people.”

…the progressive candidate for mayor, Helen Gym…

…A fiery progressive activist who’s been referred to as “Philly’s AOC.

…saw a perfect opportunity to pipe up. Didn’t she jump right on in?


And then promptly forgot how outraged about the hate-filled Union League she’d been because, well, COCKTAIL PARTY!!!

Oooo, busted. *grovel grovel grovel*

OUCH. Someone call 911! (Who let that guy in the comments?)

You know she was expecting a “mistakes were made” slide out of it and how refreshing someone called her out.

As of this moment, there are 10 candidates running for mayor of Philadelphia, every last one of them a Democrat. None can afford to be savaged over self-inflicted wounds between now and Election Day on November 7.

Folks like her don’t seem real quick to catch on to things.

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