Results for: Beege Welborn
Bidenomics comin' in hot: Inflation "unexpectedly" up
Those of us inhabiting the wilderness out here known as “The Real World” have been continually telling the powers that be what’s going on. Honestly, they should have seen this coming instead of complaining about the “disconnect” between their wonderful economic “figures,” and the figures we...
Waahmbulance time: When your water pipes become rockets, it's Israel's fault there's no water…pes-become-rockets-its-israels-fault-theres-no-water-n584219…pes-become-rockets-its-israels-fault-theres-no-water-n584219
Since Hamas didn’t seem to be getting any sympathy at the moment in the “Look what Israel’s doing to our buildings!” quarter (I’m admittedly biased)…
— tree hugging s*ster 🎃 (@WelbornBeege) October 11, 2023
…they’ve apparently decided to switch tacks. They’re gonna...
EU going after Elon for "misinformation" on X
Ho, boy. This is epic.
You KNEW the fascist censorial overlords at the European Commission were probably sneering and salivating like Shelob when a fat orc stumbled drunkenly into the cave opening at the thought of being about to hammer Musk for every video and tweet when the Hamas...
A few Dem senators leetle uncomfortable w/ that $6B still floating out there...…tle-uncomfortable-w-that-6b-still-floating-out-there-n584118…tle-uncomfortable-w-that-6b-still-floating-out-there-n584118
Must have been a collective “GULP* in certain Democratic quarters as more and more horrific details come in about the vast atrocities perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorists in Israel on Saturday.
When even the US Charges d’ Affairs is so choked up by the carnage she sees while touring...
Surprise: Consumers tired of companies preaching at them
So, yesterday I gave you all an update on the absolute drubbing the House of Mouse is taking, in the streaming world, the theater business, and their stock price.
Disney is circling the drain in every metric, and it’s no Woke wonder. The situation is so dire, one of...
A lesson in wind industry smoke blowing
A tweet from fellows I regularly check in with yesterday caught my eye. And the subject of the link was something ever so warming to the cockles of my heart.
Wouldja look at this headline, already:
Investors ditched renewable energy funds at the fastest rate on record...
When they butcher babies
John thoroughly hit this earlier today, but I am compelled to add my ten cents.
There’s no death too excruciating and no fiery afterlife too horrible for the Hamas savages who did this.
Obliterate them.
— tree hugging s*ster 🎃 (@WelbornBeege) October 10, 2023...
I was today years old when I learned only 2% of Israeli households have weapons…i-learned-only-2-of-israeli-households-have-weapons-n583708…i-learned-only-2-of-israeli-households-have-weapons-n583708
Good Lord.
Israelis – forever living on the edge of annihilation. Enemies to the east, north, and south with the Mediterranean protecting their west. It’s a land of legendary soldiers names like Ariel Sharon and Moshe Dayan. Their military is known for bold feats of astonishing derring-do – like...
Things still lousy in House of Mouse
In the midst of all the horror, fury, and trepidation of the past few days, I found this little item brought a smile to my face this morning.
It seems to confirm that Bob Iger is not a savior savant and Disney has most assuredly written it own obituary...
The real problem is Elon letting people see what Hamas videotaped themselves doing…ng-people-see-what-hamas-videotaped-themselves-doing-n583476…ng-people-see-what-hamas-videotaped-themselves-doing-n583476
If you thought that the greatest sin committed this weekend was when Palestinian assassins of every stripe walked, drove, and glided into Israel for murder, mayhem, kidnapping, and rape, you’d be wrong.
If you thought watching blissful rave dancers in the gloaming, exuberantly living life and then noticed the...
UAW update: Mack Truck employees take a strike hike
Anymore, and with who’s running the country into the dirt in real time, I’m not so sure this guy isn’t en pointe with the Bolshevik reference.
That's part of the plan. Remember how the Russian Revolution really got kicked off? General strikes, after a series of smaller strikes in various...
They have a right to do what they need to do
As opposed to the vegetable in chief, whom his staff didn’t even wake up to tell him something awful was going down in Israel he might want to know about.
Especially considering POTATUS and that same staff financed most of it.
…Right now, though, many on the...
Will Europeans fall for the EU's "flatten the curve in-the-energy-tailpipe" trick?…e-eus-flatten-the-curve-in-the-energy-tailpipe-trick-n495002…e-eus-flatten-the-curve-in-the-energy-tailpipe-trick-n495002
Just a warning before you watch this disturbing video:
TAKE NOTE: This is who Elsa in Frozen would have grown up to be had they not snapped her out of her murderous, ice castle killing spree.
Keep an eye on that Thunberg kid.
Okay. I’m done....
Jackson MS problems are deeper than the water
In all the frustrating and heartbreaking reports surrounding the desperate difficulties of the Jackson, Mississippi water situation, I heard a snippet that buzzed around in my head for a bit.
Well, 2 actually. First, of course, their water problems are all legacy “institutional racism.” In this day and age?...
Matt Gaetz opponent blowing up local Dems and making friends
Talk about a complete lack of self-awareness * insert wide-eyed stare*! Democratic Congressional District 1 candidate in Florida, self-proclaimed “COVID whistleblower,” alleged felon, fired geographer, and never-ending drama queen extraordinaire Rebekah Jones has been on a roll these past few weeks, and have they ever been a doozy.
The answer to a cold, dark, German winter? Windfall taxes -- on green-energy producers…rman-winter-windfall-taxes-on-green-energy-producers-n494603…rman-winter-windfall-taxes-on-green-energy-producers-n494603
From the very first moment German diplomats at the U.N. smirked at Donald Trump warning them that their determined reliance on Russian natural gas, and fickle Green technology – but MOSTLY Russian natural gas – was going to buy them a world of hurt, it seems as if all the...
Facebook reportedly sharing private IM conversations with FBI as "leads"…y-sharing-private-im-conversations-with-fbi-as-leads-n497099…y-sharing-private-im-conversations-with-fbi-as-leads-n497099
President Joe Biden, repeating a now way too familiar chorus, told an audience gathered for the “United We Stand” summit that…
Biden says haters won’t have ‘last word’; wants to end social media immunity
U.S. President Joe Biden called on Americans to speak out against racism and extremism...
State rep for Martha's Vineyard all about access and immigrants until he's not…neyard-all-about-access-and-immigrants-until-hes-not-n496991…neyard-all-about-access-and-immigrants-until-hes-not-n496991
There’s been something beautiful happening since Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent 2 planeloads of illegal Venezuelan refugees to the Third World hell-hole of Martha’s Vineyard, and all credit to him for being the catalyst. Those liberal peace, love, happiness, and sanctuary masks have cracked – no, shattered – falling from...
Biden administration talking out of both sides of their mouth on the border…lking-out-of-both-sides-of-their-mouth-on-the-border-n496869…lking-out-of-both-sides-of-their-mouth-on-the-border-n496869
The open door that’s really a secure border policy stance of the Biden administration is as garbled as the French national electrical emergency plan. On one hand, you have our valiant red state governors, taking the human flood pouring over the southern reaches of their states, and thoughtfully redistributing them...
That's one heckuvan electricity plan, France
I know the Europeans are “different” from us. I get it. Culturally, politically, and philosophically – vive la difference! Most things they do that are…odd…to an American way of thinking I can either rationalize, follow along to see where they’re going to make sense of it or ask my Albanian...
Gov. Pritzker: You racists only squawk if it's a white woman screaming…u-racists-only-squawk-if-its-a-white-woman-screaming-n496499…u-racists-only-squawk-if-its-a-white-woman-screaming-n496499
Hoooo boy, Illinois! Did you all vote for a dreamboat – yes, sirree, Bob, did you ever!
The lines of battle are being clearly drawn over Pritzker and his uber-liberal Leftist allies’ soon-to-be-enacted SAFE-T Act, and I think the delicate legislative niceties are going to fall by the wayside....
Tick, tock, the railway strike clock counts down and Mayor Pete is nowhere around…e-clock-counts-down-and-mayor-pete-is-nowhere-around-n496314…e-clock-counts-down-and-mayor-pete-is-nowhere-around-n496314
When last we saw our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, he wa…wait. When last did we see Pete Buttigieg?
It sure as HECK hasn’t been any time in the recent past, when, thanks to the expiration of the “cooling off period” for the railroad contract negotiations (a deal having been...
IL SAFE-T Act goes into effect 1 Jan: No cash bail and lots of other good stuff…fect-1-jan-no-cash-bail-and-lots-of-other-good-stuff-n496248…fect-1-jan-no-cash-bail-and-lots-of-other-good-stuff-n496248
Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot, while torquing off the suburbs by dumping bused-in illegal migrants on them, might be doing those migrants the biggest favor they’ve had yet. She’s getting them out of the city before Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s latest and greatest experiment in equitable justice becomes enforceable, and the...
Matt Gaetz crosses the Rebekah Rubicon
Matt Gaetz inadvertently caused a minor nuclear explosion here in the Redneck Riviera this weekend – so minor, it made no waves locally, but wound up in Newsweek, with himself as the villain in the melodrama, as you’d expect. This past Saturday, his Twitter/Facebook account posted these two comparative, side-by-side...
In McConnell vs Scott, let the guy who hustles for his team win the day…ott-let-the-guy-who-hustles-for-his-team-win-the-day-n495890…ott-let-the-guy-who-hustles-for-his-team-win-the-day-n495890
There’s an interesting Federalist article out this morning, which tapped into something I’ve been noticing more and more – Mitch McConnell pulling support from GOP senate candidates who have won their primaries and are in fighting trim to take on the Democratic incumbents. They are competitive, and the senate Minority...