State rep for Martha's Vineyard all about access and immigrants until he's not

(Margo Tabb/Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce via AP)

There’s been something beautiful happening since Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent 2 planeloads of illegal Venezuelan refugees to the Third World hell-hole of Martha’s Vineyard, and all credit to him for being the catalyst. Those liberal peace, love, happiness, and sanctuary masks have cracked – no, shattered – falling from liberal faces like the legs in a Rockette chorus line cascading down, one after another. Democrats as a whole are, to quote the Hill, “seething.”


Senate Democrats are seething over what they say was a “political stunt” by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who have sent planeloads and busloads of Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., and Washington, D.C.

Democratic lawmakers have grown increasingly frustrated with DeSantis and other GOP governors for transporting migrants to the liberal metropolises of Washington, New York and Chicago in an effort to pressure the Biden administration to pay more attention to illegal immigration.

And that DeSantis guy, man. Of all the brutal, horrific, inhospitable places on earth he could have chosen to move these people to? Democrats aren’t holding back.

…[Sen Tim] Kaine noted that Venezuelan migrants are fleeing “one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world” and that the United States is largest provider of humanitarian aid to Venezuela.

“That DeSantis would go to Texas to round up Venezuelans to drop them off in Martha’s Vineyard, the guy has not the shadow of a heart or a conscience. It’s outrageous,” Kaine said. “These poor Venezuelans, what they’re suffering.”

I wonder how the FL gov chose an out-of-the-way place like Martha’s Vineyard. Whatever could have led him to believe that those poor island dwellers, who have access to few resources themselves, would welcome more damn near indigent folks like themselves?


The State representative for Martha’s Vineyard is a smarmy, charmless, progressive social justice warrior in the Swalwell mode named Dylan Fernandes. Reeking of old New England arrogance enhanced by the gold standard liberal education – Harvard, so predictable (and he really is a frat-boy puke) – he’s been interviewed for local pieces on legacy racism, bemoaning lack of access to the beaches for “people of color” and the minority community. Which, in one article, included a fellow from Columbia.

Historic racism still raises barriers to beach access

Fredy Hincapie grew up in Lynn, a low-income city north of Boston sitting on 4 miles of Atlantic shoreline, but he says he had little connection with the water during his childhood.

The 27-year-old Colombian immigrant says there was a dearth of city programs to draw young people to the beaches…

…“It’s just therapeutic, like tranquility,” Hincapier told GBH News. Still, he worries that he doesn’t really belong there, wondering if police will show up and tell him to leave or neighbors will call and complain, leading to the same outcome….

…”It’s disgusting — the fact that Massachusetts, a state that claims to be progressive, has the most restrictive beach access that really impacts the poorest, most vulnerable people in our community,” said state Rep. Dylan Fernandes, a Democrat from Woods Hole. “A lot of antiquated beach laws across the country enabling restriction to access were born out of trying to keep African Americans from accessing the beach.”


Rep Fernandes is most emphatically asserting “It’s disgusting” that white privilege keeps people from the beach. He is also a strong proponent of immigrants in general and has not hesitated to voice his support for them.

Initially, as he rode the ferry out to the island upon hearing of the flights, my impression is that he saw himself playing the role of progressive crusader looking forward from the bow of the ship.

He must have gotten a whale of an earful from his constituents because the tenor of his tweets changed drastically just a two hours later. We “are stronger for them” abruptly changed to…



Fernandes started getting national airtime, which he took to like he was born for it. So fervent. So earnest.

Hey now! It takes a nimble brain to pivot in an instant, and that’s what constituent services are all about. Fernandes grew up on the Cape. He and everyone else knows those signs (that were?) in every shop window are just signs. Islanders are with the poor and indigent of the world in spirit, but most emphatically not in the literal, on-my-lawn, sense.

That’s a pretty deeply engrained, massively hypocritical, classically liberal attitude, as we came to find out in the split seconds after those planes touched down. The isolated little island that, per The Vineyard Gazette, this summer bragged about their air passenger numbers soaring

On the Water and in the Air, Summer Visitor Numbers are Up

…At the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, commercial enplanements this June increased 16 per cent over the same period in 2021, reaching a total of 10,876 passengers. Last June, the airport recorded 9,405 enplanements.

Numbers over the past two years have exploded from the time before the pandemic, with June 2022 passenger counts more than double those in 2019, which saw 5,239 enplanements. Mr. Freeman said the surge in 2021 was unexpected, but that the airport is now equipped to handle the traffic.

…couldn’t handle 50 folks getting off a couple of planes at the start of the off-season? The island handles 150,000 during the summer – visitors coming and going. 50 folks is a humanitarian crisis? For this, they have to call on the governor, declare a humanitarian disaster, and demand funds to cover the costs. The island where the median home sale price in 2020 was $1,035,000 needs a state/federal GoFundMe to feed 50 people.


The utter hypocrisy has become its own blood sport, from asking why small Texas towns should bear enormous burdens while large, wealthy cities whine, to the viral clip of the Martha’s Vineyard friendly lady in green – whom you just know has all the progressive talking points injected first thing in the morning while sipping her organically harvested, sustainable, Fair Trade chai latte in the 90% post-consumables recycled cup – earnestly insisting that, while it’s nice the migrants can visit, they’ll have to move along. The Spanish reporter for Telemundo got an earful from residents.

Off camera, you know. Cowards. Can’t have those progressive credentials smudged.

Republicans have soundbites for years now. They need to use them, hard and fast.

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