Results for: Beege Welborn

Third world and proud Mardi Gras update: Mel Gibson out, local felon in…roud-mardi-gras-update-mel-gibson-out-local-felon-in-n524353
– Ah, New Orleans. Don’t ever change. Mel Gibson dropped from Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans after ‘threats’ Mel Gibson has been dropped from a Mardi Gras parade’s lineup in New Orleans after organizers said they’d received “threats” and cited safety concerns. The announcement was a...
Scots wae hae wi Wallace bled, nae more allowed to drive for bread?…wi-wallace-bled-nae-more-allowed-to-drive-for-bread-n524290
– What has happened to my kinfolk? Has every last drop of independence and fighting spirit been crushed out of their now mostly socialist souls? I mean, this pasty-faced Scottish government fellow literally announces: …the era of catering for unconstrained growth in private car use is well...
Cozy Davos luncheon crowd includes Manchin, Sinema and...Coons?
– That last name is a puzzler, let me tell you. He surely wasn’t invited for his intellectual heft. But he is gullible enough to eat the bugs if someone told him to. What are they serving at Davos? — Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) January 16, 2023 Well,...
Youngkin goes ballistic on equity and what schools do to achieve it vice excellence…ty-and-what-schools-do-to-achieve-it-vice-excellence-n524073
– This past Friday, four more Virginia high schools admitted to withholding National Merit notifications from students who had earned them. …Shawn DeRose, principal of Annandale High School wrote a letter for parents noting that when the delay of award notifications came to light at Thomas Jefferson High School for...
Yay! Sweden scores a rare earth find - Hiss! Gotta dig for it
– Literally. Pretty wild news in light of everything going on in Europe. The discovery here of a large deposit of rare-earth elements, vital for renewable energy and electric vehicles, offers fresh hopes for Europe’s transition away from fossil fuels and a lessened reliance on China, the world’s top supplier...
Is wishing for windfarms offshore killing whales in New Jersey?
– In a little over a month, six whales have washed up on the length of Mid-Atlantic beaches that stretch from Atlantic City, New Jersey to Montauk Point, New York, with two of them coming ashore in Atlantic City within 3 weeks of each other. The events locals are calling “unprecedented”...
Sweet little green corvette + secrets + Joe's Garage = 'S'All good
– President Joe Biden, the proud owner of Joe’s Garage, had another go-round today with his favorite reporter. You might remember the last time our silver-tongued chief executive lavished praise on the guy. Too bad for Joe that young Doocy had another shot at him today, and Joe...
Really unpopular Chicago mayor hard at work staying that way
– Lori Lightfoot is an arrogant, oblivious mess. She’s always been pretty wrapped up in her own self… …so she probably hasn’t noticed that Chicago is a mess, too. Other people have noticed, though – called “voters” – and it looks as if they are fixin’...
Gavin Newsom gives drunk sailors a run for spending money
– The unctuous governor of California, Randall Flagg doppelganger Gavin Newsom, had himself one of the healthiest rainy day funds in any blue state ever – a smidge over $98B in the bank last year. It must have been like being out at sea on a carrier for 3 months with...
Sweden all in on new nukes but the Finns are finding the road not easy…ew-nukes-but-the-finns-are-finding-the-road-not-easy-n523128
– Sweden’s new, center-right government has had enough of Green schemes. 🇸🇪 #Sweden: Government Preparing Legislation For Construction Of New #Nuclear Power Plants. #NuclearEnergy #NuclearPower Country aiming for ‘more reactors in more places’, including SMRs — NucNet Nuclear News (@NucNetNews) January 11, 2023 Feeling...
Florida taking the first steps to become 26th constitutional carry state…irst-steps-to-become-26th-constitutional-carry-state-n527375
– (Before we get into any firearm safety/trigger discipline brouhaha, the picture was taken at the S&W Firearms factory, and the hands you see are the assembler putting the 1911 together.) (There. That should settle THAT.) (I know how you all are.) The speaker of the Florida House announced lawmakers...
You know what else we may be running short of? Pharmacists
– Coming soon – like, real soon – to a chain pharmacy near you: shorter hours…if you’re lucky. CVS Health Corp. CVS and Walmart Inc. are cutting pharmacy hours in the midst of a pharmacist shortage that has plagued the nation’s biggest drugstore chains throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. CVS,...
House passes "Keep Biden's hands out of the SPR cookie jar" bill
– Well, true to their word, House Republicans proposed and passed a bill to keep Joe Biden from raiding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Republican bill conditioning US Strategic Petroleum Reserve releases clears House | #SPR #OOTT #oil — Commodity Insights Oil (@SPGCIOil) January 27, 2023...
Global trade partners want EU to mind their own Ps and Qs
– The countries, many of them developing nations, that make up a big share of the European Union’s imports are about up to here with Brussels dictating how they run their industries. It’s all well and good for Europe to have run through their own forests and natural resources – or...
Gas bags: Progressive war on your stove is VERY REAL
– This is just a friendly warning as the uproar from the proposed grab-for-your-gas-stove has subsided somewhat: Don’t fall for the lyin’ Trumka in your tailpipe joke. They’re still coming for it. The first clue is the kinder, gentler puff pieces appearing in the op-ed sections of the usual...
Islamic terrorist convicted - death penalty? Depends on Biden
– There hasn’t been much coverage in the news about this trial. I’m guessing Islamic terrorists have fallen out of favor as media villains. In 2010, an Uzbek immigrant named Sayfullo Saipov was allowed into the United States on a diversity visa. He moved around several states before settling with...
AP Stylebook isolates another word not to be mean with
– If it’s up to the Social Justice Warrior English Language police, we will soon be communicating with American Sign Language and/or grunts (which, mind you, can also be misconstrued – ask my husband). When did this constant rejiggering and realignment of our national tongue become such an obsessive past-time?...
Is commuting to work taxing? San Diego says, "Hold our beer!"
– Years ago, as the rest of California spiraled off into progressive lunacy, San Diego was the bright spot. Still uber California, slightly off-kilter, but – at its heart – an American town. West Coast Republican (think Pete Wilson, once mayor there) leaning and proud of its strong Navy presence. The...
Wait, whut? U.S. grants new license for nat gas Caribbean islands…license-for-nat-gas-development-to-caribbean-islands-n526364
– Not that we need any development or licenses for the same ’round these parts – as we are doing so well, thank you, Brandon – but what the frick frack, over? The Biden administration has granted a license to Trinidad and Tobago to develop a major gas field located...
First step towards national rent control? Biden admin to mandate "fairness"…ational-rent-control-biden-admin-to-mandate-fairness-n526206
– Inflation is eating citizens alive in these United States; nowhere are those numbers more obvious or egregiously out of whack than in the housing and rental industries. If you owned your home already, you’re in the catbird’s seat. If you just bought one, or are trying to in an unbelievably...
Norway: Snow crab wars edition
– Who knew things were so fractious all over – and I do mean all – over the globe? Even in the frozen north, Norway and Latvia are fixin’ to duke it out over, well…crabs. But it’s actually more complicated than crustacean catches. Norway’s Supreme Court on Tuesday began hearing...
Sticky fingers update: You can run, but never hide, from the Blue State Tax Man…u-can-run-but-never-hide-from-the-blue-state-tax-man-n525977
– Just because you’re been lucky enough to make a couple billion or so in your life doesn’t mean you should be able to pick up and move anywhere you want, taking those assets with you. To quote a famous philosopher and (now) very wealthy person himself: “…You…you...
Health Priorities in Trudeau World: Only two drinks a week while decriminalizing meth, opioids, crack…inks-a-week-while-decriminalizing-meth-opioids-crack-n525783
– There’s a big push on by the nanny state, semi-fascist Canadian government with pretty boy Justin Trudeau at the helm. As if brutally and ruthlessly crushing freedom of speech last year wasn’t enough, bulldozing civil rights into the snow during the trucker revolt, now his holier-than-thou group of nursemaids is...
Minority whip's kid busted while busy busting chops on cops in Boston…id-busted-while-busy-busting-chops-on-cops-in-boston-n525669
– It turns out that Atlanta wasn’t the only place where fisticuffs, foul language, and mayhem broke out this weekend. The son of the Rep. Katherine Clark, the second ranking Democrat in the House, was arrested last night for assaulting a police officer during an Antifa event in Boston....
D.C.: US Rep assaulted as House deep-sixes district crime bill
– That is not the way anyone wants to start their morning, and thank God she’s okay. Absolutely horrible. @RepAngieCraig was assaulted in the elevator of her apartment building in DC this morning. "Rep. Craig defended herself from the attacker and suffered bruising, but is otherwise physically okay," her...
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