Hot Air’s top 50 posts in 2014: 21-30

Welcome back to our retrospective on the most-read posts at Hot Air in 2014, a chance to revisit some narratives and old “friends,” as it were. One of those is Eric Cantor, who neglected to take care of business back home and got sent back there as a result in the primaries. Treasury got nostalgic for old debts, and an attempt to revisit an old “war” turns out as badly as the first one. We’ll take a trip to the ranch, and take up a hobby or two. What’s not to like?


Tomorrow we’ll get into the Top 20, and recall the moments when a metropolitan police chief endorsed personal carry, and recall another carry enthusiast who defended his community, as well as revisit the media’s Palinoia. Don’t miss it! While you’re waiting, though, enjoy one of Noah’s recent entertaining posts that only missed our year-end retrospective by a few slots: Harvard Law student’s disastrous argument for delayed exams due to emotional trauma blows up.

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