rEVOLution to end formally tonight; Update: Video added

I waited 45 minutes for Paul HQ to fix the video of his farewell message that’s supposed to be here but it still won’t play as of this writing. Take ABC’s word for it, though: It’ll be there soon, and amid seven plus minutes on liberty, the gold standard, and the Gulf of Tonkin there’ll be some sort of formal concession of a race he never had the remotest chance of winning, no matter how many terrorist-themed “moneybombs” the Paulnuts managed to put together. He had his own cult before Obama did; he’s still the only candidate with his own blimp (and his own racialist newsletter, his own Nazi donor base, etc etc). I’ll miss the easy content but take heart in the fact that he’s on his way back to the House for another term, where he’ll charm us with another two years of floor speeches espousing an absolute moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas. Maybe someday he’ll get around to explaining why someone who voted to invade Afghanistan thinks he’s qualified to lecture others on noninterventionism. Good riddance.


Update: Finally, here’s the clip. “I don’t mind playing a key role in the revolution, but it has to be more than a Ron Paul revolution.”

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