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Old British MacDonald Had a Farm, E-I-E-I-Gone
Beege Welborn
2:40 PM | November 20, 2024
French Farmers on a Rampage: EU Steps in Cow Poopie Again
Beege Welborn
2:40 PM | November 18, 2024
You Heard It Here First: Moo Juice Is Racist
Beege Welborn
5:30 PM | June 24, 2024
War Gaming How to Get the Peasants to Eat the Bugs
Beege Welborn
5:30 PM | May 15, 2024
Sunday Smiles
Black Voter In Swing State Says The One Thing Democrats Don’t Want To Hear
Congress Primed to Curtail Activist Judges
Megacorporation Is Hit by Shock Trump Probe Over Its DEI Policies
Worm turnings: EU "nature law" THIS CLOSE to not passing
Beege Welborn
8:41 PM | June 27, 2023
Queering everything
David Strom
3:31 PM | January 09, 2023
Wheat prices are up but American farmers can't cash in
Jazz Shaw
9:44 AM | March 21, 2022
Too dumb to check: Now we're potty training cows to stop global warming
Jazz Shaw
4:31 PM | September 14, 2021
Milk without cows or other animals?
Jazz Shaw
4:31 PM | August 10, 2021
Thunberg focuses on food production while Chinese state media fat-shames her
Karen Townsend
1:01 PM | May 22, 2021
California farm workers voted by massive margin to leave union (but nobody told them)
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | September 20, 2018
Whole Foods may have a whole new problem
Jazz Shaw
3:31 PM | June 14, 2015
Farm bill talks still stalled out as the clock winds down
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | December 02, 2013
Study: The rapid growth of food stamps hasn't really helped to reduce hunger
Erika Johnsen
5:21 PM | October 17, 2013
House approves $4 billion annual cut to almost $80 billion for food stamps; over to you, Senate
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | September 20, 2013
Shock: Farm lobby really, really doesn't want the farm bill to get split up
Erika Johnsen
7:31 PM | July 02, 2013
Reid on the farm bill: Boehner should've known he couldn't pass "a partisan love note to the tea party"
Erika Johnsen
5:21 PM | June 25, 2013
Excellent: Senate introduces a bill to abolish RFS biofuels mandate
Erika Johnsen
6:31 PM | June 21, 2013
Agribusiness lobbyists pretty upset about that farm bill's failure right about now
Erika Johnsen
8:31 AM | June 21, 2013
Oh, SNAP: House rejects the farm bill with bipartisan opposition
Erika Johnsen
3:31 PM | June 20, 2013
White House threatens to veto House farm bill because it isn't expensive enough
Erika Johnsen
11:11 AM | June 18, 2013
Yes, the "new and improved" farm bill is still chock-full of agribusiness pork
Erika Johnsen
5:01 PM | June 16, 2013
Psst: There are four separate scandals going on at EPA right now
Mary Katharine Ham
9:21 PM | June 10, 2013
Senate poised to pass that terrible farm bill along to the House
Erika Johnsen
6:41 PM | June 10, 2013
Behold, the vicious cycle of "temporary" federal subsidies that just won't die
Erika Johnsen
12:41 PM | June 03, 2013
The Obama admin wants to reform food aid and the agribusiness lobby is not okay with it
Erika Johnsen
3:21 PM | April 04, 2013
WaPo: Does anybody else think these agriculture subsidies are getting out-of-control?
Erika Johnsen
8:41 PM | February 19, 2013
Solis: I really wish I had been able to pass those spectacularly obtrusive farm-labor regulations, darn it
Erika Johnsen
8:14 PM | January 28, 2013
The other, other cliff: With no farm bill, milk prices set to soar
Erika Johnsen
2:01 PM | December 28, 2012
Vilsack: Rural America is becoming less and less relevant
Erika Johnsen
2:41 PM | December 11, 2012
The EPA hearts Big Ethanol
Erika Johnsen
5:11 PM | November 16, 2012
Burning our food: The drought and the vice of ethanol
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | July 28, 2012
Biofuels industry liable to lose their federal funding
Erika Johnsen
2:01 PM | July 11, 2012
Yes: Billions in agriculture subsidies could face the chopping block
Erika Johnsen
11:41 AM | June 04, 2012
Labor Dep't drops regulations banning kids from working on farms other than parents'
10:05 PM | April 26, 2012
Obama: I'll veto bill that will provide water to California's Central Valley
Ed Morrissey
2:30 PM | February 29, 2012
Exclusive interview with Tim Pawlenty
Ed Morrissey
12:20 PM | May 23, 2011