You Heard It Here First: Moo Juice Is Racist

AP Photo/Tsering Topgyal, File

Things have gotten so desperately stupid lately that it's hard to get out of bed sometimes.

But one makes the effort anyway and, after a bit, winds up feeling pretty hopeful. It helps to get the farm chores done (aka feeding the inside animals and the outside ferals) and the watering, even when one putters around the yard in the enervating heat and humidity of a Panhandle morning.


Ah. Not so bad.

Back into the house to cool down, dry out, and fire up the 'puter and SMACK.

It's "crawl back into bed" time when you learn milk is now colonialist, racist oppression.

These progressive race-grifters most assuredly must be running damn near empty of material to pimp off of if it's come to demonizing milk as a weapon of apartheid.

A taxpayer-funded project is set to research connections between milk and colonialism, it was revealed yesterday.

Academics at an Oxford museum will research the 'political nature' of milk and its 'colonial legacies'.

One of the experts involved has previously argued that milk is a 'Northern European obsession' that has been imposed on other parts of the world.

Dr Johanna Zetterstrom-Sharp said the assumption that milk was a key part of the human diet 'may be understood as a white supremacist one', as many populations outside Europe and North America have high levels of lactose intolerance in adulthood.

The new project, 'Milking it: colonialism, heritage & everyday engagement with dairy', has won funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Now, this is not a new concept in colonialism or on the grifting scale. These weirdos trot it out every couple of years, using excuses from "everyone knows lactose gives most African-Americans gas, so it's a racist plot" (and because it is, the author is now an anti-racist dietician)...


In August, a group of 28 civil rights, animal rights, and health care organizations announced they had sent a letter1 to the USDA Equity Commission, asking the commission members to consider an injustice inherent to the National School Lunch Program: making cow’s milk the default beverage with school meals2, when a disproportionate number of children of color are lactose intolerant. The letter calls this requirement "dietary racism."

When I heard about this, I suddenly had a memory of the day I learned that an estimated 70 to 80 percent of African Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican Americans, and over 90 percent of people of Southeast Asian descent are lactose intolerant.3 In contrast, just five percent of people descended from Northern Europeans have problems digesting lactose. We covered it in my "cultural foods" class, and the statistics were printed in the textbook. I stared at it and raised my hand. "Why do we recommend that everyone drink milk if so many people are lactose intolerant?" I asked.

I should point out I was not an explicitly antiracist dietitian at this point; I wasn't trying to stir up trouble. I was just your normal, average person wondering why the USDA had created the image of a nutritionally ideal plate that included a glass of milk alongside it, when said milk could cause diarrhea, gas, nausea, pain, and other after effects in 70 to 90 percent of people of color who consumed it. the New York Times in 2018 gleefully piling on about white supremacists chugging milk because blacks can't.

Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed)

...One slide Dr. Novembre has folded into his recent talks depicts a group of white nationalists chugging milk at a 2017 gathering to draw attention to a genetic trait known to be more common in white people than others — the ability to digest lactose as adults. It also shows a social media post from an account called “Enter The Milk Zone” with a map lifted from a scientific journal article on the trait’s evolutionary history.

In most of the world, the article explains, the gene that allows for the digestion of lactose switches off after childhood. But with the arrival of the first cattle herders in Europe some 5,000 years ago, a chance mutation that left it turned on provided enough of a nutritional leg up that nearly all of those who survived eventually carried it. In the post, the link is accompanied by a snippet of hate speech urging individuals of African ancestry to leave America. “If you can’t drink milk,” it says in part, “you have to go back.”


The very next paragraph in the story disproves the assertion thanks to the exact same genetic anomaly having been found in East African DAIRY HERDERS, but why would anyone let a shot at a helluva headline go to waste? The inflammatory story about white nationalists is also dropped seven paragraphs into the story, so it's not quite the focus of the piece the alarming bold print would have you believe - more of an illustrative anecdote which was just too juicy to pass up.

I'm assuming the anti-racist dietician doesn't know about the East Africans and their dairy herds.

Last year, a reporter for the Spectator UK went to a "supposedly scientific show about milk" and found it wasn't really about milk at all.


Milk causes race riots.

...For a supposedly scientific show about milk, there is startlingly little explanation as to why milk (both human and dairy) might have been so crucial to human development. Which it clearly is, or why else would bodybuilders still be obsessed with getting hold of the good stuff? More on that shortly.

Instead, the show points out that two thirds of the world’s population struggle to digest milk and western power is built on the ability of white Europeans and Americans to do so. All that we are told is that lactase, the enzyme that processes the sugar in milk, declines after childhood. But why is it that milk can’t be digested by certain groups of people? And is that changing? I’d have liked to find out more. China is now the world’s second largest consumer of dairy products, even though many Chinese people are lactose intolerant. How has that happened?

Milk is a fascinating subject but the show’s myopic focus on racial politics and western imperialism means these questions are left unanswered. When connections are made, they often seem inconclusive. The ‘Drinka Pinta Milka Day’ campaign ran in 1958, aimed at raising milk consumption in poorer British households. That it launched the same year as the Notting Hill race riots is notable but not conclusive proof that milk advertising led to racial unrest, as the show’s literature seems to suggest.

There are plenty of villains. White, middle-class families who feed their children milk, for one. America. The British milk marketing board. Refrigeration and pasteurisation, the handmaidens of empire, which allowed milk to be transported safely ever further. Nestlé, naturally. Milk is now cheap, readily available, and nutritious. The curators seem to think that’s a terrible thing. Even oat milk, so beloved by millennials, gets it in the neck: ‘Vegan capitalism isn’t a solution,’ explains one ‘zine’. Wean yourself off it by making your own oat milk.


Milk used to "Do a body good," but now it just does the lactose intolerant injustice after oppressive injustice.

That's the way it is in this current cruel progressive world of ours. Anyone has a beef about anything, and the cow gets it.

Especially if they can get a government-funded grant to pay for it.

My question to the busy-bodies is the US and UK trying to wipe out milk in the name of Africans specifically...have you checked in with any of them to see what they think about dairy and colonialism? 

Because my cursory research tells me there are lots of African DAIRY FARMERS and that many African governments are actively involved in promoting what appears to be a profitable industry for their citizens and doing whatever they can to encourage more participation.

Uganda celebrated spooling up enough to break into the South African dairy market with their products a couple of years ago.

Bringing technology to African dairy farmers is making it easier, safer, and, most importantly, faster for them to milk and get their products out.


They even have women's empowerment dairy co-ops going.

Last week, an interview with a Nigerian female CEO came out that sure puts the lie to "milk is a white supremacist colonial tool of oppression."

Well, at least I think so after reading what she says.

‘Massive dairy production can lift our economy’

Cam Dairy Foods Limited is a pastoralist-driven dairy social enterprise that partners with pastoralist communities to guarantee regular supply of dairy-based nutrition to Nigerians. The company’s founder/CEO, Ms. Aisha Bashir, is leading the charge in Nigeria’s quest to transform from a net importer of dairy products to a net producer. Currently working with over 400 pastoralists, with the ambition to reach 600,000 by 2030, Aisha is leaving no stone unturned in her quest to change the narrative: 80 per cent of milk consumed in Nigeria is said to be imported. She shares her inspiring story of catalysing the dairy sector’s success with DANIEL ESSIET


Why is Nigeria importing milk and consuming it if it gives everyone gas because "African" and "racist"?

And Ms. Bashir wants her country to become a net exporter. *gasp* 

That will certainly not make the anti-cowfart wing of the authoritarian climate cultists happy.

Frankly, it looks like Africa is awash in dairy.

What I do see is yet another serious disconnect between ivory tower elites who have too little that's real to do in their lives - "bubble people," I've been calling them - and the facts on the ground swirling around the tower as life ebbs and flows beneath their lofty perches.

Dairy is not a colonialist construct. It seems to be pretty damn popular everywhere but bubbles.

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HotAir Staff 12:15 PM | January 30, 2025