Results for: Beege Welborn
Something rotten in Amsterdam: Your neighbor can't afford to shower…ten-in-amsterdam-your-neighbor-cant-afford-to-shower-n495745…ten-in-amsterdam-your-neighbor-cant-afford-to-shower-n495745
Over the past few weeks, we here at the house have been focused on the coming winter, and looming energy problems facing Germany thanks to our son being stationed there. He lives in what is, basically, a floor-to-ceiling tile-encrusted mini castle, which is a nightmare to heat in winter but...
Biden cabinet officials: DERPS of a feather
One would think, facing what could be a catastrophic railway strike in as few as seven days, one would think you could find a quote – or two – from the TRANSPORTATION Secretary to use in a piece about it. But we’re talking Pete Buttigieg – whose only real qualifications...
Potential for a nation-wide railway strike creeps closer (updated)
The country is facing what could potentially be a catastrophic railway strike, when the cool-down period on labor negotiations expires on September 16th. Initial estimates are that it would cost an already struggling economy $2B a day, and the movement of both freight and commuters would grind to a virtual...
What is to become of Memphis?
In the pre-dawn dark this morning, runners in Memphis are completing the morning jog Eliza Fletcher began on September 1, but never got to finish. As the 34-year-old kindergarten teacher ran down a section of Central Avenue around 4 a.m., she was abducted, forced into a vehicle, brutally assaulted, and...
Mayor Muriel Bowser Stars in "The Migrants Are Coming!"
The lantern went up in the proverbial Olde North Church steeple today, and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser was the one hot-footing up the stairs to hang it in the window.
NEW: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announces public emergency over migrants being bused to D.C. from Texas and Arizona.
Herschel Walker's new ad is like a cooling sip of water
So, of COURSE… *winkwinknudgenudgesaynomoresaynomore*
Or so you’d think from The Hill headline:
Walker in new ad accuses Democrats of using ‘race to divide’ US
It’s not so much an “accusation” in the ad, as a...
Occupy Democrats occupying some sketchy spending, handsomely compensated for it…some-sketchy-spending-handsomely-compensated-for-it-n499286…some-sketchy-spending-handsomely-compensated-for-it-n499286
Playing out over Twitter yesterday, I found this very interesting, and have been waiting for a better money sleuth than I to dig through. A couple have stepped forward to parse the numbers.
A quick primer: The slick whistle who founded and runs Occupy Democrats is a youngish guy...
Would her school allow Miss Jean Louise Finch to remain "Scout" today?…l-allow-miss-jean-louise-finch-to-remain-scout-today-n499210…l-allow-miss-jean-louise-finch-to-remain-scout-today-n499210
An unadulterated “Scout,” I mean.
One of the most iconic and endearing characters in both American fiction and film is Miss Jean Louise Finch – or “Scout” as she’s nicknamed – daughter of Maycomb, Alabama lawyer Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Six-year-old Jean Louise is the narrator...
And then the tomahawk came for the Atlanta Braves...
You could see this coming like smoke signals off the top of the distant mesa.
In a tradition that was hit-or-miss during the Trump years due to TDS induced petulance on the part of major league athletes, the 2021 World Series Champion Atlanta Braves had their big day at...
Philadelphia's story: Worse than waah-waah at the Wawa
“A Wawa in Philadelphia is in shambles after dozens of young people…”
That’s how this news report starts out. “Young people.” That’s so quaint, isn’t it? Like Tommy and the Rugrats got a little boisterous in the juice-box and fruit roll-ups aisle. But no. Not like that at all....
As Iranian women courageously lead protests ... where are America's feminists?…rageously-lead-protests-where-are-americas-feminists-n499046…rageously-lead-protests-where-are-americas-feminists-n499046
Furious protests against the ruling mullahs, the despised state police, and the “black crow” flock of old women prowling the streets as enforcers erupted last week. The reviled “Morality Police” were directly responsible for sparking off this spiraling conflict, by the arrest and brutalization of a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman...
Shootout at the Okaloosa Corral: Biden's border body count is growing in Florida…orral-bidens-border-body-count-is-growing-in-florida-n498725…orral-bidens-border-body-count-is-growing-in-florida-n498725
I can’t for the life of me imagine why Florida Governor Ron DeSantis doesn’t welcome Joe Biden’s flood of illegal migrants into the state he’s nurtured into such terrific shape. After everything the state’s experienced in the past two years and in spite of rabid opposition to every step from...
Progressives never notice how homogeneous minimalist is
A tweet this morning caught my eye, and it really bugged me.
OUP has rebranded, and it's shite.
— Andrew Cusack (@cusackandrew) September 22, 2022
Symptomatic of our entire age, all things learned and ancient are being flushed down the updated, minimalist loo logo revamp....
Helpful Hochul henchmen zap Zeldin crime zinger
Returning to my theme – the heavy censorial hand of the media, both social and news being already at play against Republicans in this election cycle – a great example has just emerged in the New York state governor’s race. New York Congressman Lee Zeldin won the GOP nomination to...
Biden's Praetorian Guard is Brassoing buckles and sharpening swords…ian-guard-is-brassoing-buckles-and-sharpening-swords-n498180…ian-guard-is-brassoing-buckles-and-sharpening-swords-n498180
The last day of summer, and can you EVER tell it’s time for the mid-terms? It has to be the way the Lords of Media are busy rooting through old Facebook posts to find suspension fodder, spurious bans for undefined infractions on Twitter, demonetization on payment platforms, notable facts left...
On a scale of 1 to CRINGE, there's nothing like Joe Biden
Dear God in Heaven. Was that really the President of the United States yesterday, in England? At the funeral of a woman who served her nation with unyielding courage, and dignity for 70 years, he’s…being Biden. With every cringe-worth second that implies.
I thought – if you’ve the early...
From Sweden to the U.S.: Folks getting tired of being told they're too "undereducated" to wipe their own noses…old-theyre-too-undereducated-to-wipe-their-own-noses-n497636…old-theyre-too-undereducated-to-wipe-their-own-noses-n497636
There seems to be a rumbling in the distance going on, and it’s not just isolated enclaves in the U.S. All over the world, signs point to regular folks, average working, middle-class stiffs, being about up to their eyeballs with the disconnected elites in power in so many countries. Even...
Is something about Fetterman's polling scaring the beejeebus out of his campaign?…ns-polling-scaring-the-beejeebus-out-of-his-campaign-n497312…ns-polling-scaring-the-beejeebus-out-of-his-campaign-n497312
The campaign of Uncle Fester-ish, ne’er do well goon running for United Staes Senator in Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, seems to have had a sudden attack of the yips this weekend. They’ve sent out a terse little memo, warning of increased Republican ad spending, and that they can’t match the money....
Ye, God, and little racists
Filed under: What. The. Heck?
There’s a whole lot of blowback over these little shirts Kanye “Ye” West and his buddy Candace Owens wore during Paris Fashion Week the other day.
Candace Owens and Kanye West sport ‘White Lives Matter’ shirts together at his fashion show in Paris.
Lost in all the big name mid-term brouhaha: VA-10 and Hung Cao
I do mean really lost. So lost I couldn’t find a single poll for the district, the RCP congressional map has it as “Likely Dem,” and if I hadn’t stumbled across a tweet from a debate, I’d have no idea who this Hung Cao guy was. What a great story...
And you thought it couldn't get any crazier - how 'bout some Rebekah Jones?…couldnt-get-any-crazier-how-bout-some-rebekah-jones-n501336…couldnt-get-any-crazier-how-bout-some-rebekah-jones-n501336
I know you all were dyin’, dyin’, DYIN’ to know what had happened to our favorite blonde bombshell with the bunny boiler vibe! Did she simply curl up in a fetal ball after the announcement of “no charges” in Matt Gaetz’s underage chica investigation? Oh. Had to be a crushing...
"Real men wear white boots" and other tales of Lefty fails
As my precious Aunt Nancy used to say, “God bless their little, pointy heads” and that’s precisely how I’m looking at these frustrated Democrats. It has been an enormous collective effort to destroy Ron DeSantis via Hurricane Ian – Rahm Emmanual’s “never let a serious crisis go to waste” maxim...
Fetterman fart joke, cartoon and argle bargle campaign suddenly not connecting with voters…bargle-campaign-suddenly-not-connecting-with-voters-n501113…bargle-campaign-suddenly-not-connecting-with-voters-n501113
We find ourselves with what is known in the business as a “toss-up.”
🚨 Cook Political Rating Changes 🚨
PA-Sen: Lean D —> TOSS-UP
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) October 4, 2022
When we shifted our Pennsylvania Senate rating to Lean Democrat about six weeks...
Undercounting 'shy' Republican voters again: We were deplorable once, and young…lican-voters-again-we-were-deplorable-once-and-young-n500745…lican-voters-again-we-were-deplorable-once-and-young-n500745
It seems like a lifetime ago that Hillary Clinton, onstage at a fundraiser podium in 2016, let fly with what we’re all pretty sure she thought was one of the cleverest riffs of her public speaking career.
…You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put...
Fetterman, besides chasing a Black man with shotgun, vandalized a Black business…a-black-man-with-shotgun-vandalized-a-black-business-n500555…a-black-man-with-shotgun-vandalized-a-black-business-n500555
The goonishly malevolent, Uncle Fester-ish John Fetterman, Democrat running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, is shaping up to be even more of a real PEACH, as more questionable escapades of his roll out into wider public view. How on earth did he ever get elected Lt.Gov. with all this trash...