Results for: Beege Welborn

Knives out edition: Is it Fetterman's turn under the bus?
– HO-LEE-SMOKES It seems like years ago, but was only last October that a respected NBC journalist was driven from the scene by outraged mobs with pitchforks for questioning a certain Democratic senate candidate’s…well…health and mental acuity. Fascinating to look back at the attacks on Dasha Burns for the crime...
Fighting Irish dean fighting mad when architecture department DEI hire dissed…ing-mad-when-architecture-department-dei-hire-dissed-n529644
– YOU ARE LITERALLY WORSE THAN HITLER Seems harsh, no? Welp. That’s a heckuva way to introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met. But messages like that were literally the point of an alumni-wide letter sent out by Stefanos Polyzoides, dean of the University of Notre Dame’s School of...
Merrick Garland: Firebombers of pro-life centers mostly come out at night...mostly…of-pro-life-centers-mostly-come-out-at-night-mostly-n534171
– The interesting things that come out of Senate hearings. Man. Take today, for instance. Republicans were planning on quizzing the Attorney General, Merrick Garland, about a number of things while they had him in the hot seat. Including the really eye-popping disparity in prosecutions between pro-life advocates protesting...
Performative shrieking at SCOTUS about student debt not terribly effective…at-scotus-about-student-debt-not-terribly-effective-n534070
– It seems the Biden student debt cancellation plan now before the Supreme Court is causing a fair amount of heartburn in liberal GI tracts, especially with the direction the justices’ questions have gone. Of course, Bernie Sanders is on the steps. The man has never met a...
First eggs, now *gulp* olive oil?
– You can just take 2023 back, already. Good gravy goodness. Now, it’s raining in California and their reservoirs are filling up, so droughts do – as we all know – break eventually. But they are painful to deal with when the effects are felt, and I’m hearing that’s...
13 EU countries join nuke energy pact and Japan says it's glow time…s-join-nuke-energy-pact-and-japan-says-its-glow-time-n533854
– What a day in the news for nuclear power. I’m pretty sure it won’t be getting the red-headed-step-child treatment for much longer. France is leading the charge on this one and, ho boy. Hard core Green heads have to be ‘sploding. Eleven EU member states vowed on Tuesday...
BOOM, sonic or otherwise: 23 dead whales along the East Coast since Dec…erwise-23-dead-whales-along-the-east-coast-since-dec-n533812
– They spotted another whale carcass off the Jersey Shore yesterday. Another day. Another dead whale along the US eastern seaboard. Tell me again that this has nothing to do with development and construction of wind turbines. @EcoSenseNow @ShellenbergerMD #climate #energy #windpower — Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki (@MatthewWielicki) February...
Closing a US Jeep plant, Stellantis shifts EV production to Canada…jeep-plant-stellantis-shifts-ev-production-to-canada-n533632
– It’s going to be a dreary day tomorrow, in Belvidere, Illinois. The big, old automotive plant there, that had been running for sixty years and had been the sole home of the Jeep Cherokee since 2017, will see its last shift change. …Sources said Belvidere was lined up to...
NY Dems sweating "extinction-level events" if Gov Hochul's budget proposals go through…el-events-if-gov-hochuls-budget-proposals-go-through-n533527
– Talk about a twofer: doubling down on disaster and getting what entrenched liberals outvoted the saner citizens for. When New York State’s Governor Kathy Hochul presented her budget on 1 Feb of this year, most of the attention was immediately captured by the pie-in-the-sky Green/renewable mandates it contained (previewed...
Yes, we have no tomatoes
– Finding salad ingredients is getting to be a pretty sticky wicket in the U.K. these days. As if those folks didn’t have enough trouble trying to stay warm and keeping the lights on, now the shelves are bare at the local Aldi? …The UK’s largest supermarket, Tesco, and discounter...
Nuclear is not happening until we straighten this %#$@ out
– [Cue: Star Wars theme music, black crawl] A long time ago, in a state not too far away… It is a period of environmental wars in the country. A brave alliance of freedom-fighting power companies has challenged the tyranny of the Climate Change Hysterics and the oppressive regulatory...
401Krushed: Bidenomics and retirement are not good bedfellows
– Vice President Kamala Harris, the Biden administration’s vapid response specialist, was making the rounds touting economic good news out of the White House (so, basically, BS). This week’s packaged perfidious pablum? How they’ve lowered energy costs and saved us all money. Kamala Harris claims Biden has "reduced heating...
Biden DoE to end wider Trump 1st Amend protections for campus religious clubs…ump-1st-amend-protections-for-campus-religious-clubs-n532679
– What could go wrong? The statement from the Biden Department of Education seems innocuous enough and reflective of the whole administration itself. The Trump-era policy was “burdensome” and “confusing” and too much to bother with. The Assistant Secretary for Post Secondary Education, Nassar H. Paydar, just doesn’t...
Did Andrea Mitchell climb down to fake a grovel to Ron DeSantis? Why, yes - yes, she did.…to-fake-a-grovel-to-ron-desantis-why-yes-yes-she-did-n532552
– Lemme just wipe this big, ol’ grin offa my face and I’ll tell you about how the swift and mighty swords of the DeSantis response team are claiming another set of media heads. (That almost needs to be set to music…) And I’ll let you know right out...
Justice must be blind - y'all see that Trump grand jury forewoman?
– I will admit I’m coming at this from an outsider’s perspective. Yes, I’ve served on a grand jury before – here in NWFL – but I am constantly bemused by how differently we must handle our grand juries than most of the rest of the country. Here we’re chosen...
Amazon corporate paychecks looking a little thin
– The lay-offs in the tech industry have been pretty constant since the beginning of last fall, as we’ve posted about a number of times. The cut-backs in benefits for those still employed have also rippled through the industry, and come as a rude shock to many used to the high-flying,...
Now they've done it: Conservative Anglicans want a divorce from Canterbury…onservative-anglicans-want-a-divorce-from-canterbury-n532089
– Ten days ago, at their bishops’ General Synod, the Church of England voted to bless same-sex unions. Church of England priests will be permitted to bless the civil marriages of same-sex couples in a profound shift in the church’s stance on homosexuality after a historic vote by its...
Do we need a peacetime draft?
– Talk about words to shiver your timbers. They would have been fighting words even ten years ago, but right now? One can speak them and not even have to duck, so tenuous is the state of our country and its military. When the world moves closer every day...
Why does it seem only sane people get canceled?
– I’m asking this for a very good reason, born of frustration, but it’s no doubt just more shaking an angry fist at the sky for all the good it does asking. When you look at the vast swath of people who have been targeted for cancellation, overwhelmingly it’s...
Waiting for Gadot and Woke Snow
– I know you all have been wondering what happened to our Princess of Peeve (interviewed here with co-star Gal Gadot), our winsome wordsmith of Woke wisdom – smug Disney Snow White come to life, Rachel Zegler. 🚨 REPORT: Disney delays the release of their woke Snow White remake until 2025…...
Harvard Jew-Haters Finding Out the New #Rulez Suck
– Holy SMOKES, this is a thing of schadenfreudlig beauty. Poor entitled, not-overly-bright, Jew-hating Harvard students are having a hard time coming to grips with the big, fuzzy, wet camel’s nose of reality bustin’ through the side of their privilege tent. They thought those walls were sacrosanct and like BatFink’s...
Of Corpse: US Navy Dead Serious About Promotion Equality
– There are “firsts” and then there are “FIRSTS,” if you get my drift. “FIRSTS” used to be such rare and obvious-to-a-blind-man events that our vegetable-in-chief, during even a less lucid moment, could automatically deem one a BFD (Big Effin’ Deal) without prompting or notecard. Unfortunately for us,...
US Maritime Woes: God Forbid We Go to War
– There was an interesting – and frankly tres concerning – development a little over a month ago that I noticed and saved, but didn’t have time to get to. Then, boom – here we are on the precipice of what could turn into something truly ugly and it takes...
EV Market Is Looking Fugly
– The first obstacle for any product is building a customer base. Getting their product into the hands of enough satisfied people who help drive demand for more of your widget, whatever it may be. If your widget has a practical application to everyday life, and does some aspect of...
UPS Labor Deal "Shreds" Profit, UAW/Ford "Record" Deal & US Consumers "Walking Towards a Cliff"…ord-record-deal-us-consumers-walking-towards-a-cliff-n587814
– What a morning. First off, we’ll get a big number out of the way, because a ton of it is smoke and mirrors anyhow. The third quarter GDP came in at booming 4.9%, which, under any other circumstances and any other administration, would have people popping corks. But...
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