I will admit I’m coming at this from an outsider’s perspective. Yes, I’ve served on a grand jury before – here in NWFL – but I am constantly bemused by how differently we must handle our grand juries than most of the rest of the country.
Here we’re chosen and impaneled for a term of 6 months, and there are anywhere from 15 to 21 of us there at any given deliberation. Only 12 need to agree for an indictment. Now, that sounds like a boatload of your year gone, but it really could or could not be, depending on the circumstances and the level of criminality in the district. We only are called in during that time for deliberations for a couple of things.

That’s it, and I was…not sure if “fortunate” is the right word, but it was an enlightening civic experience to have sat through deliberations in both categories, including one as foreperson. The most important thing in that handbook, and where I am ever so confused concerning what’s going on in Georgia?
I can’t talk about a thing. To this day.

Hit Twitter this morning and…goodness gracious. Who is this daffy creature and she was WHUT?!
As some wag on Twitter noted, “A few Fruit Loops short of a bowl.”
Lawyer friends, is this normal?
Can grand jury members go on national media and say stuff like this?
How does this not help the defense?
— Daniel Bostic (@debostic) February 22, 2023
I cannot answer the man other than to say “HAY-YULL, NO” it’s not normal in my experience (Her performance doesn’t strike me as normal in any way, shape or form to begin with – YMMV). Never would I have imagined seeing a grand juror making the rounds, running their mouths uncontrollably, especially after having served on one. Has the judge truly blessed this abomination? Or does Georgia law allow it?
Here she is, being paraded about the cable “news” channels, glibly giggling about the grand jury proceedings and snickering about indictments.
IT’S NOT A SHORT LIST *winkwinknudgenudge*
With no indictments yet announced, this is the forewoman of the Trump grand jury in Georgia. Gets a little giggly at the end. https://t.co/ek2MDHNZPW
— Byron York (@ByronYork) February 22, 2023
SMOKES! What is going on here?! I mean, grand jury deliberation DETAILS, people – on national cable news? Is she trying to derail the DA’s case?
“Mr. Meadows didn’t share very much at all. He asserted his rights under the fifth amendment and executive privilege..” pic.twitter.com/cHupT622DX
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 22, 2023
Let me just add, if I were anyone in Trump’s circle or anyone at all who had been subpoenaed and testified to that grand jury, I would be apoplectic right now, absolutely apoplectic.
Ah. Look. Possibly the one sober soul on CNN has also noticed this performance and the salient fact that it could be both très detrimental to the DA’s phony baloney case and fire up the defense.
CNN’s reaction to the foreperson of the Grand Jury that investigated Donald Trump in Georgia making her rounds on cable news:
“Why this person is talking on TV, I do not understand”
“I guarantee you prosecutors are wincing… It’s a prosecutor’s nightmare” pic.twitter.com/DsQK0g60h2
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) February 22, 2023
“She’s not supposed to be talking about anything, but…the deliberations?”
Are CNN/MSNBC cable news/TDS sufferers so craven, so desperate to feed the gaping maw of the ORANGE MAN BAD monster they created (and which barely sustains them), that they’ll risk tanking a chance to legally cripple him for a ratings burp?
Yeah. Yeah, they are.
Bless their little pointy heads, that is beyond pathetic.
I mean, it’s actually GREAT watching them skewer themselves, but it’s yet another unbelievably stupid misstep for people who constantly preen about how much smarter they are than the peasantry they lord it over.
Margot Cleveland over at the Federalist has already spotted a “gotcha” from the forelady’s “nuttery” (As Julie Kelly calls it.).
“Jury in Georgia Trump Inquiry Recommended Multiple Indictments, Forewoman Says,” The New York Times blared with its midday breaking news headline on Tuesday. But it is what followed that revealed the real story: that the grand jury recommended bogus charges based on the Fulton County district attorney’s misrepresentation of evidence.
“We definitely started with the first phone call, the call to Secretary Raffensperger that was so publicized,” Emily Kohrs, the forewoman of the special purpose grand jury said, noting that prosecutors played the recording for jurors the first day. “I will tell you that if the judge releases the recommendations, it is not going to be some giant plot twist,” Kohrs continued. “You probably have a fair idea of what may be in there.”
Yes. Yes, we do: bunk.
The forewoman has also been unusually forthright in expressing an opinion about where the case should go from this point forward. Yet another beyond-the-pale protocol break.
‘T’would make her sad should nothing happen, after so fantasizing about swearing in the former president.
[Cue: sad trombone]
And OMG, I’m laughing so hard I need to *breathe breathe breathe*
She really must have blown it. Here comes the panic in the ranks, from Axelrod…
Weird. Does anyone one recall the foreman of a grand jury, particularly in a consequential case, doing a media tour BEFORE any indictments are made?!?
Like, who IS this woman?? https://t.co/zUkI1QbwOF— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) February 22, 2023
…to the harpies.
The View PANICS over Georgia grand jury foreperson "compromising the integrity of the investigation."
"Shouldn't she be keeping her big bazoo shut?!" Joy Behar sneers. "Everybody wants attention. That's what this is about. I think she could destroy the case." pic.twitter.com/AJxLTnCI2X— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) February 22, 2023
Hey, guys! She’s all yours. A creature of the Democratic machine: poured in your mold, cooked up, stamped, dumped out on the street, and selected as a foot soldier for a Democratic DA’s Trump hunt.
Y’all brightest and best outsmart yourselves by stacking the deck sometimes.
You pick one that wasn’t thoroughly baked and she brings down all the cards, using your own mouthpieces to do it.
Oh. By the way – she might really be the witch…for your witch hunt.
BREAKING: The Pinterest of that Trump Grand Juror has been found
And it is worse than you thought, lads
h/t @SomeB1tchIKnow pic.twitter.com/W0io4jHyi4
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 22, 2023
Your Trump voodoo just hit some bad juju, and man.
This is GREAT.
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