Fighting Irish dean fighting mad when architecture department DEI hire dissed

Jeff Cooper


Seems harsh, no?

Welp. That’s a heckuva way to introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met. But messages like that were literally the point of an alumni-wide letter sent out by Stefanos Polyzoides, dean of the University of Notre Dame’s School of Architecture. He was responding to comments made on social media after trumpeting the announcement that his department – again, architecture – had hired their first “Program Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Alumni Engagement,” a woman named Crystal Bates.


…Crystal Bates is the School of Architecture’s first Program Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Alumni Engagement. For nearly 20 years she has championed equity and access for students, families, faculty, and administrators in higher education and K-12 communities.

Inclusion work is everybody’s work,” Bates said. “We all are responsible for building a community where everyone feels seen, valued, and heard. I’m excited about getting to know students, faculty, and alumni. I also look forward to hearing from them about the kind of community they’d like to build together, and how we can make architecture more accessible to all, regardless of cultural or ethnic background or socioeconomic status.”

What’s to worry about, right?

In classic alumni fashion, many of whom (especially at a place like Notre Dame) are heavily invested in the university with ongoing financial support, they felt free to speak up about the new position. As you can imagine, a grumble or two was heard from the crowd of graduates in the comments. After all, this is ostensively a school of architecture – buildings, math, and whatnot – and some alumni naturally questioned where DEI came into any of it. Some might have had a little more jaundiced view than others, but, hey. Free country! And nothing we’d think of as untoward was said from what’s been related.

Well. Didn’t use to think was rude or unreasonable, in the days of free expression. That seems not to be the case now.


Come to think of it, this (probably the most offensive) comment IS pretty chilling.

I do so wish I had a Greta Thunberg How DARE you gif right now. How DARE this alumnus suggest that granting DEI sway over the department was going to somehow dilute the integrity of the course?!

Oddly enough, that’s exactly how Dean Polyzoides felt. Angry to the tips of his toes. SO mad and morally wounded, he scrawled out an aggrieved letter to be sent to all ND School of Architecture alumni. In it, he wails and gnashes his teeth about “horrific” and “deeply hurtful and hateful activity” by alumni online trying to “derail” their efforts.

Oh, this little gem is just jam-packed with all the race-baiting SJW hyperbolic dog whistles. Polyzoides didn’t choose those incendiary adjectives randomly. Throwing Jesus in at the end shows a deft touch.

But then the smart man went too far. He literally called the attack dogs in – “join me in denouncing these hateful comments.”

As requested by the dean (and just like Jesus wants?), the mob swarmed.

Lots more where that came from.

…“You can’t find behind the keyboard,” read another. “We see you. The racist and idiotic things you say on Social media will come back to haunt you. Words have consequences. Good time to shut up.”

A third message posted by Sailer called the alum, who was not named, “a mediocre white man.”


The fellow who was targeted has had to go underground after the assault and is subsequently being ridiculed as a racist coward.

I sure hope Dean Polyzoides is tickled to death with his stochastic (Isn’t that the word these types love to use?) fascist handiwork. He sounds as if he would be. He can claim his little letter didn’t direct anyone to go after/denounce any individual – just the hateful comments. Not the dean’s fault if any alumnus’ life is a living hell right now. But it doesn’t hurt that he had it coming, right?

…“I’ve never seen anything like this,” Sailer told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “The dean essentially called for an online mob, all because an alumnus expressed skepticism over hiring a diversity officer. Skepticism over DEI is justified, and broadly shared. Hugely inappropriate of the dean.”

I’ll betcha nobody else says anything else about Ms. Bates or the new position…for the moment.

Until, God willing, there’s a massive lawsuit…and there should be. As well as alumni checkbooks snapping shut – that always hurts worse.

Just for giggles, do you all know what the government is paying for a similar DEI position? It’s a pretty handsome grifting gig, I tell you what. I’d happily preach peace, love, and happiness for that kind of cha-ching…if I had no self-respect (Or wanted to start an insurgency – there’s an idea…).

For even more giggles, here are the top and bottom of the 2021-2022 DEI salary scale for Ohio State. *gulp* CHA-CHING!!


(As you peruse this, ask yourself again why tuition is through the roof…?)

Yup, you read that right. That is $290K per annum for the lucky gal who runs it all, with an annual salary expenditure of $13.4M for a state university’s DEI “bureaucrats.”

That sextuple-digit income – not to mention the inherent power that comes with it – being in any peril at all is no doubt the impetus for the raft of DEI Experts™ who are currently making media appearances. They are earnestly and vociferously defending the DEI faith en masse. My guess is they’re sweating the jig being up, as you’ll notice attacks are dismissed as “political,” ergo without merit.

Experts defend diversity efforts after political attacks: ‘This is about leveling the playing field’

…In recent months, Republicans have taken swipes at DEI initiatives. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has called such programs at educational institutions “hostile to academic freedom.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., criticized the state of Illinois for using federal funds to support DEI programs in elementary schools.

Some liberals have also criticized the latest DEI terminology intended to spur inclusion as sometimes alienating and performative.

Amid the polarizing effects of the conversation around DEI and its evolution, experts say the purpose of these initiatives and programs has been lost in politics and rhetoric. They explained to Yahoo News that DEI was not meant to be divisive, but was intended to level the playing field in an increasingly diverse but systematically fractured society — and they argue that it would be a mistake to eradicate such initiatives.


See? We have it all wrong, all the time. Just like BLM isn’t an “organization,” AntiFa isn’t a gang – it’s a club, CRT isn’t “taught in grade schools” and no one is whacking breasts off of little girls.

Knuckle-draggers. We’re so tedious.

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