Results for: Beege Welborn
Remember that nice British chimpanzee lady? I think she wants us dead…ce-british-chimpanzee-lady-i-think-she-wants-us-dead-n521212…ce-british-chimpanzee-lady-i-think-she-wants-us-dead-n521212
Wow. Now, this clip is a little old, but it sure was a surprise to me. I’m not sure what happened to sweet little Jane Goodall between the National Geographic specials of my youth – where she was like a goddess of the primeval forest communing with the primitive species...
Too good to check: Has Extinction Rebellion thrown their last tantrum?…k-has-extinction-rebellion-thrown-their-last-tantrum-n521247…k-has-extinction-rebellion-thrown-their-last-tantrum-n521247
No, not exactly. But supposedly they’ve thrown their last annoying-the-public tantrum…
Our #NewYearsResolution is to halt our tactics of public disruption. Instead, we call on everyone to help us disrupt our corrupt government.#ChooseYourFuture & join us: 21 April, Parliament.
— Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍...
Bidenomics update: About those dreams of an empty nest...
Nothing like a New Year to look forward to! You get your hopes up for the future, make big or little plans, and finally start to clean out the kid’s bedroom for an of…never mind. If you were lucky enough that your older GenZ or budding Millennial had moved out,...
Rugrats: Gangs of New York edition
Happy New Year, New York City!
Opened Twitter up to this tweet this morning and wondered, “What could possibly go wrong?”
Starting today any child under the age of 12 will NOT be arrested or prosecuted for crimes in New York unless it is a Homicide Charge.
Space X and 2022 space cadets
It’s the Friday before the New Year springs upon us God knows what, so I thought I’d share some fun stuff. Like this:
— SpaceX (@SpaceX) December 30, 2022
In a world of proud underachievers, HOLY SCHAMOLY!
It’s great to see someone reaching for...
That whooshing sound is windmills shredding tax dollars
Nothing more horrifying than a chirpy Energy Secretary tweet first thing in the morning. Especially when it contains the trifecta of bad news for taxpayers from one of the denser members of the Biden administration’s stable of lackluster cabinet mannequins:
1) Green energy
2) Unions
3) Federal...
It's good to be Joe Biden: Vacation edition
Holy schamoly, have we ever had a president as disengaged as this…well, “guy” is the kindest thing I can call Joe Biden.
It is a point of fact that Regular Joe has spent dang near 40% of his time since assuming the presidency on vacation. As in out...
Of all places, how did Buffalo, NY not know what WINTER STORM meant?…how-did-buffalo-ny-not-know-what-winter-storm-meant-n520529…how-did-buffalo-ny-not-know-what-winter-storm-meant-n520529
For a city that averages 95 inches of snow a year, and is always the source for spectacular lake-effect blizzard pictures, how on EARTH did it comes to pass that they lost – at last count – 37 people to this storm?
The winter storm death toll has...
Woke and broke U.S. Army now accepting recruits with ADHD, other "behavioral challenges"…pting-recruits-with-adhd-other-behavioral-challenges-n520398…pting-recruits-with-adhd-other-behavioral-challenges-n520398
Being all uber-woke you can be has just about brought the Army to its knees. In this day and age, they’ve fallen so far down the rabbit hole anymore that they can’t get anyone who’s their normal target recruit to sign up to save their lives. Or anyone else’s, for...
Get ready for renewed import tariffs on baby formula families still can't find…ort-tariffs-on-baby-formula-families-still-cant-find-n520332…ort-tariffs-on-baby-formula-families-still-cant-find-n520332
This baby formula situation is still a big mess and now we’re running out of Robitussin and Tylenol for Kids? We’ve got to ration and lock those ubiquitous bottles of sugary winter cold/flu kiddie comfort up, too?
“Spot shortages.”
Dude there is still a shortage of baby formula 🤦...
Russian tycoons sure do fall out of windows a LOT this year
If those eyeballs were trained on moi, I’d be ducking behind the nearest tree, current events being what they are. As in “Nobody here but us chickens, Vlad, dude.” Seriously. I’m starting to think there may be something nefarious going on.
Pavel Antov, Russian sausage tycoon who criticized...
EU bans imports of products linked to deforestation, freezing Europeans cut down forests to survive…ation-freezing-europeans-cut-down-forests-to-survive-n520199…ation-freezing-europeans-cut-down-forests-to-survive-n520199
Well, hello there, Irony. How are ya?
The European Union is very proud of its environmental record, as we all know. In fact, they’re the masters of cutting off their green noses to spite their cold faces. In a rich display of environmental hypocrisy, the powers in Brussels touted...
Welcome to New Yorkifornia
Man. In case New Yorkers needed any more cheerful news besides crime rates, taxes and the nails-on-a-blackboard voice of the creature they actually elected governor, there’s more fun in the pipeline. Sometime this month Kathy Hochul is going to get a piece of legislation that has the potential to make...
Money for nothing and your school's for free: Finessing the student debt debacle…schools-for-free-finessing-the-student-debt-debacle-n522730…schools-for-free-finessing-the-student-debt-debacle-n522730
I’ve done numerous posts here at HotAir (e.g. their last ditch pitch or restarting the pandemic payment pause) about the dogged determination the Biden administration has shown in trying to turn your tax dollars into handouts of massive proportions. Late this fall there appeared to have been, at long last,...
Belgian nuke plants get a stay of execution
So. Just how is that renewable thing going, guys?
Belgium has reached an agreement with French utility Engie to extend the life of two nuclear reactors by 10 years, the prime minister said on Monday, overturning a plan to exit nuclear power in 2025 as the war in Ukraine...
In the age of "a pill for everything" now they want overweight kids on diet drugs…erything-now-they-want-overweight-kids-on-diet-drugs-n522609…erything-now-they-want-overweight-kids-on-diet-drugs-n522609
Good grief. What are we doing to our children?
The American Academy of Pediatrics for the first time recommended that doctors offer weight-loss drugs to obese children 12 or older, alongside lifestyle and behavioral counseling.
— Sarah Toy (@sarahtoy17) January 9, 2023
The American Academy...
Why is the "reserve" part of Strategic Petroleum Reserve so hard for Biden's brain to process?…etroleum-reserve-so-hard-for-bidens-brain-to-process-n522572…etroleum-reserve-so-hard-for-bidens-brain-to-process-n522572
Hang on. That question probably answers itself…
…but I’m taking a shot at it anyway.
Last October, President Biden had yet another one of his blustery, incoherent moments and, unchallenged by any media there at the time, let the oil industry have it.
The most...
Mickey D's fixin' to lay-off workers and reorganize
Sure sounds like those demands for a $15 hr minimum wage are paying off!
McDonald's plans reorganization, job cuts
— CNBC (@CNBC) January 6, 2023
I’m not sure what the minimum wage battles are looking like in other states, but I do remember hearing about...
Nothing but foam: Bidenomics batters brewski business badly
The beer industry was already in the doldrums this summer.
…The four months between May and August represent 40% of total annual beer sales, according to data from the National Beer Wholesalers Association, with holidays like Memorial Day and the Fourth of July helping make it a critical...
Google, going, gone: holding back bonuses, laying off 12,000
And a Happy New Year to the “Don’t be evil” crowd, huh? It’s shaping up to be a barn burner.
Google parent Alphabet Inc. said it plans to eliminate roughly 12,000 jobs, reducing its staff by 6% and marking the company’s largest-ever round of layoffs as it copes with...
WEF/Davos presents the glass bubble where you and the bugs you eat will live in the future prepared for you…ugs-you-eat-will-live-in-the-future-prepared-for-you-n525048…ugs-you-eat-will-live-in-the-future-prepared-for-you-n525048
The well-heeled and well-connected have certainly been busy in Switzerland this week, and I’m not just talking about escort services. There have been all sorts of plans and big ideas floated to their fellow attendees. All in a concentrated effort to further their collective vision of the future as they...
Is McCarthy willing to duke it out over a debt ceiling raise?
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen threw the warning flag this morning.
The US government has hit the legal limit on how much money it can borrow, and Congress must approve an increase to avoid a debt default in the coming months, Treasury secretary Janet Yellen said this morning.
Unexpected: Church of England holding tight to marriage means "man and woman"…ngland-holding-tight-to-marriage-means-man-and-woman-n524778…ngland-holding-tight-to-marriage-means-man-and-woman-n524778
Of all the religious institutions one would expect to crumble in the face of unrelenting pressure from the alphabet fanatics, the notoriously liberal Church of England might well have been at or near the top of your list. There has been decade upon decade where the indignant howls of believers...
U.K. nannies are coming for your office birthday cake
Ah, where would be without the do-good nannies of the world, hell-bent on saving us from ourselves? Thou shalt THIS, Thou shalt not THAT, Thou shalt PUT THAT DOWN, SPIT THAT OUT and all the rest of the commanding and demanding these zealots do in the name of the Holy...
French unions threaten "lights out" for MPs, billionaires plus the mother of all battles on Thursday…lionaires-plus-the-mother-of-all-battles-on-thursday-n524607…lionaires-plus-the-mother-of-all-battles-on-thursday-n524607
It sounds as if things are starting to get pretty testy there.
French unions dig in for pension battle with Macron: Trade unionists plan to paralyse public transport, shut down schools, set up picket lines and march through cities on Thursday over President Emmanuel Macron's pension reform.