Results for: Beege Welborn

Green with envy: China just dropped the core into a small nuclear reactor…a-just-dropped-the-core-into-a-small-nuclear-reactor-n570540
– Yesterday, the Chinese dropped the core module into the world’s first commercial small modular nuclear reactor. We should actually be green around the gills at the news, nauseous with disgust that they can eat our lunch this way. Chinese propaganda organs were churning out the good news...
Niger: ECOWAS makes a move on Niger
– When last we saw our our protagonists, the putsches who’d seized power in Niger weren’t budging, black crow of Death Victoria Nuland had landed to demand an outcome satisfactory to her and threaten consequences and was summarily dismissed. ECOWAS (Economic Community of African States) had tried and failed to negotiate...
Ransom: We're trading $6B in frozen oil money plus jailed Iranians for 5 American prisoners…money-plus-jailed-iranians-for-5-american-prisoners-n570455
– I regret to inform you that pallets of cash to Iran season is back: — Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) August 10, 2023 But the Americans aren’t exactly “free” like we think “free” yet. It’s more the Iranians’ version of stringing the deal out. I...
Army brass needs to get off their dufflebags and open some %&$#ing chow halls…et-off-their-dufflebags-and-open-some-ing-chow-halls-n570432
– This is one of those stories that I was hesitant to write about, because it’s outrageous outrage ready…and those are usually the ones that bite you in the butt when you jump right on them. But I’ve gotten my independent confirmation from impeccable, on the scene sources, and I...
Tesla's solar shingle price is thru the roof, sales are not
– There was an interesting blurb about Tesla’s solar shingle roofing system that I’d missed. I’d completely forgotten Elon Musk that had purchased a solar panel company back in 2016, but you know that couldn’t be the whole story. The company he “bought” to merge with Tesla was...
"Not our values" - World Bank halts loans to Uganda over anti-LGBTQ law…world-bank-halts-loans-to-uganda-over-anti-lgbtq-law-n570252
– Here’s a sticky wicket of hypocrisy for virtue signaling do-gooders of the world. At the end of May, the African nation of Uganda enacted anti-gay legislation that seems unthinkable. Uganda’s president has signed into law anti-gay legislation supported by many in this East African country but widely condemned...
Green gold, Aegean tea: Olive oil
– Back in February I told y’all I’d heard there were some potential problems ahead with the olive oil crops out of the Mediterranean. It was awful dry in Greece, Spanish production was down, and the catastrophic earthquakes and on-going recovery were hampering what could have been robust Turkish and Syrian...
Movin' on UPS: Joe Biden "may save the whole middle class" w/ UPS drivers' new $170K yr contract…hole-middle-class-w-ups-drivers-new-170k-yr-contract-n570103
– I about choked on my coffee when little brother Crusader sent me this link this morning. And that was only the headline causing the reaction – THIS headline. UPS drivers’ new $170k per year deal shows that unions (and Joe Biden) may just save the middle class...
ATTACK OF THE ICE CREAM TRUCKS: NYC councilman touts own frozen dairying-do…m-trucks-nyc-councilman-touts-own-frozen-dairying-do-n570047
– A bad humored New York City councilman named Lincoln Restler has started a war he probably hadn’t anticipated would be a ferocious battle right out the gate. What a dummy. Well, actually – what a typical Progressive. In Mr. Restler’s infinite wisdom, he identified a problem that...
Maui Electric pushing back on fire responsibility accusations and bringing receipts…ire-responsibility-accusations-and-bringing-receipts-n574320
– This could get very interesting. In the disgusting heap of whodunit, finger pointing, and incompetence that is the Maui/Lahaina tragedy, everybody’s favorite whipping boy just threw a wrench in the plans to blackball them. Maui County filed a lawsuit last Thursday against Hawaiian Electric Company, claiming they’d started the...
When Gramps becomes a popsicle: UK winter plan for heat pumps is "Turn them off at night"…winter-plan-for-heat-pumps-is-turn-them-off-at-night-n574278
– So, when you live in Never Never Land as Greens seem to do , there’s nothing that the act of your merely saying it can’t make so. It has happened repeatedly with their empty promises of renewables carrying the United Kingdom cheaply and reliably forward into the 22d century and...
"Symbols of hate": CNN in race-baiting heaven
– May the good Lord hold those who were lost in Jacksonville close in the palm of His hand, comfort those who cherished them, and whose hearts were broken by this vile, unthinkable act. This whole, horrific affair is so ghastly for Jacksonville, gut wrenching losses for family and friends,...
Diablo Canyon extension survives to glow another day
– I told you back in March that Governor Randall Flagg-lite – Gavin Newsom of California – had done an abrupt u-turn regarding the shuttering of the state’s last nuclear plant at Diablo Canyon. In a volte-face worthy of a twinkle-toed Baryshnikov, Newsom went from climate cultist hero to dirty...
Now POTATUS wants your ceiling fan and beer
– Is there any joy in this life this sour, bitter, dementia-riddled old man and the harpies enabling him cannot try to rip from your fingers? Is there any comfort in your solidly middle class life that they will not try to deprive you of, or, if unsuccessful, at least regulate...
Scandal du jour: 30% of arrests where San Fran cops "used force" were homeless…arrests-where-san-fran-cops-used-force-were-homeless-n573682
– Somehow, in that sad, twisted and demented city, this is both surprising and a failing of the San Francisco Police Department. The San Francisco Standard did a deep dive into police “use of force” numbers, and came up with that figure. Just by the videos and news reports I’ve...
Newt to put too fine a point on it, but this is nuts
– The British Isles have pretty much wiped themselves clean of every form of ranging wildlife they once had. Nothing roams the few forests you can find, or the denuded hills, that will scratch or bite or plain maul you to death – well, anything that’s furry and four-footed, that is....
ERCOT alert: Everything's big in Texas includes today's electricity price spikes [UPDATED]…ig-in-texas-includes-todays-electricity-price-spikes-n573484
– Nothing like piling on, you lucky daggum Texas renewable reliant types. Not only is it H-O-T (aka “summer in TEXAS“), your state has sold its soul to the renewables cult, so when summer strikes as it sometimes does, you get warnings like this one an hour ago: Texans asked...
Folksy "small town" Gov Burgum? Yeah - not so much
– Unless the “small town” looks suspiciously Davos-y and that’s by design. Something about his whole demeanor last night was rubbing me the wrong way the more I thought about it. Maybe it was the injured leg tripping his vibes up…I didn’t know. Things got a good deal clearer...
Are you ready to rumble: Live-blogging the 1st Republican Presidential Primary debate…gging-the-1st-republican-presidential-primary-debate-n573135
– Tonight’s the night it al begins in earnest. Bloodied noses, dented egos, dogs and cats, living together – it should be AWESOME. So. Let’s get the particulars out of the way first: Dateline: Tonight Where:….WISCONSIN? Well, hello, Milwaukee! The two-hour debate will start...
You'll never guess where RTO is having a tough time getting people back…where-rto-is-having-a-tough-time-getting-people-back-n573165
– The City of Brotherly Love. You’re shocked, right? Philadelphia is a laggard when it comes to businesses and return to work (RTO -return to office) policies refilling office spaces in an urban downtown. It seems not many employees are thrilled with the idea of taking their lives in...
Oh, to be in Engla...well...maybe not
– As I’m not into cultural or economic suicide – not that we aren’t doing pretty well with that all by our loneselves here – and, as I think Europe already has a leg up on us, I’ll let them slip off into the abyss by themselves. But England,...
More of a cool hand puke: SBF, vegans, and a failure to communicate…ol-hand-puke-sbf-vegans-and-a-failure-to-communicate-n572942
– How some fortunes change, seemingly overnight. One minute you’re the toast of the town, the next? A few measly business reversals and BOOM. People are talking bad about you. Sam Bankman-Fried fits that description. He’s had a helluva ride since spring. Ah, SBF – for...
All clear: POTATUS back on vacation
– Whew! That little whirlwind trip went well, didn’t it? “Yeah. He’s an idiot.” MAUI FIRE Lahaina local questions why President Joe Biden is sending funds to Ukraine while her town has been destroyed and is in crisis. @JoeBiden Support the people of Lahaina: For...
Must you now be a space cadet to be a NASA scientist?
– We’ve got a couple little brushes with NASA through our side of the family. One is simply by happenstance. One of the pilots who had been in our squadron prior to my arrival there had been at Pax River as a test pilot, and then gotten selected for astronaut training....
Where exactly are we - compared to where we were - that we have to be driven to NetZero?…o-where-we-were-that-we-have-to-be-driven-to-netzero-n572831
– That’s kind of an interesting question. With the constant haranguing of threats impending doom, the shared responsibility for the epic boiling of the oceans even as they rise to drown us all…how bad are we? How inefficient are our pursuits, how selfish about our creature comforts, the unreasonableness of...
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