Results for: Beege Welborn

Styles of the Times: Old Gray Lady ain't what she used to be
– Good grief. It’s as if the New York Times weren’t content with making a total laughingstock out of themselves last week. You know, with their ardent appeal to ban 12 gauge AR-15s.WHUT. THIS week they have to go whole end-o-year hog, and outdo even that. Yessir, the...
Janet Yellen thinks the job market picture is just peachy
– My goodness. She’s so cluelessly out of touch, you almost wish she’d go steal a suitcase of men’s underwear and get put out to pasture for a couple of months. What planet are you guys on? — Proud American (@itswhatumakeit) December 12, 2022 In point of...
We have the Lockerbie bombmaker in U.S. custody
– Dec 21, 1988, seems like a million years ago, but my memories of that day are as fresh as ever. The Pan Am 747 had just lifted off, full of fuel, and was on its way from London’s Heathrow Airport to New York’s JFK. 55 minutes later,...
Crypto CEO: So what if I have a few "red flags" and man, are you guys paranoid…i-have-a-few-red-flags-and-man-are-you-guys-paranoid-n516843
– I don’t know why anyone trading in cryptocurrencies would be feeling a little paranoid right now, you know? Especially when the head honchos all seem to have the Alfred E. Neuman “What, Me Worry?” act down pat, with a wink and nudge “trust me, it’s all good” on...
With a wary eye on China, Japan making international defensive moves…on-china-japan-making-international-defensive-moves-n516803
– There are big changes afoot in the strict homeland defense military structure in the Land of the Rising Sun. Constitutionally prohibited from building a military capable of offensive operations or “waging war” as they put it… Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution contains “No war” clause. It...
Ho, boy - Kyrsten Sinema declares her independence
– You can hear the sound of craniums exploding all over Democrat World right now. In an absolutely stunning move (that I don’t believe anyone saw coming), Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema has exited the party. Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has switched parties to become an independent, chipping away at the...
Biden handing $36 BILLION to Teamsters pension fund
– How ’bout THEM apples, you guys? Here you thought he only sent the big cha-ching to Ukraine – fooled you! And yes that’s $36 BILLION, with an almighty capital B. President Joe Biden on Thursday is announcing the infusion of nearly $36 billion to shore up a financially...
German climate activist sad song: When die gluing gehen nicht sehr gut…tivist-sad-song-when-die-gluing-gehen-nicht-sehr-gut-n516447
– I thought I would lighten the mood somewhat by a quick post on a situation I found this morning that was well nigh hilarious. You know how “climate activists” have been running amok lately – glomming up Van Goghs and Warhols, buildings and traffic? Okay. Perhaps not...
December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor...and Midway
– Today is the day “that will live in infamy.” The sleepy December Sunday that gave us horrific pictures of the USS Arizona with roiling clouds of thick black smoke belching from amidships, and towering flames shooting skywards, sideways, everywhere. Frantic sailors, desperately trying to save her, their shipmates and themselves....
IL Gov Pritzker signs revised no-cash bail bill: Wave good-bye, Chicago…igns-revised-no-cash-bail-bill-wave-good-bye-chicago-n516159
– Just weeks before the hugely controversial SAFE-T Act was set to go into effect as law in Illinois on 1 Jan, Gov J.B. Pritzker signed a package of revisions to the bill. The changes address and clarify some of the remaining problematic aspects of the original legislation, which had been...
Rollin', rollin', rollin' blackouts in...Tennessee?!
– Hold on there, pardner! Rolling blackouts are a thing for latte liberal Californians and touchy-feely Texans and such. Not the down-home, regular folks in the hills around, like, Knoxville… The Tennessee Valley Authority said Friday that extremely cold temperatures across the region are creating unprecedented demands on the power...
Krasner's Philly: Win your freedom after 25 years on Death Row, get executed on the street…ter-25-years-on-death-row-get-executed-on-the-street-n519755
– It continually baffles me why these Democratic bastions go for the most mediocre – sometimes outright malevolent – hands down worst choices every single time. City residents watch their world dissolve around them, solely through the actions of the very individuals they return to office time and time again,...
Dismissed: Detransitioners "too rare" to warrant attention
– In the vicious circle that discussing “trans” anything has become, the one group that faces the vilest and most hateful attacks are the people who have actually transitioned and spoken publicly about reversing that decision. Trans Community always preaches about how Visibility and Acceptance Saves Lives. Ok, so...
Boldly on once forbidden ground, WaPo declares exercise *gasp* "protects against COVID"…d-wapo-declares-exercise-gasp-protects-against-covid-n519519
– I know, I know. Give yourself a moment to get over the shock of the betrayal. What was once “conspiracy theory” now has official establishment blessing. Men and women who worked out at least 30 minutes most days were about four times more likely to survive covid-19 than...
The Marine Corps may do WOKE what?!
– I think my heart just stopped. For sure it skipped a beat. Suddenly, laughing at the Woke Words idiots at Stanford, Brandeis and CalPoly isn’t so funny anymore. In fact, it’s making me kind of ill… Marine Corps may drop ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’ over gender-neutral...
Promises, promises edition: Taliban bans Afghan women from universities…edition-taliban-bans-afghan-women-from-universities-n519296
– In yet another stunning triumph for the Biden administration’s foreign policy chops…well. More accurate to say the Biden administration’s foreign policy constantly takes it in the chops and – TA DAH! Here we go again. Everything they touch turns to poo for someone else. Female...
British homeowners broken by energy costs turn to "warm banks"
– Sounds soft, fuzzy and comforting, doesn’t it, like a fluffy sweater or a minky blanket? Yeah, well, none of the above. You know how here, when the temps are forecast to drop below freezing, and a “Code Blue” goes into effect for a locale’s homeless population –...
The heartbreak in Uvalde never seems to end
– As if the sight of dozens of fully armed police officers stacked and snugged against the halls of the schoolhouse – peeking safely from around corners, doing nothing as children and teachers called repeatedly for help, cowering as the slaughter goes unanswered – wasn’t enough to engender utter disgust and...
Wreaths Across America - NAS Pensacola, Barrancas National Cemetery…ss-america-nas-pensacola-barrancas-national-cemetery-n518929
– This past Saturday, my posse and I were aboard NAS Pensacola, FL for one of our favorite things ever – the annual Wreaths Across America Day. This year the day dawned crisp, clear and cold, which was a welcome change from last year’s balmy efforts in the 70-degree heat. And...
Excuse me, WHUT? Abortion access an "influential consideration" when choosing a college…an-influential-consideration-when-choosing-a-college-n518809
– I must have missed that page in any college catalog I ever thumbed through. Then again, I predate this increasingly baffling Gen Z by a few dinosaur evolutions… Generation Z, also called Gen Z, zoomers, iGeneration, centennials, post-millennials, or Homelanders, term used to describe Americans born during the late...
Duke Energy "sorry" about that cold, dark Christmas weekend
– Talk about making friends and influencing people. Duke Energy, one of the main power providers for the Carolinas, really stepped in it over the Christmas weekend. For the first time in the energy company’s history, they were forced to institute rolling blackouts and beg their customers to conserve power…in the...
LA Times: White supremacy is a rainbow coalition
– No, really! It IS! Quit shaking your head at me – serious business here. The Experts™ told me it was, so I’m running with it. LA Times screencap Look at all these skeptics! Are the @latimes arguing that white supremacy is diverse & inclusive of all colours? Even @TitaniaMcGrath...
Is the federal food stamp program a help-out, a hand-out or a hold-up?…ood-stamp-program-a-help-out-a-hand-out-or-a-hold-up-n521564
– The second the Speaker of the House kabuki theater is over, I want whoever the new chair of the Ag committee is to crawl down the USDA’s throat. And stay there for a while. I understand food stamps/SNAP were meant to help –help not lifetime support – the less fortunate...
EU crisis: When baking that baguette costs too much dough
– Bread is the staff of life. On a European table – most of which are not beset by American fascinations with trendy carb-free diets or returning to the foraging days of the Australopithecines (eternally in search of the gracile form) – bread is as ubiquitous as napkins, plates, silverware...
Ron DeSantis was sworn in today
– Red. Meat. That’s all I can say about every word I’ve heard out of my governor’s mouth. Gov. Ron DeSantis: "Florida was a refuge of sanity, a refuge of freedom […] We choose to navigate the boisterous sea of liberty, rather than cower in the calm docks of...
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