Results for: Beege Welborn

Gavin Newsom wants to make America Oakland
– Gavin Newsom. YECH. I swear. This unctuous, gleamy toothed, malevolent creature just gives me the willies. He reminds me so much of that anti-Christ-like cult leader in “The Stand,” Randall Flagg. All I see is evil personified every time he hits my monitor. How does California re-elect someone...
Skid row: Anheuser-Busch now selling off craft brands
– Man, oh, MAN. Doncha know they’re wishing they’d just stuck to someone who kinda dug WASSUP and bayou frogs? LAWD-DEE, don’t the hits just keep coming for hiring the cool chica. 🚨BREAKING: After losing over $27 billion in market value, Anheuser-Busch is now being forced to SELL...
Wave "goodbye" to Niger - Victoria Nuland was there
– This ghastly creature descending on a simmering conflict is like an overfed Fellbeast swooping in to pick off road kill. She is nothing but death, doom, war, and destruction come upon them, and she excels at it. ‼️ The Heart of Darkness Visits Africa Mistah Kurtz-he dead...
Life's little ironies: Zoom workers to RTO or GTFO and their AI can use customer data to train…or-gtfo-and-their-ai-can-use-customer-data-to-train-n569833
– WOWSAHS Zoom is covering themselves with good news in the past 24 hours or so. I hardly know which outraged group to focus on first: customers or the help. I think I’ll go with the paying stiffs first, since we use Zoom for things around here, too. This...
Tonight's feel good post: Wind blowing up all over
– Oh, my GOSH, I am giddy. Please, please, PLEASE let this continue and spare us all any more heartache, with the whole thing imploding under its own weight. How’s this for a headline? Wind Industry in Crisis as Problems Mount More than $30 billion in spending is delayed...
Meloni pulling Italy out of Belt and Road pact with China
– Holy smokes, I love the cut of this girl’s jib! Since profiling her in February – and the atrocious way she’s been treated by the elitist cabal that runs the EU – Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy has done nothing but move her country forward. Isn’t...
When China's expansion plans come through our border
– More and more, the faces arriving at the border – be it the long stretch of the Mexican or the 8436 mi of continuous Florida coastline – are resembling less the Hispanic and Indio faces of Latin America, or the Cuban and Haitian visages so familiar from tattered vessels of...
Working wicked hard to separate Joe from the smartest guy he knows…hard-to-separate-joe-from-the-smartest-guy-he-knows-n569643
– You know, for being 3 year old stories with which we’ve been beaten over the head that’s there’s “nothing here,” panicked Democrats are sure acting like something has them spooked. Is it due to a creepy old man’s outright aggressiveness when asked by female reporters about the “rumors” that constantly...
Ah, the youths of New York City were Twitching and frolicking this afternoon…rk-city-were-twitching-and-frolicking-this-afternoon-n569276
– Oh, to be young and, as the mayor of Chicago calls it, “stupid.” There was plenty of that to go around this afternoon in his city blue city this afternoon, as youths gathered to celebrate one of their nubile gods – something called a “Twitch influencer.” Twitch is...
German deindustrialization humming right along
– And the German government seems frozen in indecision and confusion. What on earth could have caused this looming calamity? Friedrich Merz, the chairman of the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has told a German news agency that the German economy is projected to be the worst-performing among the...
Barack Obama is a work of fiction and now in his third term
– The most extraordinary article appeared Tuesday, seemingly unsung and stealthily by moonlight, and that’s all I’m going to talk about it. It was published in something called Tablet Magazine (John and I have both linked to it in the Headline section in the past 18 hours), but it is just...
Remote work tug of war continues
– There still is a battle going on out there between then remote workers of the COVID days and the companies that are trying to wheedle, nudge, and demand people return to the office. Screencap Fortune But it’s not going as well as bosses had hoped. I will have 4 remote...
FAFO: Strait of Hormuz edition
– Iranian gunboats have just had a helluva a ride in that seagoing squeeze known as the Strait of Hormuz. Their little fast attack skiffs and gunboats have been playing chicken with U.S. Navy vessels, while flat -out hijacking oil tankers and merchant ships transiting the strait for years now, all...
Hearts of darkness - Nigerien junta digging in
– On Monday, I wrote about the previous week’s coup d’état in the African country of Niger. The presidential guard had detained the country’s elected president, Mohamed Bazoum, and was holding him along with his family in the presidential palace in the capital city of Niamey. Efforts were underway per the...
WaPo realizes American conservatives are the reason Muslims have been throwing gays from rooftops…reason-muslims-have-been-throwing-gays-from-rooftops-n568940
– This is a watershed moment in American darkness. Sorry, I meant “journalism.” The Washington Post has, perhaps, finally reached the nadir of the slimy depths they will willingly dredge to find some way to calumniate and malign American conservatives. In a stunning piece of deductive reasoning, written...
Debate over heat pumps replacing gas in the U.K. gets hot
– I think we’re going to hear more of the same here, and louder, but this will do for now. There hasn’t been a more cowed crew then the lemmings in the U.K. and for them to be squawking, well – it’s got to be bad. First off, I found...
The price of wheat goes up with a Ukrainian port on the Danube
– I guess when Russia doesn’t want you shipping grain, they make it pretty clear – whatever their pablum about starving people in Africa – that you won’t be shipping any grain. They got their point across last night on the banks of the Danube with drone strikes on the...
Inventories down: Oil that is - black gold, Texas tea
– This is not good news for the average bear. Wow! You're looking at the largest weekly drop in history! — Eric Nuttall (@ericnuttall) August 2, 2023 If you’re into charts, falling off a Bidenomics cliff looks like this: OIL MARKET: American commercial crude stockpiles plunged...
Blackrock is the 800lb gorilla of Extra Scammy Goodness
– When you have too much money, too much influence, and you know you’re too damn smart to just let the peasants live their lives without your dictatorial benevolence tipping the scales in the direction you want their lives to be lived, sometimes…you out-clever yourself. You get too cutesy by half...
Oh, ick, ick, ick, Ashley Biden, ICK
– Can we please call a moving van and a fumigator to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and – when the poison clears – can we have the house cleaned by a religious team? Rabbi, priest, imam – whoever and whatever it takes to get a ritual cleansing for the ages done of...
Climate protestors are on everyone's last nerve
– Regular people going about their daily lives are getting a bit more hands-on when it comes to shrieking eel climate cultists disrupting commutes or destroying property. Especially as the various groups protesting fossil fuels or your incandescent bulb all seem so pointlessly stupid and hypocritical. Oh, how they wail,...
Trump's PACs in a cash crunch at the moment
– YOICKS This is what incompetence looks like…he hasn't even run a campaign yet! Donald Trump's $100 million PAC is down to just $3.6 million in cash — Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) August 1, 2023 This was probably not good news when they got done...
"Mis-gendering" Dylan Mulvaney will put you on the breadline in the U.K.…an-mulvaney-will-put-you-on-the-breadline-in-the-u-k-n568423
– So here’s an irony sammich. While the gender fraud that is Dylan Mulvaney has skated away from the flaming pile of poo that was his Bud Light gig… “Anheuser-Busch is set to lay off nearly 400 workers at its corporate offices in the wake of slumping sales that accelerated on...
Chicago: How about a little gang war to liven up your summer?
– There was an internal Chicago Police Department memo released last week, and it sounds like those cops just might know their neighborhoods. After three men were shot while standing on an Uptown sidewalk Tuesday afternoon, Chicago police dispatchers began warning cops on the North Side about four areas...
U.N. warns we're now in an era of "global boiling"
– The CBS Weekend News was happy to pass that along (segment starts at 11:39) After Jerika Duncan’s boiling intro, they open with a shot of the arson-ignited Canadian wildfires and this ominous intonement… “This summer feels like a page torn from the Book of Revelation“...