Ah, the youths of New York City were Twitching and frolicking this afternoon

(AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, File)

Oh, to be young and, as the mayor of Chicago calls it, “stupid.”

There was plenty of that to go around this afternoon in his city blue city this afternoon, as youths gathered to celebrate one of their nubile gods – something called a “Twitch influencer.”


Twitch is yet another “interactive livestreaming service for content” which, apparently, has spawned its own set of now world famous “influencers” for the empty headed, soulless generations who’ve grown up glued to computers and iPhones.

Kai Cenat, a video game “influencer” who reportedly has millions of followers, is at the center of today’s excitement. It was billed on his Twitch channel as a YUGE giveaway of PS5s and such things, and don’t you just know his well-mannered fans responded enthusiastically to the call.

…On Wednesday, Cenat announced on his Twitch channel that he would host a “huge” give away with video game consoles, PCs, keyboards, gaming chairs, headphones and other items.

As of Friday afternoon, the video had more than 2 million views.

The event was supposed to begin at 4 p.m., but by 3 p.m. the park was filled, NBC New York reported.


As we say in the business, things went quickly awry.


I’m not sure whether the dreaded “M-word” ( *looks around furtively, whispers “MOB”, runs*) will be unpacked for the hordes of youthful, car-jumping, bottle flinging, high spirited folks. The crush of bodies surging down the street sure looks like it to me, but I’m not a crowd control specialist – I only play one at HotAir. So far, being ever mindful of mis-mobbing stupid youths and ruining their future job prospects, “news” outlets like Rolling Stone are sticking to “fans,” “flocking,” and generic terms like “massive gathering.”


UNION SQUARE PARK turned into a chaotic scene Friday afternoon after fans flocked there for a giveaway hosted by Twitch streamers Kai Cenat and Fanum. New York Police told Rolling Stone that no injuries had been reported, but asked that folks “avoid the area.”

Photos and videos from attendees captured the chaos onsite as police personnel and NYFD were dispatched to help disperse the crowd. One Twitch user described the incident as “Zoomer January 6.”

“Due to police activity, avoid the area surrounding Union Square Park & use alternate routes. Expect a police presence in the area and residual traffic delays,” read a tweet from NYPD Friday. NYPD told NBC New York that a “couple thousand people” crowded the park.

Cenat announced the giveaway earlier in the day Friday with an illustration of himself and Fanum posing in front of an SUV and behind a “police line do not cross” barricade. The Twitch streamers were reportedly passing out free PlayStation 5s to attendees.


It’s worth listening to the cops brief the press on situation for the accents alone.

Personally, if this clown and his buddy are so rich, I hope the city sends the pair a big, fat bill for the sanitation guys, the ONE THOUSAND COPS they had to call in, the property destruction, and the dents in people’s vehicles that resulted from this unpermitted stunt…once they make bail or get turned loose, that is.

On Friday, a massive gathering of people showed up at New York City’s Union Square for a giveaway hosted by two social media influencers, mega-popular Twitch streamer Kai Cenat and another streamer, Fanum. Cenat and “a few other people” have been arrested, NBC 4 reports.

In a press conference given after the incident, NYPD chief of department Jeffrey Maddrey responded to questions about the streamer, saying, “we do have him” (presumably referring to Cenat) but didn’t specify in what precinct.

I mean, the place is a mess. The youths were not very tidy in their gathering, especially after they got stiffed for the promised freebies. You’d think that would hurt an “influencer’s” ratings some, no?


Haven’t heard from Mayor Adams yet.

Usually when we do, it’s laughable or rappable.

Wonder how he rhymes or reasons this?

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