Poll: What was the Obamateurism of the week?

Barack Obama says he knows what it’s like to take a tough vote, but you can’t vote “present” in this Obamateurism of the Week poll!  Honest Abe, we’ll be talking about this one for weeks.  Of course, we’ll actually know what’s in this poll, but if you choose poorly, we won’t refuse to be seen with you, either.


Previous 2010 “winners”:


Got an Obamateurism of the Day? If you see a foul-up by Barack Obama, e-mail it to me at [email protected] with the quote and the link to the Obamateurism. I’ll post the best Obamateurisms on a daily basis, depending on how many I receive. Include a link to your blog, and I’ll give some link love as well. And unlike Slate, I promise to end the feature when Barack Obama leaves office.
Illustrations by Chris Muir of Day by Day. Be sure to read the adventures of Sam, Zed, Damon, and Jan every day!

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024