Really, really stupid. And really, really enjoyable.
Is Mrs. Paterson a Republican, perchance? This is, after all, the official RNC line.
“You never heard of that before,” Michelle Paterson, in her first comments on the situation, said following a luncheon in Midtown.
“David’s the first African-American governor in the state of New York and he’s being asked to get out of the race. It’s very unusual and it seems very unfair.”…
Paterson added, “I never heard of a president asking a governor not to run … so I thought it was very unusual that this would be asked of David and I don’t think it’s right.”
Unless and until The One orders a political hit on Deval Patrick, I’m going to assume that his antipathy to Paterson is due mainly to the fact that, um, Paterson’s an unelectable disaster. But why is he unelectable? Mrs. Paterson’s got a clever explanation for that too. Dude:
In a passionate defense of her husband, New York’s first lady, Michelle Paterson, tells News 4 it’s wrong for the White House to get involved in a local race. She admits there have been some very disappointing times recently where it seemed her husband might not be able to survive politically. But she said he’s “a fighter” who is staying in the race. Mrs. Paterson says she believes David’s blindness is contributing to his low poll numbers.
Turns out two-thirds of the state hate the blind. What can I say? Living in New York hardens you somehow. Exit question: When — not if — Andrew Cuomo crushes Paterson in the primary with 60 percent of the vote, will that be because of Obama’s prejudice against blacks or against the handicapped?
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