Open thread: Palin vs. Gibson, round three; Update: I think Obama regrets not picking Hillary, says Palin

We’re two hours away from World News Tonight but the first excerpts are up and I figured you’d want a thread to comment. Interesting that they’re transcribing simple verbal hiccups like at the beginning here:


SARAH PALIN: It has always been an embarrassment that abuse of the ear form — earmark process has been accepted in Congress. And that’s what John McCain has fought. And that’s what I joined him in fighting. It’s been an embarrassment, not just Alaska’s projects. But McCain gives example after example after example. I mean, every state has their embarrassment.

Their description of yesterday’s interview is interesting too, which isn’t to say it’s incorrect:

The comfort she showed when talking about a proposed pipeline that would supply the lower 48 states with natural gas from Alaska, contrasted sharply with her generally rote talking points on national security during the day’s first interview with Gibson.

While we wait, here’s a new ad from Citizens United comparing her Iraq prayer to comments made by other “Christianists” through the ages.

Update: Headlines comments imported.


Update: Palin on Hillary: “What determination, and grit, and even grace through some tough shots that were fired her way. She handled those well.” That’s a fortuitous soundbite, because it’s going to draw attention from what a friend e-mails to say sounds like “canned and evasive” answers on the other stuff per the excerpts. Click to watch.

Update: Dick Morris is already gaming out Hillary vs. Palin in 2012. Meanwhile, how stupid do you think Biden feels for having talked up Hillary himself a few days ago? He could have played the victim here otherwise; as it is, he’s basically forced to agree with her. An

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