Nuance: Iraqi currency, "explosive device" found in stolen car, terrorism immediately ruled out

Probably just some kids out for a joyride who decided to come prepared in case they ran into the New Mexico chapter of the Mahdi Army. Either that or…

No, never mind. I won’t engage in any Clintonian fearmongering about the border.


The FBI is now involved in the theft of a car after it was found in Los Lunas with an explosive device and Iraqi currency inside

FBI agents say that they have ruled out terrorism…

When police arrived, they found the explosive device and less than $1,000 worth of Iraqi cash.

“We don’t know what their intentions were,” said Nuanes.

Exit question: Remind me, in which state was that border smuggling ring for Iraqi illegal immigrants operating again? Oh, right, right. Maybe the bomb just sort of got mixed up in someone’s luggage?

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David Strom 11:00 AM | December 06, 2024