Beware of Smirking Germans

John Macdougall/Pool via AP

I offer that as a caution because they really have nothing to smirk about.

You'll remember the wise asterisk Xweet the German Foreign Office sent out after the debate. Man, I'll bet those fat little snausage fingers couldn't wait to hit send on that masterpiece of snarky superiority.


The problem with snark is it only works if you're right, and there's not a damn thing in this tweet that holds water.

The next morning, David took a run at their renewable boasting and how terrific it's really worked out for them.

...To which I say: shut up. Just as Angela Merkel got open borders wrong and imported millions of uncivilized migrants who are raping and pillaging Europe right now, Germany has been pushing a Net Zero agenda that is destroying its industrial base, increasing the use of coal (ironically), and creating the highest energy prices in Europe. For the first time ever German car companies are closing plants and moving elsewhere.

My wonderful, gentle readers here know I have been pretty merciless about the German ruling coalition of Green grifting Bond villains over the past two years as they relentlessly carved away at both their citizens' standard of living and the country's economy - all in obsequious, mewling service to the gods of NetZero.

Hasn't done a thing but bankrupted the country.

And their boast is fraudulent in any event. They're not producing enough power to run their country, period. If you get half of the power you have at any given time from renewables, but all of it combined isn't enough to do the job, and you still have to import power? Well, guess what?


What do your claims of an "energy system that is fully operational" even mean? 

For example - one turbine is running/fully operational, but they need eighty-three of them. Not enough wind power, so they knock down wind farms to dig for lignite coal for reliable coal-powered plants. You have to buy electricity to make up for your operational capacity shortfalls from neighboring countries.


Let's brag on how terrific Germany is some more, shall we?

The number of German households living with "energy poverty" has risen steeply since the onset of the European energy crisis in 2022, according to a report by the country's Expert Council for Consumer Affairs. The report, which was handed over to the Germany's environment and consumer protection minister Steffi Lemke on Monday, looked at energy costs more than 4,400 households between March 2022 and June 2023. It found that the number of households paying more than 10 percent of their income on energy – the definition of energy poverty – had jumped from 26 percent to 43 percent in that period...

Oh, you GO, guys!

Now. About that "WE don't eat dogs and cats"?


Technically, that's true...NOW.

Germans did eat plenty of DOGS (cats were on the menu, too), whose tasty bits were provided by THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT, until - not the early 20th century, mind you, but almost to the start of the 21st (And a warm shout-out to Watts Up With That for the info).


For many years, the dog has not just been a dog for us, but has become a family member, a friend, a comforter or even a therapist and has become an indispensable "social lubricant" in this country. Sometimes the owners spend immense amounts of money on their four-legged friends, sometimes the love for dogs perverts in all imaginable forms. However, this was not always the case, and the times when dogs were used as a source of meat in Germany and slaughtered for their meat were not that long ago. 

 What hardly anyone knows: in Germany, too, dogs were killed in state-controlled slaughterhouses until almost four decades ago. It was not until 1986 that the killing of dogs and cats for meat was banned by law. The taste for dog meat does not only extend to Asia, as in some cantons of Switzerland, people still like to eat dogs meat. In general, the rule is: where there is no close human-dog relationship, normally no barriers exist that protect Canis Lupus Familiaris from hunting for its meat. But let’s take a quick look at the history of dog eating. Very soft minds should consider at this point whether they really want to deal with this topic.


So superior to third-world Haitian refugees. So far removed from eating the family pets that the Germans can spit snarky vitriol at a former president of the United States...oh, but wait.

They're not.

I don't think any of this snarky smug is working out for them once you take a good look at it. Doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

The worst part of this pathetic official German government pissiness is that it's part and parcel of the massive case of residual German butthurt encapsulated by this BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL photograph.

What a moment.

The Germans have never recovered.

Trump was the brash, racist, climate skeptic, and intransigent existential danger to their carefully orchestrated brave new globalist world.

CNN declared Merkel the new "moral leader" of the West in her efforts to counter Trump's evil, undisciplined influence.

In fact, they've spent the past three years digging and burying themselves in deeper holes, trying to prove just how wrong Trump was when damn near every day proves he's been right from the start.

The current state of affairs in the country - Merkel's carefully nurtured open immigration policies are sinking her country under the very weight of them, have her successor's coalition holding onto power by their fingernails, and a formerly compliant German populace becoming angry, restless, and actively turning to previously verboten political parties out of desperation - could have all been avoided or at least mitigated.


Not in Germany alone, either. Merkel's dreams are going up in populist smoke across the formerly sacrosanct European Union, infiltrating the very halls of Brussels.

Insult to ultimate Teutonic injury, they may well be forced into dealing with Trump again.

God willing, right?

I'll be smirkin' like a mofo when it happens.

I might even check in with the German Foreign Office - to see how they're handling the latest disappointment.

Maybe do a Zoom health and safety check on everyone's pets...

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | February 21, 2025