Jerry Nadler says federal law should mandate masking two-year-olds

Israel Leal

Don’t you know?

They have to get childhood vaccines, right? So same-same forced masking them if something is going around the next Fauci is worried about, and it’s child abuse to suggest otherwise.


When we have a pandemic, like the Covid-19 pandemic that we had, two-year-olds should have been required to wear masks. It would be child abuse for parents not to do this… The only way to protect them against Covid was to have them wear masks. These mandates are meant to protect the public’s health and safety.

Now, you might think this video is from the House floor in 2020, and you could be forgiven for that.

But it happened today.

Thank God for Chip Roy. He ripped the degenerate from New York apart right then and there.

Maybe the congressman could take a deep breath and look at New Zealand, a country that shares his fascist tendencies, yet? Never masked their children.

What IS IT with Democrats? They’re always looking to enshrine the usurpation of liberties and curtailment of freedoms, even when their flimsy excuses for trying to codify their power grabs are being debunked and going down in flames every single day.


Administration officials are being fileted like fish as they attempt to rewrite history re: their draconian, unwarranted, unsubstantiated, unjustified measures and it couldn’t happen to a nicer group of scallywags.

“No one forced” the masking of two-year-olds in Head Start programs, only your child couldn’t attend his program if he wasn’t masked. See how that works in the Secretary’s world? His Science™ said there was a price to pay for attendance even if the real science – which was being actively suppressed, was proving there was no rational need to mask children.

…Given this knowledge it is more than perplexing as to why our governments, at the behest of their public health advisors, have accepted as a fait accompli what we refer to as a ‘great deception’ or lie, convincing us of inevitable and severe consequences if anyone is infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Yes, the public was lied to and deceived from day one by governments and their medical advisors and the media medical cabal with its incessant messaging that we were all at equal risk of severe illness or death if infected, young and old. They subverted science. This caused irrational fear and hysteria and it has held on. This type of deception and the resulting unfounded fear has been driven by the media despite “a thousandfold difference in risk between old and young.”

We suggest that this has always been known, and yet this disinformation and related falsehoods were spread seemingly both willfully and knowingly by our leaders and the media. Such conflation of the risks between the young and the elderly population with comorbidities and at risk is wrong-headed and creates unnecessary fear for all. It is well known that there is a distinct stratified risk (strongly associated with increasing age and comorbidities).

Additionally, data now suggests (even though still nascent) that children not only have extremely low risk as mentioned above but also that they naturally have the capability of evading the SARS-CoV-2 virus due to the lack of the ACE-2 receptors in their nostrils. It escapes us as to why this deceit continues to be served to the public and has not been stopped forthwith.


Even now, the “Great Lie’ is being parroted at the podium by senior Democrats, intent on maintaining their grip on the population.

There’s also another point to be made here. The same people who, without any scientific basis and in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, want to use the power of the federal government to punish you for not swathing your toddler’s face in cloth are the same ones who WILL NOT use the power of the federal government to protect children from having their young bodies mutilated surgically, and/or permanently altered chemically.

They won’t even go so far as to protect women and girls from having to compete with men infiltrating their sports.

I guess it would help if they knew what a woman was to begin with.

The Republican-controlled House passed legislation Thursday that would ban transgender women and girls from competing in female school athletics — the latest GOP salvo in the intensifying culture wars over transgender rights in America.

…The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act defines sex as “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.”

The bill passed on a strictly party-line 219-203 vote, with all Republicans voting yes and all Democrats voting no. But it will go nowhere in the Democratic-controlled Senate. The White House has also said President Joe Biden would veto the measure, which it said “targets people for who they are and therefore is discriminatory,” if it were to make it to his desk.


Anti-women, anti-children, anti-parent, anti-family – their votes speak for themselves.

The thing with Democrats, they try awful hard to make you forget.

But, like Nadler today, they always slip up and remind you exactly who they are.

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