So election "pre-denialism" is a thing now?

(AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

I tell you what. Those Democrats are always thinking on their feet. With all the screaming and howling about Republican election deniers…well. Until someone like Kari Lake calls them out in an absolute master class of cold-blooded pwned-the-media, that is. Rocks them back on their heels for a moment.


But only just for a moment. I noticed the operational setup for this scenario being put in position yesterday when I posted about the “WARNING, WILL ROBINSON” intelligence memo the Biden administration plans to release this week. Filled with lurid and vague insinuations of Sino/Russian election interference, it also manages to slip in a reference to bad domestic, denialist actors having a hand in delegitimizing outcomes.

…The bulletin will lay out details of cyber threats posed by China and Russia, as well as other non-state actors, and potential physical threats to election officials in jurisdictions across the country, the people said. The warnings come as the midterm elections near and amid increasing reports of intimidation at ballot drop boxes. The people requested anonymity to talk freely about sensitive national security and election matters.

…“We are now hearing reports of people surrounding ballot drop boxes, some even wearing tactical gear, and questioning people,” said John Cohen, the former counterterrorism chief at DHS. “Are the police prepared for that? They need to be. All of this is being driven by the false narrative that the 2020 election was stolen.


Now, hang on a second. One can clearly see where the new ground rules for the next phase are being established, prior to the November 8th butt-kicking I’m figuring they (meaning Dems, Progs, Leftists, their toadies, minions, and familiars) are anticipating – and I am praying for. REPUBLICAN questioning of the 2020 election will remain a “false narrative” to the powers that be.

The Democratic artificial Red Rubicon, if you will, regardless of how many bonafide, documented instances of prior Democratic denialists (too many to list, but the Lake video above is a grand primer) exist. Okay, got it. Next rule – establish that the integrity of this election is already under assault, and – quite probably (not possibly) – already compromised. Who shall we get to set the scene?

Enter la reine des ânes, stage right.


Honestly. Old girl should learn to bray a new song.

This angle, however, is new, as well as fiendishly desperate. Hillary is saying this election is already stolen. PRE-DENIALISM. That’s brilliant and such a craven, shameless, mendacious move. Since they’re projected to blow your doors off, go ahead and gaslight the entire opposition party for having their terrorists/extremists steal an election from you…before a single vote is even cast! It completely negates any post-election navel-gazing or responsibility about the grievous errors of your own ways, or the failings of your party as a whole to respond to what citizens need vice what you want. Which is, in truth, what will bring about your (please God) electoral annihilation at the voting booth. Democrats have just staked out the aggrieved status and are daring the GOP to call them on it.


“It wasn’t anything WE did! THEY STOLE IT.”

Right? Funny that. Like all the funny/not funny things happening now. As if we needed one more thing to keep tabs on, stop them in their tracks, and call them out for, but it’s how they roll – in the mud and dirty.

When the wave comes, oooh, boy. It’s going to wash that all filth out and be SCHWEET.

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