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Kay Hagan
Hagan bows out of 2016 Senate challenge to Burr
Ed Morrissey
6:01 PM | June 24, 2015
Barack Obama: ‘Stand with me’ and vote Kay Hagan
Noah Rothman
1:21 PM | November 04, 2014
The early voting in North Carolina is looking pretty gray
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | November 04, 2014
Last minute surprise: North Carolina investigating Kay Hagan over ‘conflict of interest’
Noah Rothman
8:01 PM | November 03, 2014
'This is War': Trump Takes an Axe to Government Unions
Wowsahs: Elon and the DOGErs Formally Introduce Themselves
The Funniest DEI Scam
German 'Democracy' Update: Time to Tighten Their Grip
Kay Hagan scolded over hypocrisy… by PBS anchor Gwen Ifill?
Noah Rothman
1:21 PM | October 31, 2014
Video: The Elbert Guillory anti-Hagan ad
8:31 PM | October 27, 2014
Video: Hagan skipping debate inexcusable, says ... Rachel Maddow
Ed Morrissey
12:31 PM | October 22, 2014
Liberals warn vulnerable Dems that they should rethink distancing themselves from Obama
Noah Rothman
1:21 PM | October 21, 2014
Hawaii Democrat backs travel ban, denounces politicization of the issue
Noah Rothman
10:41 AM | October 21, 2014
Subtle: Pro-Kay Hagan fliers warns GOP victory with lynching images
Noah Rothman
10:01 AM | October 21, 2014
Obama: Hey, all these red-state Democrats running away from me are strong supporters who vote with me!
Mary Katharine Ham
9:21 PM | October 20, 2014
Is Kay Hagan losing her lead in North Carolina?
Noah Rothman
4:21 PM | October 13, 2014
Morning Joe mounts unconvincing defense of Kay Hagan for missing ISIS hearings
Noah Rothman
10:01 AM | October 10, 2014
Beltway: Senate attendance attacks are dumb; there's no way they could attend all those meetings!
Mary Katharine Ham
9:31 PM | October 09, 2014
In NC Senate race, Charlotte Observer hides political affiliation of "non-partisan" group
Jazz Shaw
8:41 AM | October 08, 2014
Hagan: Yeah, I skipped an Armed Services meeting for a fundraiser
Ed Morrissey
2:21 AM | October 08, 2014
Democrats: yo, single women, don't forget to vote
Matt Vespa
10:01 AM | October 06, 2014
NC SEN: Is the race 'tight as a tick?'
Matt Vespa
9:21 PM | October 01, 2014
Good news for Republicans in weekend polls
Noah Rothman
2:01 PM | September 28, 2014
Politico: Hagan's family directly profited from stimulus she voted to enact
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | September 27, 2014
Election forecasters bearish on GOP? Senate models looking more Democratic by the day
Noah Rothman
7:01 PM | September 16, 2014
Born-again amnesty hawk Mary Landrieu attacks opponent over border fence she called "dumb" last year
Guy Benson
12:01 PM | September 11, 2014
Mutiny: Senate Democrats urge Obama to get hawkish on the ISIS threat
Noah Rothman
12:01 PM | September 04, 2014
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Kay Hagan lose the 'war on women' for Democrats
Noah Rothman
8:41 AM | September 04, 2014
Sen. Kay Hagan doubling down on the bogus claim that her top opponent supports ObamaCare as North Carolina primaries begin
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | May 06, 2014
It's come to this: Kay Hagan falsely accuses Republican opponent of ... supporting ObamaCare
4:41 PM | April 22, 2014
ObamaCare questions not getting any less awkward for Sen. Hagan in North Carolina
Erika Johnsen
8:11 PM | February 27, 2014
Reid stops minimum-wage hike bill after Dems balk
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | February 26, 2014
Obama to Senate Dems: I'll stay away from your re-election campaigns
Ed Morrissey
3:01 PM | February 06, 2014
NC news anchor: Will President Obama help or hurt your campaign? Sen. Hagan: Well, you see, it's like this...
Erika Johnsen
8:01 PM | February 03, 2014
Sabotage: Obama thanks red-state Democrat Kay Hagan publicly after she refuses to appear with him
4:01 PM | January 15, 2014
Sen. Kay Hagan now trailing all of her Republican challengers in North Carolina
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | January 15, 2014
Video: Bloomberg giving up on gun control?
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | January 08, 2014
Video: "Special Interest Kay" Hagan now owns Obamacare
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | January 04, 2014
Kay Hagan reaches for the panic button
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | November 16, 2013
Democratic gay-marriage pool update: North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan endorses SSM
12:41 PM | March 27, 2013
Manchin backpedals on gun control after constitutents confront him
Ed Morrissey
8:31 AM | January 24, 2013
Government to the rescue: Saving young women from low self body image
Tina Korbe
7:15 PM | July 13, 2011