Results for: "Brian Williams"

Everyone's upset that Brian Williams called the Syria missile launches "beautiful"…williams-called-the-syria-missile-launches-beautiful-n244078
– NBC News talker Brian Williams has provided plenty of fodder for criticism and jokes over the past couple of years but I’m not sure … (Associated Press) Brian Williams is facing online criticism for waxing poetic about what he called “beautiful pictures” of U.S.…
Is MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on the way out?
– Lack is supposedly interested in moving disgraced news anchor Brian Williams into the 10 pm slot. …
What Happened? Well, Hillary, you lost because you were a terrible candidate
– Toward the end of this clip, Brian Williams asks, “How could she not have a tactile feel for politics after so many years in politics…
Brian Williams to return to full time journalism for election coverage?
– The latest rumor (as reported at CNN Money) is that discredited news anchor Brian Williams may finally be coming fully out of the penalty … Brian Williams is expected to get his own time slot on MSNBC between Labor Day and Election Day, according to sources with knowledge … The man loves to talk and one of his favorite subjects is Brian Williams. Did he really do all that much damage?…
Can MSNBC survive Joy-Ann Reid?
– It’s not as if the network doesn’t already have image problems, particularly since they’ve been saddled with Brian Williams after his…
Quotes of the day
– He doesn’t take any guff from anybody,” said ­Brian Williams, 66, a retired New Jersey Turnpike maintenance worker. *** Christie…
The Democrats’ death by a thousand scandals
– The recent discovery that the former secretary of state indulged in a little biographical embellishment a la Brian Williams may soon…
NBC investigating another Brian Williams "story" from the Arab Spring
– NBC’s six month suspension of Brian Williams and investigation of his body of reporting is apparently still a work in progress.…
Report: News networks not interested in hiring Spicer due to "lack of credibility"
– Davis notes that the same news bureau responsible for this report on Spicer’s fatally damaged credibility continues to employ … Brian Williams
MSNBC: Did Nadler just steal the mic from Schiff?
Brian Williams and Geoff Bennett also noticed that Schiff tried to stop Nadler: What a great way to wrap up the House Democrats…
Matthews: Sanders' Nevada win like the Nazis overrunning France in 1940, or something…ada-win-like-nazis-overrunning-france-1940-something-n309984
– “I’m reading last night,” Matthews tells Brian Williams, “about the fall of France in the summer of 1940, and the general Renault calls…
Watch these two imbeciles fail first-grade math on MSNBC
– I agree with Charles Cooke that it simply cannot be that Brian Williams and Mara Gay are organically this stupid. … Why didn’t Brian Williams notice? Because the people involved in this clip thought it was true. This is how they see the world.…
Mara Gay: The backlash to my math mistake was racist
– Last Thursday a clip of MSNBC host Brian Williams and NY Times editorial board author Mara Gay went viral on social media. … It has nothing to do with the math error here, just as the fact that Brian Williams is white had nothing to do with it. … Her answer (and Brian Williams’ as well) to how much money Bloomberg could have given each American: $1,000,000.…
Biden: "It's hard to envision" having a convention
– Or, as Brian Williams put it to Joe Biden last night on MSNBC’s 11th Hour, “Can you really envision every prominent Democrat in this … When asked by MSNBC’s Brian Williams if he could imagine the nation’s top Democrats all gathered together in one arena 104 days from…
Pulitzer makes it official: "Fake but accurate" is today's reporting gold standard
Brian Williams, who veered all the way into fabulism and personal lies, managed to get back into NBC’s good graces on a much shorter…
More Farrow: NBC News chief "preyed on female underlings" too
– Lack had been brought back as president of NBC News in 2015 to deal with the fallout of the Brian Williams fabulism scandal, which…
NBC: We killed off that Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvey Weinstein story in a totally legit manner, you know…ing-harvey-weinstein-story-totally-legit-manner-know-n262232
– question, however, is whether NBC saw the Farrow report as a potential time bomb for one of its biggest stars, not long after Brian Williams
Did the "full Ginsburg" work?
– same old song once again: Sure, this is a president who has dissected basketball brackets on ESPN, gone for burgers with Brian Williams
Debate quip: Biden rips Giuliani's qualifications to be president; Video: Kucinich, Obama blow the lid off UFOs
Brian Williams asks Biden to stand by or disavow an October 19 statement that Biden made on CBS: Do you think it’s legitimate…
Video: Journolist's success in setting the message
– from How Obama Got Elected, shown at the front end of an interview between Bill O’Reilly and John Ziegler, who pointed this Brian Williams … The meat of the point comes right at the beginning: Now, I seriously doubt that Brian Williams ever participated in Journolist…
Obamateurism of the Day
– Just in case you’ve forgotten Part I, here’s Brian Williams to explain it: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news…
Famously press-shy figure gets a new job ...
– popular on NBC’s evening newscast — and which may be added to NBC’s new prime-time newsmagazine program, “Rock Center With Brian Williams
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