Results for: Beege Welborn

Your morning climate cult update: We're all still gonna die fiery deaths…te-cult-update-were-all-still-gonna-die-fiery-deaths-n566770
– There was a thang this weekend that got me going. Especially after news broadcast openings using foghorns alerting viewers about this UNEXPECTED SCOURGE OF BLAZING HEAT (aka “summer”) blanketing the country, while attempting to panic the entire populace. So, anyway, I read this hysterical – in the “ZOMG!”...
Living with doing a "human rights abuse level of awful thing to your own child"…rights-abuse-level-of-awful-thing-to-your-own-child-n566291
– I love Chicago’s John Kass. Today his blog post was on something I and my friends here (especially David) have hit time and time again because we are so passionately terrified for today’s children. But there was a moment in it that was such a revelation, I wanted...
Does Disney deal in nothing but poison apples? Looking for "strategic partner" for ESPN…poison-apples-looking-for-strategic-partner-for-espn-n566247
– WOWSAHS This is something else. Everything they touch turns to dirty dust. Last week, #Disney CEO Bob Iger said that he was looking for strategic partners to help take #ESPN into its next phase. It now appears that $DIS has had talks with the #NFL and #NBA about becoming...
Awkward moment when world realizes Canada's been at the grown-ups' table the whole time…s-canadas-been-at-the-grown-ups-table-the-whole-time-n566152
– Weren’t those kids supposed to be outside playing and asking for ice cream truck money? Take a look at their fascist Prime Minister! Winsome lad Justin Trudeau was over in Vilnius making propaganda videos for his oppressed citizens as if he were a front line playa or something! Just...
D'oh! Another offshore wind project goes blade tips up
– Yo! Another one bites the dust. Vattenfall will stop the development of a major wind project in the UK after a surge in costs. The Swedish utility said a wind farm planned in the North Sea, which would provide power for 1.5 million UK homes, is...
Iraqi professional arsonist Muqtada made Sweden a little Sadr this morning…onist-muqtada-made-sweden-a-little-sadr-this-morning-n566059
– It’s been a while since we’ve heard of minions of big-time fire-breathing clerics of the Religion of Pieces losing their minds and acting up, but they sure did in the early hours of Thursday morning, Baghdad time. Hundreds of protesters stormed the Swedish embassy in central Baghdad in the early...
Mayor Adams tells foreign brown people to go somewhere else
– Well, wait, WHUT?! Don’t tell me that New York City is already rolling up the Sanctuary carpet? Mayor Eric Adams is telling illegal migrants from the border don’t bother coming, and he’s doing it with rapper flare, baby. Yo, stay home, homies. “…capacity was verbalized and...
Special flowers: DOD okays trans members on hormones "skipping" deployments…okays-trans-members-on-hormones-skipping-deployments-n565873
– You can’t say I didn’t tell you, because I did – matter of fact, it was just the other day – but God DANG. If seeing what I knew to be true anecdotally and commonsense-wise finally AS OFFICIAL POLICY doesn’t just have me snorting fire, I don’t know what would....
Reauthorizing FISA and Strange Bedfellows
– I’ve been writing an awful lot lately about the Irish and the onrushing totalitarianism of the government there. We’ve got our own insidious version of lawless Big Brother here. It’s called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), but it’s got the vaguest schmear of constitutional protections supposedly wiped on...
'New and Improved': Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and McDonald's Burgers…oved-kraft-macaroni-and-cheese-and-mcdonalds-burgers-n595853
– I was trying to think of a way to break this to you gently, but couldn’t. We’re all adults here, so…suck it up. They’re messing with favorites again. At least with the Kraft “Macanoni” as my precious niece called it when she was 3, you still have...
Fossil Fuels and Fly-In Fools
– COP28 is in fool (no typo there) swing in Dubai right now, and things are already getting testy. The COP28 presidency passed to the United Arab Emirates in the person of Sultan Al Jaber. His thank you and welcoming opening remarks threw a bit of a bomb into the...
UAW Sharpening the Knives: Eyeing Tesla, Toyota, VW
– Well, you knew United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain was going to be feeling invincible after laying siege to the D-3 this fall. He got most of what he wanted after successfully pulling off a simultaneous multi-pronged attack on all of the major car manufacturers at once. You also...
Elected Tyranny: Irish Government Dublin Down on Big Brother
– It has been absolutely horrifying watching what’s been going on in Ireland since this past Spring. But to see what had become kind of a firewall of debate about freedom get blown to smithereens by rabid and immediate government overreach to an immigrant’s stabbing of 3 children and a...
Economic Disconnection: Dear White House Operator, Can You Help Me Place This Call?…white-house-operator-can-you-help-me-place-this-call-n595473
– It’s starting to feel a little fruitless trying to get through to POTATUS that it really sucks out here for a lot of people, and the rest of us aren’t happy. …And give me the number if you can find it So, I can call just to tell ’em I’m...
POTATUS Gets New Pressure to Ix-Nay the Ee-Vays
– Pretty much everyone and every auto manufacturer across the globe (with the exception of Tesla and nobody believes anything China says) has been singing songs of lamentation and mourning for their electric vehicle sales. I’ve posted bunches about them in relation to Green transitions, safety, infrastructure, etc., and the fact...
UN Sez U Can't Haz Cheezburger
– It’s 81° in Dubai right now, with a low tonight of 73°. Sounds like a great place for a conference, no? Well, by George, there’s one scheduled – The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC or COP28 for you hep cats....
The Truth Matters
– This is a fascinating conversation between an Irish TV “journalist” named Ciara Kelly, and a fellow Irishman named John McGuirk, who is the editor of Gript Media. McGuirk – and by extension his company – have been taking on the increasing state of Irish censorship of news and information....
Everything the Germans Touch Is Coming Up Fahrvergnügies
– Life has been no smooth driving adventure as far as anything the Germans have manhandled this year. From the government to industry to the average Frau und Herr tryin to navigate the economy and roiled social waters, Germany’s been a bumpy ride to nowhere lately. Nothing illustrates that better...
About That Manhattan Bridge Hamas Supporters Shut Down Yesterday…anhattan-bridge-hamas-supporters-shut-down-yesterday-n595116
– First of all, it’s New York. How did NO ONE wind up with a knuckle sammich? New Yorkers sure ain’t what they used to be, tell you what. Hamas supporters took over the Manhattan Bridge… — @amuse (@amuse) November 26, 2023 It was calculated...
Lather, Rinse, Repeat: TX Gonna Roll(ing Blackout) Through Winter Again…epeat-tx-gonna-rolling-blackout-through-winter-again-n595045
– Your parents – at least mine did – always told you mistakes were there to learn from, be it burnt fingers, electrocution, a bad bet etc. Whatever the mishap or misstep, there was supposedly a lesson buried in the hurt, humiliation, missing limb or digit that would be the reminder...
7 Scariest Words on Earth - 'We're Doing It for the Common Good'
– A lifetime ago – back in the Spring of this year – Ireland was taking almost unfathomable steps as a “free” country to bind itself with tyrannical restrictions. I posted about the unbelievable measures the Irish Oireachtas Éireann, or their bicameral parliament, was debating about enacting to restrict the Irish...
Fiery But Peaceful: When Irish Eyes AREN'T Smiling
– Yesterday afternoon an absolutely horrific attack occurred in Dublin, Ireland’s city center. Three little kiddoes and their teacher were standing by a creche in front of their Catholic school when a man appeared, and, out of the blue, began slashing at them. A FIVE-YEAR-old girl who was seriously...
Thanksgiving Eve Musings
– I don’t get to wax poetic too often because I’m usually skewering something, someone, or knee-deep in minutiae. Last Thanksgiving, being a complete newbie, I don’t think I posted much of anything at all. This year, though, I wanted to wish you guys the best and happiest Thanksgiving....
CNN Experts™: Guys, You're 'Being Friends' All Wrong
– As this is the week to give thanks and such sentiments, I thought I would pass along this piece full of sage advice for you to be thankful that I did so. I am not sure if this was an assignment or if the young (very young) female who...
Hey 'Conservative Pundit' Types: With All the REAL 'Woke' at DoD, Don't You Have Better Things To Do?…e-real-woke-at-dod-dont-you-have-better-things-to-do-n594215
– I tell you what – I was hot under the collar. Fit to be tied, even. After hearing everyone was safe, we have all have had a good chuckle about the “Miracle on the Hudson” style landing the Navy P-8 pulled off in the fog the other day at...
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