Results for: Beege Welborn
Media notices EVs weigh a buttload, EV makers are losing their butts…vs-weigh-a-buttload-ev-makers-are-losing-their-butts-n561016…vs-weigh-a-buttload-ev-makers-are-losing-their-butts-n561016
In the world of all things wonderful and green, the biggest push has been to hasten the demise of the internal combustion engine and the chirpiest assessments have been how EVs will save the planet.
From California to New York state to the federal government and internationally, the powers...
Reuters helpfully checks Congress for slaveholding ancestors
Well, isn’t THIS fun! It’s like an episode of “Finding Your Roots,” only no one asked them to do it.
And go figure.
Couldn’t possibly be an ulterior motive, could there?
Then, when a Reuters rep contacts a justice, senator or congressman to say, “We’re here...
Sweden has had enough of NetZero, tack så mycket*
* that would be “thanks so much” in Swedish
And they HAVE had enough. The Swedish jettisoned the EU’s climate agenda this weekend, preferring to do it their way.
Meanwhile in Sweden where net zero plans envisioned by the International Energy Agency (IEA) — which are the basis of...
Turns out the WHO is more Dr. Who villain than world Marcus Welby…e-who-is-more-dr-who-villain-than-world-marcus-welby-n560794…e-who-is-more-dr-who-villain-than-world-marcus-welby-n560794
Anyone need a super villain who looks like the kindly, befuddled physician next door?
I got yer guy right here.
Cuddly little China tool wants to take over the world and it sure seems as if a whole lot of WEF/globalist types want to let him have it....
Summer is real hot in Texas for the first time ever
Hot days in Texas? In the summer?
A couple things got me to musing on this phenomena of “summer heat.” One was the fact that what ever happens in Texas usually heads our way a day or two later. I used to call my Daddy’s weather reports from Cleburne...
Lucky them: Spending big bucks on a Green Marshall Plan for Africa…ending-big-bucks-on-a-green-marshall-plan-for-africa-n560213…ending-big-bucks-on-a-green-marshall-plan-for-africa-n560213
Holy crap – these arrogant know-it-alls in their private jets just never learn. And – of COURSE – they’re not doing it via Zoom or, say, taking the 9:15 commuter they want us all on to Poughkeepsie.
Climate change is driving world leaders to...
Merrick Garland had his brown shirt on today
The pencil necked prevaricator looks great in authoritarian, doesn’t he? Mocha suits him.
What the Attorney General of the United States was doing at the podium, and doing really poorly in the sense of a “public servant” of a free and transparent Republic, was responding to press inquiries about...
Don't need no Don Quixote cuz the windmill biz already tilting
Apologies to the gentle hero of de Cervantes classic novel (which I’m supposing no one will soon be allowed to read, as it consists of a privileged white man, a servant, an oppressed beast of burden, and obsessive acts of violence against a renewable energy source).
This morning was...
Why does Elie Mystal get a hateful racist pass?
I’m serious.
I thought words were violence to this crowd.
Now, what would happen if someone was momentarily curmudgeonly enough to suggest taking Mr Mystal out to the wreck to sleep with the fishes – ridiculous, obviously, because he'd float like a cork – but just sayin'?
Mayor of Atlantic City hands out scholarships from COVID funded fund named after? The mayor of Atlantic City…d-funded-fund-named-after-the-mayor-of-atlantic-city-n559853…d-funded-fund-named-after-the-mayor-of-atlantic-city-n559853
I Schlitz you not.
It was festivities and celebrations all around, Tuesday, when the city of Atlantic City, NJ proudly feted the inaugural recipients of the city’s college scholarship fund.
#NEW Officials visited Atlantic City High School on Tuesday morning to celebrate a group of seniors who have been...
It can get awkward when EMS breaks up your little drag party
Public housing has its own issues and always has. While it’s nice to have a roof over your head, very often the people who need it most are also the ones who are victimized the most when they get into a “project” or subsidized housing. The underachievers and ne’er do...
Bongbong bong BONG! Intel building new chip "foundries"
Checking CNBC quickly this afternoon I got a little confirmation on a topic I hit yesterday – about American businesses de-risking and decoupling their manufacturing and supply dependencies from China and/or generally unstable, unfriendly areas. Yesterday, Raytheon’s CEO was saying it’s going to be just too much trouble, while...
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine
As Curly says, “Day ain’t over yet.”
But I’m still here.
You, too?
Had a sneaking suspicion we might be, but thought I should check in with y’all.
I looked to see if the Princess of Doom had posted anything to mark the...
Missing sub CEO wouldn't hire the uninspirational "50 yr old white guys" who are out there looking to save him now…white-guys-who-are-out-there-looking-to-save-him-now-n559513…white-guys-who-are-out-there-looking-to-save-him-now-n559513
This developing story is rapidly veering from background noise for a truly horrific accident to “no way that’s possible” to “YGTBFKM, that’s damn near criminal negligence.” All while a 5 people’s lives still – if they’re alive – hang by a thread, and the merest one at that.
Raytheon CEO wishes he could help out, "decouple" from China but it's just too hard…out-decouple-from-china-but-its-just-too-hard-so-no-n559376…out-decouple-from-china-but-its-just-too-hard-so-no-n559376
It turns out we are so wedded to the Chinese, that our own defense sector, while they may be able to “de-risk” – the “it” word of the moment – absolutely find it well-nigh impossible to “de-couple,” in the Gwyneth Paltrow sense.
So we are being told as of...
Army Sec Wormuth says we're way wrong worrying about WOKE warriors…uth-says-were-way-wrong-worrying-about-woke-warriors-n559317…uth-says-were-way-wrong-worrying-about-woke-warriors-n559317
And all that whining about “woke” is messing up her schweet, SCHWEET recruiting numbers, doncha know?
So she’s come up with a snappy new saying…
…and, now, GOP – please ZIP IT.
…Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said on Tuesday that she is concerned...
'Scuse me, WHUT? Missing Titanic tourist sub "homemade"? Was already "lost" once before?…ic-tourist-sub-homemade-was-already-lost-once-before-n559191…ic-tourist-sub-homemade-was-already-lost-once-before-n559191
Call me CRAZY, but at $250K a tourist toodle in this thing, I’d want to see Coast Guard and deep water submersible safety certificates and all the nit picky details about crush pressures, etc.. Especially since my odds of surviving even a teensy mishap at THIRTEENTHOUSANDSFEETBENEATHTHESURFACE would be miniscule....
How many children are going to die of malnutrition so we can validate trans #feelz…o-die-of-malnutrition-so-we-can-validate-trans-feelz-n563128…o-die-of-malnutrition-so-we-can-validate-trans-feelz-n563128
Okay. I’ve about had it with this nonsense.
Trans women are NOT women – not even remotely.
They are men.
I do not care how many hormones they pump into their sad, befuddled little bodies, how much silicone they plump their chests up with – or...
Biden's Ukraine policy is a cluster, alright
Well, hey – this news is fun.
Just In: The Biden Administration is expected to announce that they’ll be sending more weapons to Ukraine, including a cluster bomb that explodes and shoots clusters everywhere.
Just last year the admin said that use of this weapon would...
Green goodies like solar panel plants might be the snek oil sales of our time…panel-plants-might-be-the-snek-oil-sales-of-our-time-n563026…panel-plants-might-be-the-snek-oil-sales-of-our-time-n563026
Just ask New York state right about now.
Oh, wait – we don’t have to. The Wall Street Journal ran the numbers.
New York spent nearly $1 billion over the past decade on Elon Musk’s ambitious plan for what was supposed to be the largest solar-panel factory in...
New #mathz: Bidenomics not adding up to happy, happy, joy, joy
I started looking around a little harder yesterday after doing my post on Fourth of July cook-out costs in the era of Bidenomics. The conflicting numbers and media massaging of the same for the rosiest take on bad news had me wondering if there were some hard calculations already being...
Somehow we survived "world's hottest day" far
Holy smokes, were they hyperventilating about this yesterday on the evening news and they weren’t talking about gun fights at summer block parties in Democratically controlled hellholes.
Nope. Weather.
I notice CNBC jumped on the “We’re all going to die” bandwagon this morning.
World registers hottest...
Biden killing whales and raptors for wind, now using a lizard to shut down oil…raptors-for-wind-now-using-a-lizard-to-shut-down-oil-n562745…raptors-for-wind-now-using-a-lizard-to-shut-down-oil-n562745
This White House must get down on their knees and thank whatever Babylonian gods they worship when a weekend holiday rolls around. They can slide the shiv in just that quick and hope no one notices in all the hubbub of fireworks or finding a cubby full of blow in...
Cause and effect: San Francisco AirBnB bookings tanking
Should this be surprising to anyone?
I think not, but the city and residents sure seem to act as if it came out of left field.
Cathryn Blum has lived in her San Francisco home in Potrero Hill for nearly three decades. For the last 13 years, she...
So how much DID that 4th of July wiener roast really set you back?…id-that-4th-of-july-wiener-roast-really-set-you-back-n562605…id-that-4th-of-july-wiener-roast-really-set-you-back-n562605
Well, it certainly depends on who you ask and how friendly they are with the current administration.
I hadn’t realized there was such a disparity in the figures and reporting until Monday night. We watched, as always, the CBS Evening News (know your enemy) and there was the traditional...