Results for: Beege Welborn

Afghan betrayal: Marine snipers had suicide bomber in their sights, could not get permission to take him out…heir-sights-could-not-get-permission-to-take-him-out-n535757
– Oh, dear God. I am sick to my stomach and my heart is broken all over again. A Marine Corps sniper stationed at the Kabul airport the day of a deadly suicide attack wept on Wednesday as he described in horrific detail the chaos and bloodshed surrounding the U.S....
Britain's wind grid is a no-blow, switches to emergency coal to keep the lights on…low-switches-to-emergency-coal-to-keep-the-lights-on-n535700
– Ain’t it great when a very expensive plan comes together? This is a trip and one heckuva milestone to be proud of. The UK’s power grid called on a new back-up coal-fired reserve to generate power for the first time yesterday. This comes after the market failed...
Maryland Democrats befuddled about when children's brains mature…mocrats-befuddled-about-when-childrens-brains-mature-n535606
– Another day, another instance of Democrats stepping on their own messages. Today, we’ve got word that a Maryland delegate named Charlotte Cruchfield is introducing something called “HB1180 The Youth Safety and Accountability Act.” In Maryland, felony murder occurs when someone is killed while a felony...
Chuck Schumer has Big Mad about Tucker and the tapes
– It sure didn’t take long for the Senate majority leader to hot-foot it down to the Senate floor and wave his tiny, angry fist at the rhetorical sky. Chuck Schumer on Jan 6 footage released by Tucker Carlson: "Last night, millions of Americans tuned into one of the most shameful...
You know what this means files: Food CONSUMPTION may add 1° of warming by 2100…files-food-consumption-may-add-1-of-warming-by-2100-n535346
– Well…you can’t “consume” something that hasn’t been “grown” in some way, so you see where they’re going with this. If the problem is on the consumption end, we must be growing problematic things and ingesting too much of them. Greenhouse gas emissions from the way humans consume food could...
NYC mayor: Please remove all masks before engaging in criminal activity, thank you…masks-before-engaging-in-criminal-activity-thank-you-n535316
– What a difference a crime wave and tanking poll numbers make! Masks? To prevent robberies, “we are putting out a clear call to all of our shops, do not allow people to enter the store without taking off their face mask,” Mayor Eric Adams of New York...
Celebrity doctor writes another best selle...just kidding. He lifted a bunch of it…ther-best-selle-just-kidding-he-lifted-a-bunch-of-it-n535233
– Dr. David Agus has a pretty stellar medical reputation. His social credit score is even higher, especially if read through the lens of “knows all the right people/does all the right things”… Dr. David B. Agus is one of the world’s leading doctors and pioneering biomedical researchers. He is...
Iran may have found world's second largest lithium reserve
– Outside of the fact that finding reserves of a fairly rare element everyone is crazy to get their hands on, this report could probably be filed in the “Nothing but bad news/Why’d it have to be those guys?!” drawer. Iran says it’s discovered a massive deposit of lithium...
The AOC files: Progressives are all about everyone paying for stuff but them…ves-are-all-about-everyone-paying-for-stuff-but-them-n535101
– What happens when a Progressive princess really, REALLY wants to go to the ball, but no one’s invited her, and the bearded, sensitive lad she’s marrying doesn’t have the cha-ching? Why, if she’s an elected Progressive princess with chichi Congressional pizazz, she starts by wheedling a pair of golden...
Cheese wars update: Americans can make gruyère if they want to
– I had no idea this was a years-long battle, but ‘t’would seem so. A little cheesy history lesson is in order first. Dating from 1115, Gruyère has been made in different cantons (or member states) of the Swiss confederation. Gruyère; German: Greyerzer) is a hard Swiss cheese that...
Germans double down on cold and dark
– German chancellor Olaf Scholz sure fits the stereotypical stubborn Deutschlander. In the face of everything and all the pain Germany’s forced transition to renewables has cost his country, he is bound and determined to bullrush into an even more expensive and unstable future. These starry-eyed globalists are also willing...
Not so fast: CA NOT going to shutter nasty old Diablo Canyon nuke plant…going-to-shutter-nasty-old-diablo-canyon-nuke-plant-n534727
– What a difference falling flat on your renewable face time after time after time and again makes. Eventually, attitudes come around a teensy weensy bit. Recently, there was panic among nuclear advocates and premature celebration among anti-nuclear voices when @NRCgov correctly told @PGE4Me that they had to start a...
Knock it down: Albuquerque tries novel approach to crime fighting…n-albuquerque-tries-novel-approach-to-crime-fighting-n534684
– Reading a tweet this morning…I don’t know. It struck me that Albuquerque was taking the Lori Lightfoot approach to crime rates in the city. Hopefully, you remember what I mean by that allusion – when the almost-former, unlamented mayor of Chicago blamed Miracle Mile businesses for the string...
Snek meet tail: NY Times and reporters attacked for "eliminating trans people"…and-reporters-attacked-for-eliminating-trans-people-n534592
– What an interesting development in the TERF wars. It’s also hugely illustrative of how fluid the definition of “journalism” has become. From expecting a Merriam-Websterish, disinterested unbiased investigation and recitation of FACTS, journalism and reporting have transmogrified into a Bill Clintonesque state of being – it depends on...
Biden says he'll sign Senate bill overturning D.C. crime reforms
– This is news to almost everyone. I support D.C. Statehood and home-rule – but I don’t support some of the changes D.C. Council put forward over the Mayor’s objections – such as lowering penalties for carjackings. If the Senate votes to overturn what D.C. Council did – I’ll sign...
East Palestine: Sherrod Brown has himself a Norfolk Southern problem…sherrod-brown-has-himself-a-norfolk-southern-problem-n534405
– As freshman Ohio Senator J.D. Vance stepped to the forefront in the catastrophic aftermath of East Palestine’s train derailment – even earning quite a spread in the NY Times for his efforts on behalf of his fellow citizens – his Democratic senate mate, Sherrod Brown, skated through the whole mess...
YOICKS German defense minister: We don't have enough of anything to do anything…ister-we-dont-have-enough-of-anything-to-do-anything-n534175
– Germany’s new Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, has only been on the job for a shade over a month, and already he’s the shining star of the German government from a popularity standpoint. The well-documented stumbles of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s (whose ‘any guy’ face I could barely pick out of that...
U.S. Vice President formally congratulates MAN for living as a woman…ent-formally-congratulates-man-for-living-as-a-woman-n538365
– If this don’t beat all… YGTBFKM Okay, okay – I know it’s totally unfair to crack on the VP for the innocuous, completely worthless crap she writes or says. Lord knows POTATUS gives her little enough to do to keep her marginal intellect occupied as it...
Delusional BRAGGing: Michael Cohen, NY DA forgot who Michael Cohen is, Cohen's ex-lawyer informs Trump grand jury…l-cohen-is-cohens-ex-lawyer-informs-trump-grand-jury-n538261
– Great googly moogly – if this isn’t a case of grandiose egos exploding all over the city like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at the end of Ghostbusters – and twice as goopy – I don’t know what would be. In my best Noo Yawk accent, I ask ya,...
Asking for a friend - were we supposed to be giving Ukraine ALL our money and weapons?…posed-to-be-giving-ukraine-all-our-money-and-weapons-n538185
– Because honest to goodness, it sure seems like we’re doing both and at a cyclic rate. Monies upon monies. It’s not like we’re in any money trouble ourselves, but the clowns at the Treasury and Fed will just keep printing what Biden needs to cover his butt. When...
Looks like you don't have to go to Mexico to get killed on Spring Break…t-have-to-go-to-mexico-to-get-killed-on-spring-break-n538155
– Whatever happened to youthful exhuberance and “hijinks”?! Things are pretty bad when the days of rowdy drunks on the beach look peaceful and nostalgic compared to the absolute anarchy taking place in favored destinations. Now these…well, I mean, you can’t even really call them “kids” any more, can you?...
LA Times all "Why can't we be friends?" but can't give up that schweet, SCHWEET racism grift themselves…give-up-that-schweet-schweet-racism-grift-themselves-n538059
– I believe “racism,” while a vile, despicable, and utterly unconscionable thing in fact, which should be roundly and universally condemned when it is in fact encountered – in any shape or form. Racism, unfortunately, is also the drug of choice for Leftists, liberals, and Democrats. They turn to it for...
Groovy: Xi's new initiative "provides hope to heal the world in turbulence"…iative-provides-hope-to-heal-the-world-in-turbulence-n537634
– China’s Chairman Xi Jinping has been on a bit of a roll lately and it has got to be the kind of press he’s eating up. My goodness. A week ago and to everyone’s complete surprise, he was busy helping old foes mend fences in the Middle East....
Turkey will greenlight Finland's NATO bid
– At the end of the NATO summit in Brussels last July, both Finland and Sweden were invited to begin the process of joining the block. During a ceremony in Brussels, NATO ambassadors today signed the accession protocols that will move Finland and Sweden a step closer to joining the...
Dutch farmers on tractors gain political traction in shocking election victories…in-political-traction-in-shocking-election-victories-n537350
– Oh, this is gonna be Geweldig (GREAT)! A farmers’ party has stunned Dutch politics, and is set to be the biggest party in the upper house of parliament after provincial elections. The Farmer-citizen movement (BBB) was only set up in 2019 in the wake of widespread farmers’ protests....
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