Results for: Beege Welborn
I'm Not Saying It's Aliens...But It Might Be the Chinese
Golly, Nell – those Chinese are sure hard to keep an eye on. They’ve got their busy little fingers in surreptitious business all over the place.
From trying to elbow sovereign nations off of their own Pacific island territories to buying up American farmland and industry – what was...
'Icebreaker Wind' Dreams for Lake Erie Broken Up
Once upon a time in Ohio, there were big Green dreams afloat.
It all really got rolling back in 2012, when the feds wrote a honkin’ yuge check to the Lake Erire Development Corporation (LEEDCO) to see if they could pull off a pie-in-the-sky fresh water windfarm that...
Rhymes With 'Bunter Hiden': Who Got Caught Creepin' Onboard the POTATUS Chopper?…n-who-got-caught-creepin-onboard-the-potatus-chopper-n600151…n-who-got-caught-creepin-onboard-the-potatus-chopper-n600151
Wait a minute here…
What’s going on at the White House?
Is the “smartest guy” POTATUS knows suddenly persona non-grata as far as official records go?
It’s…*checks calendar*…Tuesday, and Biden and family just landed aboard Marine One on the White House lawn. Their rabid cadre of media...
If the Weather Outside Is Frightful, Pay Attention to Keep INSIDE Your EV Delightful…tful-pay-attention-to-keep-inside-your-ev-delightful-n600086…tful-pay-attention-to-keep-inside-your-ev-delightful-n600086
Welp…winter. It’s already tapped the freezing mark for us a couple of times here in the beautiful FL Panhandle, but we don’t have to live with it. We just get a taste, more’s the pity.
But for folks who live in areas where that thermometer takes a nosedive, I...
Knew It: The Real Problem? POTATUS Is Just Too Gosh Darn Energetic for His Own Geriatric Good…t-too-gosh-darn-energetic-for-his-own-geriatric-good-n599996…t-too-gosh-darn-energetic-for-his-own-geriatric-good-n599996
You heard it here first.
And I heard it from them.
🚨🚨NEW -> Biden's reluctance to acknowledge his physical limitations at age 81 is causing some tension on his team, as senior aides and First Lady Jill Biden push him to rest more and be vigilant about his health...
Baby, You Can Pay My Bills: 40% of Student Loans Borrowers Miss That First Payment…0-of-student-loans-borrowers-miss-that-first-payment-n599953…0-of-student-loans-borrowers-miss-that-first-payment-n599953
Ah, here we go. Just like we thought would happened. Almost like we wrote the script ourselves.
And all the excuses the Biden administration put together for absolutely forgiving student loan debt coming to life in one irresponsible package.
Of course, when you’ve already got a get-out-of-credit-report-jail-free...
Clarification: ERCOT *and Power Companies* Do Not Owe Texans Power During a Storm
We now have some accountability clarification from the court system over the disaster that hit Texas two winters ago. It kind of put me in the mind of the judgement that really all sort of shocked us after Parkland.
You know – the one where police have “no...
Illegals Hoboing Into US on Trains Causes Eagle Pass and El Paso Rail Bridge Shutdown…s-causes-eagle-pass-and-el-paso-rail-bridge-shutdown-n599807…s-causes-eagle-pass-and-el-paso-rail-bridge-shutdown-n599807
Like these illegal human swarms aren’t causing enough misery, now they’re shutting down international commerce because of them, too?
Trade is slowly coming to a standstill & our law enforcement officers are exhausted ahead of a demoralizing holiday season that will keep them working overtime. If there was ever a...
Houthi Shooty Red Sea Exit Shuffle Grows - US Navy Shows
It was only this past Friday when word came that two major shipping companies – Maersk and Hapag-Llloyd – were temporarily ‘pausing’ shipments through the Red Sea due to ill-mannered, Iranian-backed Houthi militias and their insatiable rocket and drone attack habits.
…This couldn’t come at a worse time....
Looking Like Sen Staffer Who Dissed Jewish Congressman Just About What We Figured UPDATE REDUX: FILM BUFF FIRED…dissed-jewish-congressman-just-about-what-we-figured-n599340…dissed-jewish-congressman-just-about-what-we-figured-n599340
A “delightful, well-bred young man who is a credit to his employer and his parents” is the first thing that springs to mind, right?
Maybe 20 years ago.
Lemme set the WayBack Machine, Sherman, for the halls of Congress – two days ago.
Congressman Max Miller, who...
Gov Employee on Official Travel? You Must Rent an EV or Ride the Rails…fficial-travel-you-must-rent-an-ev-or-ride-the-rails-n599313…fficial-travel-you-must-rent-an-ev-or-ride-the-rails-n599313
Whew, dawg – nothing like POTATUS padding the bottom line a little more besides the billions of dollars he’s already thrown at the Green schemers.
If you were on travel orders, this could almost be as painful as that frickin’ China-Flu shot, and just as ineffective.
White House...
Houthi Shooty Re-Routey: Maersk Telling All Its Ships to Avoid the Red Sea…ey-maersk-telling-all-its-ships-to-avoid-the-red-sea-n599269…ey-maersk-telling-all-its-ships-to-avoid-the-red-sea-n599269
Well, dang.
Two More Ships Struck By Houthi Missiles As Maersk Diverts All Tankers From Red Sea
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 15, 2023
This couldn’t come at a worse time.
Attacks from Houthi-controlled Yemen struck two Liberian-flagged ships in the Bab al-Mandab Strait on...
Gotcher Equity Right Here: ChiTown Mayor to Ensure EVERY Student a Loser…t-here-chitown-mayor-to-ensure-every-student-a-loser-n599210…t-here-chitown-mayor-to-ensure-every-student-a-loser-n599210
There’s nothing like having a rabidly progressive, bought-and-paid-for teacher’s union foot soldier as mayor of your city. Things are guaranteed to be as terrifically run, as uncontrollably chaotic, and as completely free of accountability as any school administration in the city’s district.
That’s how they jelly roll, and now...
While WH Admits We Still Need Oil & Gas, UK Says You Can Stop Breathing Now…till-need-oil-gas-uk-says-you-can-stop-breathing-now-n599134…till-need-oil-gas-uk-says-you-can-stop-breathing-now-n599134
Oh, the contradictions inherent in the climate cult.
For all the moaning about fossil fuels, anguished breast beating, and gnashing of vegan teeth scrubbed with carrot toothpaste, the Greenies did get awfully close to what they wanted out of COP 28.
Close, and yet so far.
Darn European Police Spoil Another Hamas Terror Party
Somebody call for a ceasefire, quick!!
MORE – The detained Abdelhamid Al A., Mohamed B., El-R, and Nazih R. are suspected of preparing a weapons depot for potential attacks on Jewish institutions, BILD reports.
— (@disclosetv) December 14, 2023
The scummy savages are going to...
Ft Collins CO Has the Creepiest School Trans-Gende...Sorry - 'Health & Wellness' Centers on Earth…l-trans-gende-sorry-health-wellness-centers-on-earth-n598973…l-trans-gende-sorry-health-wellness-centers-on-earth-n598973
Well, my goodness. What have we here?
Screencap @Erin4Parents
I came across a tweet this morning and, before I even read it or watched the video contained IN it (which had auto-started), the flag on the wall behind the desk caught my eye. That sort of thing just jumps out...
Snortin' Fire at Some GOP Names Who Voted 'Yea' on FISA Reauthorization and Wouldn't Kill It in the House…isa-reauthorization-and-wouldnt-kill-it-in-the-house-n598941…isa-reauthorization-and-wouldnt-kill-it-in-the-house-n598941
What in the Sam Hell is THIS all about, Senators Cruz, Cotton and Rubio?
Way too many Rs. I thought this was about Ds spying on Catholics and parents and such.
Or is that just me.
— Charles X Proxy™ (@Charlemagne0814) December 14, 2023...
Xi Making Kissy Faces at Vietnam: Promises to Love Them, Long Time…ssy-faces-at-vietnam-promises-to-love-them-long-time-n598891…ssy-faces-at-vietnam-promises-to-love-them-long-time-n598891
The Chinese chairman AND the missus are in Hanoi (She’s “super classy” you know). They’ve arrived on a major charm offensive, hoping to strengthen ties with the Vietnamese and help cement that area firmly in China’s corner.
China’s First Lady Peng Liyuan is super classy and is a great diplomat...
No Bigs: FedRes Signals Three - Count 'Em - THREE Rate Reductions in an Election Year…e-count-em-three-rate-reductions-in-an-election-year-n598872…e-count-em-three-rate-reductions-in-an-election-year-n598872
Don’t like #Bidenomics much? Hate those interest rates we’re all crawling along under?
Well, hold up, George – no need to be hasty, now. Brother Jerome just might see some light at the end of the Biden tunnel that isn’t a train.
It won’t...
Venezuela Shaking Angry Coconut Rattles at Guyana
Threats, threats, and more threats.
Venezuela’s President dictator, Nicolás Maduro, has been beside himself lately, blustering on about his neighbor on the southeast side, the tiny sliver of a country called Guyana.
Now, it’s not like Maduro doesn’t have anything to keep him occupied with his own...
First Cuts Are the Deepest: Ford Lightning Production and Small Town Council v Chinese Battery Plant…ction-and-small-town-council-v-chinese-battery-plant-n598705…ction-and-small-town-council-v-chinese-battery-plant-n598705
Yow and OUCH!
The knives are out at Ford’s EV division, and I sure hope their UAW members enjoyed the few weeks of living large they had before getting kicked to the #Bidenomics curb.
It turns out the shining star in the EV firmament Ford thought they had...
While We're on the Subject of Pathetic Academics...[insert eyeball roll]…he-subject-of-pathetic-academics-insert-eyeball-roll-n598616…he-subject-of-pathetic-academics-insert-eyeball-roll-n598616
Okay – I will be the first to admit this is a toss-away, but considering what we’ve been treated to with Harvard and the Poison Ivies, not to mention being at the mercy – for years – of the smug, self-anointed, over-educated elites of the world, these two “academic” papers...
Time for a Little CNBC Positive POTATUS Wishcasting
The news has been sad for POTATUS lately.
LIFE has been sad for POTATUS lately. He trips, he stumbles, he mumbles, economically bumbles – clomping his way determinedly on and off the stage of life in a moribund version of Nowhere Man without the poignant appeal of Boob....
Al-Reuters Says People Are Hungry in Gaza
Gosh. This was a heart-wrenching headline in my little Reuters email this morning:
Israel assaults southern Gaza as hunger tightens grip
GAWD those Israelis are mean as sneks, aren’t they?
Israeli tanks and warplanes struck at southern Gaza on Tuesday, while the United Nations said aid supplies...
What Do You Have to Do to Get Fired From Harvard? UPDATE
This is the most astonishing thing.
Harvard PRESIDENT Claudine Gay is going to keep her schweet, schweet gig.
She held on in the face of that ghastly, arrogant, heartless, anti-Semitic performance before Congress with the other “Poison Ivies.” The one where Ms Gay repeatedly refused to...