Results for: Beege Welborn

It's the "Lazy Girl" life for me!
– I had never heard of this apparently latest and greatest thing and I am IN, I tell you. Someone tell Ed for me. I’m too busy chillin’ to be bothered… The ‘Lazy-Girl Job’ Is In Right Now. Here’s Why. Rather than lean in, young workers say they want jobs...
Counting coups in Africa, Niger edition
– Things in Africa are getting ugly again. On Wednesday, members of the Niger’s presidential guard detained the country’s president – Mohamed Bazoum – and declared they would be handling things from here on in. …Bazoum was confined in Niamey on Wednesday by members of his presidential guard, who...
Excuse me, sir - is that a chip in your cheese?
– Considering what’s at stake these days – when you’ve come up with something really great and how little time it takes for some thieving skunk to steal the idea or knock it off with a cheap imitation – it’s no wonder purveyors of some of the world’s most treasured foods...
What does San Francisco do when buildings aren't worth the real estate taxes owners are paying?…arent-worth-the-real-estate-taxes-owners-are-paying-n572167
– Ah, San Francisco. The news just keeps getting worse every time they turn around. As of April this year, downtown office vacancies had already reached an astonishing 30%. The news and the numbers are grim for Downtown San Francisco’s office market—and no one can say...
UAW: 46% pay raise sounds about right for starters
– And here I thought UPS vs the Teamsters was exciting – WOWSAHS. The United Autoworkers contract expires on 14 September, and they are gearing up for a walk out, giving auto makers no wiggle room for contract tapdancing. They’ve also change their tactics. Where they used to pick one...
The beatings will continue until the groveling improves
– For every step we take forward in the fight against wokeness and trans tyranny of the minority, there are those who seem to redouble their efforts to impose their will and the insistence that we bow to their fantasy existence. For every Matt Walsh, J.K. Rowling, Riley Gaines, David...
Mayor Adams: It ain't fair, I tell ya!
– Aw, man – cat fight in Gotham! It looks like the illegal “migrants” who have made their way to New York City – both at the invitation of New York’s mayor Eric “Sanctuary City” Adams and courtesy of bus rides to blue paradise from helpful Republican governors – have...
Shake-up in pharmacy world
– CVS pharmacies got a bit of nasty news today from Blue Shield of California. The non-profit health insurer notified the pharmacy giant it would no longer be needing its Caremark services for its Blue Shield members – its 4.8M members. Shares of CVS Health plunged 8% on Thursday...
RIP Snow White
– Growing up, being a princess used to be something to look forward to for some girls. Who wouldn’t want the beautiful dress, the schweet crib, often times furry animal friends, or small human ones. Magic, wands, witches, ogres, gnomes sprites, and fairies. Even before the advent of video, fairy...
Aaannnddd...Germany moonwalking that "2% of GDP NATO pledge" thingee…ermany-moonwalking-that-2-of-gdp-nato-pledge-thingee-n571778
– First you see it… Screencap Reuters Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday Germany would sharply increase its spending on defence to more than 2% of its economic output in one of a series of policy shifts prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. …”We will have to invest more in...
Life comes at you fast: Nuclear goes down, emissions go up, activists hardest hit…lear-goes-down-emissions-go-up-activists-hardest-hit-n571663
– Cue the keening climate cultish chorus, and let the lamentations commence. The California Energy Commission and – for whatever reason – the State Water Resources Control Board have voted to commute the imminent death sentences of three CA coastal, gas fired power plants. They are extending their steamy...
The kinda guy on the subways Mayor Adams ignores when he asks why you're not riding them…adams-ignores-when-he-asks-why-youre-not-riding-them-n571722
– Late Sunday night, very few people were headed through to the Herald Square subway platform in New York City. Headed to work, home or wherever – just wanting to get where they’re going, safely, quickly, no hassles. Don’t look at anyone, get on the train. A 76-year-old travel...
Been almost a month enforcing San Diego's homeless ban
– In June, the San Diego City Council passed a controversial ordinance targeted at addressing the homeless population exploding on their streets. The San Diego City Council voted 5-4 on June 13 to adopt a controversial policy to ban homeless encampments on public property after hearing hours of public...
I won't blame woke, but sales missed their Target
– A couple of major retail players announced their second quarter earnings this morning. The sales arrow went whizzing by the red and white circle stores… Looks like a big topline miss and a big bottom line beat from TGT.. — Frog Capital (@FrogNews) August 16, 2023...
Disney in more hot water: Hiding "hundreds of millions of dollars" from 'Avatar' sequel financier…of-millions-of-dollars-from-avatar-sequel-financier-n571481
– Oh, man – this couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of low-lifes. Hollywood financer TSG Entertainment is suing Disney for breach of contract. The suit filed Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court alleges that Disney and its studio 20th Century Fox committed a number of transgressions, including withholding...
"Blade Runners": Anti-Ultra-low-emission-zone camera ninjas messing up London mayor's big plan…zone-camera-ninjas-messing-up-london-mayors-big-plan-n571446
– Now, I would never be one to encourage civil disobedience or applaud outright vandalism…but. Well. The niceties aside, this is pretty damn funny. You push people far enough – as London Mayor Sadiq Khan and the U.K. NetZero climate cultists have been doing unrelentingly – and, if there’s...
180° out: Environmental groups suing Puerto Rico over renewable projects…tal-groups-suing-puerto-rico-over-renewable-projects-n571396
– This was kind of a hoot and a real switcherooski from the usual way these things go. Activists and environmental groups including the Sierra Club sued Puerto Rico’s government Monday over the planned location of dozens of renewable energy projects meant to ease the U.S. territory’s power woes....
Mahalo: FEMA's Maui relief efforts to be "culturally responsive"
– What does “culturally responsive” even mean? FEMA ADMINISTRATOR CRISWELL: "We are working with our state and local partners to ensure that our outreach and our messaging is also culturally responsive." — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 14, 2023 Hopefully it’s not merely a more artfully phrased version...
Judge in MT rules 5 yr olds have standing to sue for climate #feelz…les-5-yr-olds-have-standing-to-sue-for-climate-feelz-n571207
– My head hurts. Breaking news: In the first ruling of its kind nationwide, a Montana state court decided Monday in favor of young people who alleged the state violated their right to a “clean and healthful environment” by promoting the use of fossil fuels. The court determined that...
Thinking outside the Chicago box: How 'bout we just kill each other from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m.?…how-bout-we-just-kill-each-other-from-9-p-m-to-9-a-m-n571171
– I supposed there comes a time when things spiral so far out of control that the most laughable suggestion from the back of the room – probably said with a disgusted headshake and dripping in sarcasm – suddenly takes on a life of its own. I’m pretty sure that’s...
Conflicting signals from Niger consultations are confounding
– Ah, the tango rumbles on that is the dance to deal with Niger’s coup d’état. Trying to keep the news straight with press releases from official sources versus what those sources are saying when they get in front of cameras for their own purposes? Damn near impossible. Al Jazeera...
This carbon dioxide capturing thing is getting goofy expensive
– I’m not sure if you all are keeping up with the grifters lately, but there’s a lot going on and a lot of money going into it. In fact, the sucking sound you hear isn’t that nasty CO2 being siphoned from the air to save all of us....
SBF lost his "Stay Out of Jail" card
– Gosh. I wonder if they only pushed this because everything’s blowing up over David Weiss, Merrick Garland, and the Special Counsel caper? Poor Sam Bankman-Fried. What a day to be the guy in court when prosecutors all over are trying to prove how tough, unbiased, and unfriendly they can...
Canadian govt wants fossil fuels mostly gone by 2035, put out by mostly "NO" reaction…ls-mostly-gone-by-2035-put-out-by-mostly-no-reaction-n570689
– It seems that Steven Guilbeault, the Environment Minister of Canada, isn’t a popular as he thinks he should be, what with saving the world and all. His “suck it up, Shriners” message, announced yesterday as part of the Trudeau government’s draft regulations to move Canada ever closer to NetZero, have...
Ecuador so off the rails that Colombians are killing Ecuadorian presidential candidates…bians-are-killing-ecuadorian-presidential-candidates-n570592
– Ecuador has had its time in the sun until these past few years. Once considered one of the safest, most stable, and rising South American democracies, in the past five years Ecuador has squandered that promise. Rising narco-trafficking and the unholy violence associated with it has permeated the country, unimpeded...
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