The First Trans Person Nominated for an Oscar is Being Canceled Over Tweets

Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP, File

Pop quiz, hotshot. What film has the most Oscar nominations this year?

If you guessed Emilia Perez, you're correct. This musical has been nominated for 13 Academy Awards. If you've never heard of Emilia Perez that's because you're not a woke Academy Award voter. They, and the buzzing mass of left-wing film reviewers who follow them, seem to be the only people on earth who like this film. 


But in a hilarious twist, the movie which is garnering epic Oscar buzz is now in danger of being canceled. The reasons why will shock and amaze you. Real life once again proves it is stranger than fiction.

If I asked you to name a musical that came out last year you would probably think of Wicked which has made about 3/4 of a billion dollars at the box office. I actually saw that one on Christmas Day and wrote about it here. Wicked is very much a leftist fairy tale about how every good person should grow up to become a social justice warrior. It's so left wing that left-leaning filmmaker Adam McKay suggested it could be banned one day. But wokeness aside, it did have a big budget and some big stars and people who can really sing.

But Hollywood has decided that a little musical no one has seen and even fewer people have liked was the musical breakout smash of the year. Why? Here's a description of the plot of Emilia Perez.

Emilia Pérez tells the story of high-powered lawyer Rita (Zoe Saldaña) who takes on an unexpected assignment: helping a Mexican cartel leader (Gascón) fake their death and undergo gender-affirming procedures. 

Just like that, this masterpiece has been nominated for 13 Academy Awards, the same number as 2017 Best Picture winner The Shape of Water. The film is getting all of Hollywood's love despite the fact that Academy Voters seem to be the only audience that likes it. Rotten Tomatoes reviewers gave it a score of 74%, which is middling, but you know the only reason it came in that high is because left-wing movie reviewers didn't want to say out loud that a film about trans people was bad. Meanwhile, the audience score is a dismal 19%


Of course these days you have to allow for the possibility of review bombing on a movie like this. But even if you assume the truth is somewhere in the middle, the average of those two scores is 46%. I haven't seen Emilia Perez but I have seen a clip that circulated online and, having seen it, 46% may be generous.

What a crowd pleaser!. And what's up with the color grading? Are we back in Oz?

Now, as stories go the story of Emilia Perez is pretty good so far: A terrible trans musical has been nominated for more Academy Awards than the Godfather and Schindler's List. But what really brings this story to 11 is that the left also hates this movie. GLAAD has criticized it as a step back for trans representation.

At first glance, it would seem progressive for a film about a trans person to win multiple Oscars, as an openly trans actor is yet to win an Academy Award. But critics say the film doesn't uplift the community, partly because it includes transphobic tropes, such as describing a transwoman as "half male/half female."

In November 2024, the LGBTQ advocacy group GLAAD called the film "a step backward for trans representation" and shared several negative reviews from critics who are trans.

And that brings us to the recent discovery that the star of the film, the first trans person nominated for an Academy Award, turns out to be a right-wing hater!

In one of the posts on X, which were published in Spanish and shared in screenshots by the journalist Sarah Hagi, Gascón wrote that Islam was “becoming a hotbed of infection for humanity that urgently needs to be cured.” In another, she wrote that “the religion is INCOMPATIBLE with Western values.”

Gascón also described [George] Floyd as a “drug-addicted con artist” in a 2020 post criticizing people who were protesting his deadly arrest by police officers. Later that year, during the coronavirus pandemic, she wrote that “the Chinese vaccine, in addition to the mandatory chip, comes with two spring rolls.”


Co-star Zoe Saldana seems to be in shock.

“I’m still processing everything that has transpired in the last couple of days, and I’m sad,” the actress Zoe Saldaña said during a Q&A in London on Friday in response to a question from moderator Edith Bowman about the recent revelation of bigoted tweets by her Emilia Pérez co-star Karla Sofía Gascón

Gascon, the star of the film, wasn't there. Saldana went on to explain why she is sad:

"It saddens me that we are having to face this setback right now. But I’m happy that you’re all here and that you’re all still showing up for Emilia because the message that this film has is so powerful and the change that it can bring forward to communities that are marginalized day in and day out is important. And all that I can attest is that all of us that came together to tell this story, we came together for love and for respect and curiosity, and we will continue to spread that message. That’s all we can say right now. Thank you."

They made a left-wing message movie and now it's backfiring on them at the worst possible moment. It's almost unbelievable, to the point that some have speculated the journalist who revealed these tweets was a plant by a rival studio. But no, she's a Muslim who believes deeply in the power of cancel culture to take down racist bigots.

Some might argue that digging up old tweets is an example of “cancel culture” looking to “cancel” the next person.

I entirely disregard those people intellectually on every level. 

And to be fair, she has a point. Hollywood is trying to have this both ways. They nominated this dreck solely because it was progressive. That was it's chief quality. Now that the star isn't really progressive why are they sticking with it?


So, do you believe her Oscar nomination should be rescinded?

Absolutely! Especially in today’s climate. The same way they’re calling her film “important” or whatever vague terms are used. It’s just as important to show this is an example of what shouldn’t fly on a global stage. What message is that sending? Are you going to tout a movie around as being “important” and “historical” and then have the star of it say the vilest and racist things? This isn’t controversial; it’s blatant racism. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t have your “representation pick” show how progressive an institution is and then have no consequences for a person who is the opposite of that.

There is an answer of course to my question. Hollywood hasn't abandoned Emilia Perez because a) the about face would be embarrassing to those who supported it and made it and the Oscars itself, and b) it would be an admission that the only thing that matters is leftist cred. If you have it, you win all the awards, if you don't have it you get nothing but this curt dismissal.

What would you say directly to Gascon?

Nothing. She’s just another racist.

I think most people reading this already know that the Oscars is little more than a left-wing rubber stamp. The best progressive message film of the year goes to...Emilia Perez!

Seeing this blow up in Hollywood's face is going to be epic. The Oscars are this Sunday. The votes have alreadly been cast. It's too late to back out of awarding this "problematic" dumpster fire of a film a host of golden awards for excellence. People connected to this show are suddenly wishing for the good old days when an Oscar winner slapped the crap out of the show's host on national TV. This year is shaping up to be even more of an embarrassment.


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