Reporter who wrote unflattering story on pride parade blames march organizers for robbing her of a job

Last month, a reporter for a Chicago publication called the Windy City Times wrote a story about a pride parade known as the “Dyke March” taking place in the city. The story became controversial because it described how women who were carrying pride flags with the Jewish star on them were ejected by march organizers.


The story took another turn when Gretchen Rachel Hammond, the award-winning reporter who wrote the story, was suddenly demoted to a job in the Windy City Times’ sales office. When her demotion became news last week, Hammond would only say that she could not talk about what had happened to her. “To keep what job I have, I can’t comment on it,” she told the Times of Israel.

Today, Hammond responded to the Dyke March’s organizers on Twitter, first blaming them for robbing her of her job and then saying she would not comment on the decision made by her employer:

Obviously, Hammond is in a tough spot here. She can blame the march organizers but can’t turn on her employer or she would likely lose what is left of her job. But her initial claim that the march organizers “robbed” her of her position as a reporter comports with a story published by Haaretz last Friday in which, Miriam Churchill, one of Hammond’s friends blamed her demotion on pressure coming from the March organizers:


Churchill said the barrage of social media attacks Hammond suffered following the publication of her report was particularly harrowing “because she is half-Indian, and she faced a lot of racism in England – it reminded her of feeling powerless.”

Hammond “basically feels like she was bullied into leaving social media,” Churchill claimed. “From what I can gather, upon seeing the story, the Dyke March organizers became very defensive, so there was a lot of pressure from them and their friends for Gretchen to change what she was saying.”

Hammond’s supervisor specifically asked her to cover the people who were ejected from the march, but now tells Haaretz her demotion “was in no way a response to anything that came in from outside.” Of course she knows Hammond is under orders not to contradict her on this point. She also won’t say what the demotion was the result of, citing Hammond’s privacy.

Whether her boss is willing to say so or not, it looks like Hammond was demoted because the march organizers turned on her and pressured her publication.

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John Sexton 5:30 PM | September 14, 2024