Alexandria Ocasio-Corbyn?

This is what it looks like when digital know-nothings play the politician. For a socialist, Ocasio-Cortez gives good management-speak. She appended a purple heart to this memo to the everyday people. This shows that her undying compassion extends even unto the one percent of touchy Zionists, and also that she felt a little wounded by the suggestion that she was either an idiot or a fellow-traveler with anti-Semites. Of course, she couldn’t be. She’s far too young and perky for that. It’s just that the company she keeps is that of ‘everyday people’ like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib — and now Jeremy Corbyn.


Since 2016, the Democrats have hurried down the path that Britain’s Labour has followed since 2008. The Democrats are playing the same game of ethnic coalition-building as Labour and the left-wing parties in Europe. They are also heading leftwards on the economy. The hatred of Jews is foundational to the anti-liberalism and anti-capitalism of the radical left. It is also foundational to the Muslim societies that Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar come from, and alarmingly popular among African Americans and recent Hispanic immigrants, two groups vital to Democratic electoral strategy. This is why the Democrats have developed what used to be called a ‘Jewish problem’ — which is to say, representatives and voters who have a problem with Jews, and a DNC unwilling to do anything about it because that would cost votes.

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