House Dems to Columbia Board: End. This. Now.

A crew of House Democrats—21 in total—just sent a letter to Columbia's board of trustees telling them it's time to "act decisively" and that they're disappointed that "Columbia University has not yet disbanded the unauthorized and impermissible encampment of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish activists on campus….


"If any Trustees are unwilling to do this, they should resign so that they can be replaced by individuals who will uphold the University's legal obligations under Title VI," the legislators wrote. ...

But one theme made apparent by the Columbia encampment, and by Harvard's Claudine Gay scandal before it, is that university administrators are finally receiving scrutiny they've long deserved[.]

Ed Morrissey

Here's another theme that's also emerging at the same time: the indoctrination of young adults in Academia haa largely served as a brainwashing effort that benefited Democrats. But now it's getting too radical and the schools are producing Marxist cult members that are no longer fitting into Democrats' coalitions. In fact, they're becoming an embarrassment, and worse than that, an indictment of the entire Left.

This is a warning shot from House Democrats to all leaders in Academia to get this back under control ... and once again make it a cult for Democrats rather than mullahs and Marxists. 

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