How This Works: Hamas Terrorists Refuse to Provide a List of LIVING Hostages, So It's Israel's Fault Ceasefire Talks Collapse

Israel will not be sending a negotiating team to Cairo, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Sunday, after receiving an unsatisfactory response from Hamas on the latest framework for a hostage deal hammered out in Paris last weekend.

The Gaza-based terror organization refused to address Jerusalem’s demand to provide a list of living hostages and to lock down how many Palestinian prisoners Israel must release for every hostage freed, added the official.

Hamas’s position was conveyed to Israel through Qatar.

According to Channel 12, the war cabinet and the professional echelon all agreed that there was no point in sending a delegation to Egypt for ongoing talks given Hamas’s response.

Beege Welborn

Wipe these scummy bloodsuckers out. Just get it done.

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