Too Weird to Check: Plastic Surgeons Routinely Upsize Breast Implants Without Consent?

Candice Barley, “an actress, documentary photographer, and patient advocate for women with breast implant illness,” came on the Skinny Confidential Him & Her Show to discuss the unexplained illnesses associated with breast implants.


She revealed something incredibly unsettling to hosts Lauryn and Michael Bosstick: Doctors are giving oversized implants to their patients – even though they did not ask for them.

“So, this is what we are all told across the board: That women are always going to wish that they had gotten bigger implants,” Barley explained. “And to save you money and time, these surgeons, who – their whole business is based on making money – say, ‘I’m just going to forego you having to worry about wanting bigger implants later, and I’m going to go ahead and give you bigger implants.'”

[The host asks how that’s possible under consent laws. Short answer: It’s not, but someone has to file a lawsuit to deal with that issue, and perhaps women just aren’t inclined to do that after this surgery — assuming this is an actual systemic practice rather than just some isolated anecdotes. One has to wonder whether we’ll see TV ads for medical malpratice soon along the same lines as the ubiquitous mesothelioma spots that run constantly on cable channels. — Ed]

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